Draft:California Gaming Network

California Gaming Network

California Gaming Network (CGN) is a distinguished FiveM server community, established on January 15, 2021, in the aftermath of a schism between CaliRP and SACRP factions within the gaming community. CGN quickly garnered acclaim for its immersive gameplay experiences, vibrant community engagement, and commitment to excellence in the virtual world of Los Santos.


The origins of California Gaming Network can be traced back to a pivotal moment in the FiveM gaming landscape, marked by a profound division between two influential factions, CaliRP and SACRP. In response to this fracture, CGN emerged as a unifying force, dedicated to providing players with a dynamic and inclusive gaming environment. With its roots firmly planted in the spirit of innovation and collaboration, CGN embarked on a journey to redefine the standards of excellence in the realm of FiveM role-playing.


An integral part of CGN's early infrastructure was FalconEyeVPN, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service aimed at ensuring seamless connectivity and enhanced security for its members. Originally conceived as a means to safeguard the network's online operations, FalconEyeVPN played a vital role in maintaining the integrity of CGN's virtual ecosystem. However, as the network expanded its horizons and diversified its offerings, the decision was made to transition away from VPN services, allowing CGN to focus its resources on enhancing its core gaming experiences.

Server and Gameplay

At the heart of California Gaming Network lies its flagship FiveM server, CaliRP, a sprawling virtual metropolis teeming with life and opportunity. Renowned for its meticulously detailed environments, immersive role-playing scenarios, and dynamic gameplay mechanics, CaliRP offers players an unparalleled gaming experience set against the backdrop of Los Santos. Whether embarking on adrenaline-fueled pursuits through the city streets or indulging in leisurely pursuits amidst the tranquil countryside, players are immersed in a world of endless possibilities within the confines of CGN's virtual realm.

Furthermore, CGN remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and creativity within the FiveM community, regularly introducing updates, expansions, and new features to keep players engaged and enthralled. From custom vehicles and weapons to bespoke scripts and interactive events, CGN's dedication to providing a rich and immersive gaming experience knows no bounds.

Community Engagement

Beyond its virtual confines, California Gaming Network fosters a vibrant and inclusive community that transcends geographical boundaries. Through active participation in forums, social media platforms, and community events, CGN cultivates a sense of camaraderie, collaboration, and belonging among its members. Whether sharing tips and tricks, organizing impromptu gatherings, or collaborating on ambitious projects, the CGN community thrives on the collective passion and creativity of its diverse membership base.


As California Gaming Network continues to evolve and expand its influence within the FiveM community, its legacy remains firmly entrenched in the annals of gaming history. From its humble beginnings as a response to discord and fragmentation to its emergence as a bastion of innovation and camaraderie, CGN stands as a testament to the transformative power of community-driven gaming. With its unwavering commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and creativity, California Gaming Network remains poised to shape the future of FiveM gaming for generations to come.

California Gaming Network Servers Overview

California Gaming Network (CGN) boasts a diverse array of servers catering to a wide spectrum of gaming preferences and playstyles. From lenient public role-play to intense law enforcement simulations, each server offers a unique and immersive experience tailored to meet the needs of its players.

Server 1: Lenient Public Semi-Strict RP / PVP LOBBY

Server 1 embodies a dynamic blend of leniency and structure, providing players with the freedom to engage in both role-play and player-versus-player (PVP) activities. With a focus on semi-strict role-play guidelines, players can immerse themselves in a vibrant virtual world where spontaneity and creativity thrive. Whether embarking on thrilling pursuits through the streets of Los Santos or participating in impromptu social interactions, Server 1 offers an open playground for players to explore and interact with one another.

Server 2: Mild to Strict RP

A direct counterpart to Server 1, Server 2 maintains a similar framework while catering to players seeking a slightly more structured role-playing experience. Building upon the foundations of its predecessor, Server 2 implements additional role-play guidelines and regulations to foster a more immersive and cohesive gaming environment. From organized events and storylines to character development and community engagement, Server 2 provides players with the tools and opportunities to delve deeper into their virtual personas and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Los Santos.

CaliWorld: QBcore Economy Server with STRICT RP ONLY

CaliWorld stands as a testament to California Gaming Network's commitment to immersive and authentic role-playing experiences. Utilizing the QBcore Economy framework, CaliWorld offers players a meticulously crafted environment characterized by strict role-play guidelines and regulations. Drawing inspiration from the acclaimed NoPixel server, CaliWorld challenges players to embrace the intricacies of their virtual personas and immerse themselves in the vibrant and dynamic world of Los Santos. From entrepreneurial pursuits and economic ventures to interpersonal relationships and community dynamics, CaliWorld provides players with a platform to explore and experience the full spectrum of role-playing possibilities.

True Night FivePD:

True Night FivePD stands as the crown jewel of California Gaming Network, renowned as the premier law enforcement server within the FiveM community. Boasting the title of #1 FivePD server in FiveM for active players, True Night FivePD offers an unparalleled level of realism and immersion, setting the standard for law enforcement simulation experiences. With its meticulously crafted scenarios, interactive gameplay mechanics, and dedicated community of players and staff members, True Night FivePD provides players with the opportunity to step into the shoes of law enforcement officers and embark on thrilling patrols, investigations, and operations across the sprawling metropolis of Los Santos.

Each server within California Gaming Network offers a unique and immersive gaming experience, united by a shared commitment to excellence, innovation, and community engagement. Whether exploring the streets of Los Santos, enforcing the law as a dedicated officer, or forging new friendships within the vibrant virtual community, players are invited to join CGN and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of FiveM.