1. Bot Factory
    • Bot Factory** is a simple Discord bot maker that allows users to dynamically add and remove custom commands. The bot provides a straightforward way to extend functionality within a Discord server.
    1. Features

- Add custom commands with custom responses. - Remove existing commands. - List all available custom commands.

    1. Prerequisites

- Python 3.8 or higher - `discord.py` library

    1. Installation

1. Clone the repository or download the source code.

  git clone <repository-url>
  cd bot-factory

2. Install the required Python packages.

  pip install discord.py
    1. Usage

1. Run the bot script.

  python bot_factory.py

2. Enter your Discord bot token when prompted.

    1. Commands

- `!add_command <command_name> <response>`: Adds a new command with the specified response. - `!remove_command <command_name>`: Removes an existing command. - `!list_commands`: Lists all custom commands that are currently available.

    1. Running on Replit

To use this bot on Replit, visit: [Bot Factory on Replit](https://replit.com/@calestialashley/Bot-Factory-3?s=app).

    1. License

This project is licensed under the MIT License