Draft:European arms initiative

  • Comment: We'd need more than one source. Qcne (talk) 17:48, 29 February 2024 (UTC)

European arms initiative was formed as result of depleting weapons and ammunition of Ukrainian Armed Forces during Ukrainian War. At first, proposal was presented by Czech president Petr Pavel, who claimed Czech Republic is able to provide 800 000 artillery shells for Ukrainian Armed Forces. This initiative is supported by Czech prime minister Petr Fiala and number of countries, include France, Netherlands, Belgium or Denmark, joined these efforts.Czech arms supportnovinky.cz report

According latest informations, first ammunition will soon arrive. https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/zahranicni-evropa-munice-od-cechu-uz-je-na-ceste-raduje-se-kuleba-40464048#dop_ab_variant=0&dop_source_zone_name=novinky.sznhp.box&source=hp&seq_no=1&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=z-boxiku&utm_source=www.seznam.cz https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/13/ukraine-russia-war-czech-artillery-155mm-shells-avdiivka/

well, its look like this article is dead. at least i tried do something good. hope someone will eventually do this.



Czech arms support novinky.cz report