• Comment: This is the English language Wikipedia. Please write in English. Thank you, --Hammersoft (talk) 20:31, 16 February 2024 (UTC)

Bennie De Vet is a troubadour singer from Zeeland who performs in various cafes. He became known for songs such as 'Mals Gras' and 'De Cling'.

His family is very musically inclined. Bennie's wife, Anne, is the subject of the popular Clouseau song of the same name 'Anne'. His son, Toon, is a genius at playing the piano. He has golden fingers and an exceptional musical brain. He is studying to become a soldier and hopes to combine his two passions. He plans to install a piano in his army vehicle. See photo 1 for illustration.

If we are to believe one of the comments on Bennie's video, he is bullied every day by a certain M. De Meersman. He has a ginger cat he calls tiger. His game name is also based on this ('Luckymetiger').

