Draft:Cacophony the Animated Series

"Cacophony the Animates Series" is an Animated, Comedy, Adventure series that follows two main characters named Noob and Red who met and got stuck inside in a huge cave with a killer monster named Boon.



A character named Noob and his best friend Red as they explore an abandon road with a killer monster named Boon.



Sketch Animation is the company and creator of "Cacophony the Animated Series" who worked on season 1 until stopped in Episode 3, Season 2 which the show was cancelled but Alexander Sandoval Tapia (Known as TheBlue50) got the rights to work on the show from Sketch and now the show gets a completly comeback.

TV Rating


"Cacophony the Animated Series" is a Teen but also Adult Animated series that are not for kids in a younger age which the show has sexual refrences or acts, strong blood and gore, strong language and some jumpscares.

IMDb TV Rating Info

Sex & Nudity:

  • Mentions of making out, One refrence of a "blowjob", Once refrence of cum.

Violence & Gore:

  • Boon's face is literally made up of blood.
  • Often uses of blood, rare uses of gore.


  • Red swears often and Noob swears mildly.
  • Most curse words are very oftenly used through out the series
  • Uses of the words, "Bitch", "Asshole", "Dumbass", and "Shit". One use of the word "Fuck", and "Beaner".
  • They use some derogatory terms like "beaner" or could use term against alcoholics such as "Boozy", "Boozehound", and "Drunkard".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking:

  • Refrences of alcohol and in the series Red does drink

Frightening & Intense Scenes:

  • Boon and Red have violent battles.
  • Boon sometimes make disturbing faces with his face being made of blood.
  • Boon is literally seen as a corrupted noob and it might frighten young children (possibly people under 7 or 8.)

External Links
