Draft:Archely Bissereth BIo

Archley Bissereth was born in Petit-Goave, Haiti. He is the son of two renowned businesses parents. He attended and completed most of his elementary at Frere Andre PaP where he was at the top 1% of his class. Then at the prestigious school of Notre Dame in Petit-Goave. Bissereth, at a young age, became interested in politics due to the fact that he came from a long lineage of politicians from the likes of Yvon Bissereth who was a former Haitian senator who was brutally murdered. They taught him and stressed the importance of participating in the political process and strongly believed Haitians deserve and can do better with the right leadership. Bissereth as an Independent attended several political gatherings across Port au Prince to foster unity through dialogue among different political groups.   In 2001, Bissereth moved to the USA to further his education and settled in the South Florida area. He then attended Palm Beach State College where he majored in Marketing. Having parents who were strong proponents of education and business. After completing his degree, he launched himself in the world of business,  His degree in marketing coupled with his parent business teaching, he built two multi-million dollar businesses in the insurance industry and Marketing. Although Bissereth  is managing several million-dollar enterprises, he is still not shy away from politics. He was one of the first leaders to sound the alarm on the corrupt de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry on the mismanagement of Haiti resources like funding gangs across the country. Bissereth has been credited as one of the principal driving force behind the resignation of Ariel Henry. Bissereth believes that a marriage of business acumen and his experience in the political sphere both in Haiti and abroad should be put to good use for Haiti. In a recent interviews accorded to a popular publication Vant Bef Info and Voice Of America, he cited that resolving Haiti's political problems requires a multi-faceted approach to rid Haiti of this perpetual crisis. 

  1. Political Stability: Fostering a stable political environment through transparent and inclusive governance, free and fair elections, and respect for democratic institutions.
  2. Economic Development: Promoting economic growth and reducing poverty through investment in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and job creation.
  3. Corruption Control: implementing robust anti-corruption measures, including accountability mechanisms, transparency in government operations, and prosecution of corrupt officials
  4. Foreign Relation: Leveraging international assistance and cooperation to provide humanitarian aid, support institutional capacity-building, and promote sustainable development
  5. Rule of law: Strengthening the rule of law by reforming the justice system, ensuring access to justice for all citizens promoting human rights protections, and stopping human rights violations.