Draft:Edelmiro Ramiro Castañeda Calderón

Edelmiro Ramiro Castañeda Calderón was an accomplished Guatemalan-Mexican economist and academic who significantly contributed to economics and demography—he was born on December 26, 1926, in Zacapa, Guatemala. His parents were Ezequiel Castañeda, a farmer, and Sara Calderòn, a seamstress. Castañeda had two siblings, Ofelia and Hector Neri. Castañeda left Guatemala at a young age to pursue graduate education in Economics at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional and embarked on a path of higher education and professional achievements that were both varied and impactful. After obtaining his degree in Economics and, later, a degree in Tourism. His academic journey continued with postgraduate studies in macroeconomics at the University of Minnesota, demographics in Paris, and master's degrees in environment and integrated development and public and business administration.

Academic and Professional Career


Castañeda was particularly passionate about education and his work on "Historia de las doctrinas de la población y la política demográfica[1]" reflects his deep interest in population studies. As a full-time professor at IPN, he taught and developed curricula in economic theory, macroeconomics, and demographics. He directed numerous professional theses and published articles and was an advocate for open education and distance learning, emphasizing the potential of technology in education before it was widely accessible. His commitment to education extended beyond the classroom as he participated in various congresses, courses, and lectures. He held key administrative positions at IPN, including being appointed the Dean of the Escuela Superior de Economía at IPN. His dedication to teaching and development in economics was recognized with numerous awards, including the prestigious "Juan de Dios Bátiz" prize.

Awards and Honors


Castañeda's professional career was marked by various roles, including economist and researcher at the Secretariat of Economy and diverse positions within the Secretariat of Industry, Commerce, and the Secretariat of Communications and Transport. He also served as an economist for the Economic Commission for Latin America at the UN and held executive roles in the aviation industry, reflecting his versatility and expertise.

Edelmiro Castañeda passed away in March 2007 in Mexico City, leaving a legacy of dedication to economic education and innovation in academic practices.

