Draft:Cathedral of Pennabilli

The cathedral of Pennabilli , also known as the cathedral of San Leone and seat of the parish of San Pio V, is the most important church in Pennabilli and cathedral of the diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro .

The Cathedral of Pennabilli was built by bishop Giovanni Francesco Sormani (1566-1601), after the Duke of Urbino , Guidobaldo da Montefeltro , probably in 1569, refused the Bishop and the Canons residence in San Leo, where it has always been the Cathedral of the Diocese. Following this ban, Pope Pius V allowed Bishop Sormani to transfer the prerogative of the Cathedral to Pennabilli and on 7 October 1577, convening the synod in Pennabilli, with the clergy present, he placed a cross where the main altar of the new Cathedral was to be built, naming it in San Leone.

A few days later the works began and the Bishop laid the first stone under which he deposited some coins of Saint Pius V. In 1580 the new church was at a good stage and in 1588 it was completed and consecrated; above the main door we read the inscription: “D.Leoni dicatum MDLXXXVIII - Joannes Franciscus Sormanus Eps. Feretranus aedificandum curavit”.

The church is built in the shape of a Latin cross . The current style is neoclassical .

The Cathedral was completely restored by Bishop Alfonso M. Andreoli and inaugurated on September 21, 1910. The façade of the Cathedral is in terracotta, and was completed in 1904, 50 years after the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, as the inscription in the center of the facade itself.

Bishop Monsignor Antonio Bergamaschi (1949-1966) carried out the first renovation and adaptation works to the provisions issued by the Second Vatican Council.

After thirty years Monsignor Paolo Rabitti begins the works that will lead to a radical restoration of the Cathedral: the reconstruction of the floor, the choir, the side chapels, the main door, and the total renewal of the altar, the ambo, the baptistery. the sacristy and access to the altar were renovated; an apse gallery without architectural barriers is created; the facade and bell tower are reinforced; the bishops' burial ground is created in the Rosary chapel.

The Cathedral is named after Saint Leo (San Leo), the parish after Saint Pius V, and the Immaculate Virgin Mary the co-patron of the Cathedral. The three patrons are depicted in the large canvas of the apse.

In 2006, on the wall to the left side of the altar, a canvas was added representing the Madonna delle Grazie of Pennabilli, protector of the Diocese, with the two diocesan patron saints San Leone, priest and San Marino, deacon.

