Thai: "อริยเมตตากุล"

Pali/Sanskrit: अरीयामेत्तकुला

Pronounced: A-ri-ya-met-ta-kun

Meaning: The Noble Family of Supreme Compassion/Karuṇā

The surname is phonetically harmonious with "Phra Sri Ariya Metteya" (Maitreya) to bring the highest auspiciousness to the family lineage and reflect the virtues of the family founder.

It also embodies the 'Ariya Metta Bhāvana' (Loving Kindness Meditation) in Buddhism, which conveys happiness, good wishes, kindness, generosity, and assistance. It represents a desire for the well-being and happiness of others, a love free from lust, originating from a virtuous heart, characterized by goodwill and benevolence towards all humans and animals.

"Ariyamettakula" surname was bestowed as a reward for family merits and contributions as a noble member of the Foundation under the Thai Royal Patronage, Mrigadayawan Summer Palace. The family efforts were aimed at preserving and restoring the Mrigadayawan Summer Palace.

Additionally, the family is committed to supporting and nurturing Buddhism, performing meritorious deeds in dedication to King Rama X and the royal family and the memory of all Siam/Thai monarchs and their royal family members.

