Composition of the Spanish autonomous parliaments

Autonomous Parliament is the usual colloquial name given in Spain to the legislative power in each autonomous community. The autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla have assemblies without their own legislative capacity. The name in each community is established by the respective statutes of autonomy and depending on the community, the autonomous parliament is known as an assembly, courts or parliament. The 1978 Spanish Constitution refers to them as "assemblies" or "legislative assemblies" (for example, in article 152 [1]).

Title VIII of the Spanish Constitution regulates the executive, legislative and judicial powers in each community. Although the judicial system is not specific to the community, it is unique for all of Spain.[1]

In some autonomous communities, other subnational parliaments at a higher level than the municipality but lower than the autonomous community exist, such as the General Meetings of the Basque Country, the island Councils of the Balearic Islands, the Insular cabildos of the Canary Islands or the General Council of Aran. However, this parliaments are not considered as autonomous parliaments.

Composition of the autonomous parliaments

Composition of the Spanish autonomous communities' governing party

In the table below, the parties forming part of the state government are shaded and the party that won the most votes in the last election is also in bold.

Autonomous Parliament Seats
PP PSOE Vox Sumar IU Podemos C's Other parties Last election Next election
Parliament of Andalusia[2][3] 109
58 30 14 1[a] 1[b] 3[c] - 2 (Anticapitalistas) [d] 2022 2026
Cortes of Aragon[4][5] 67
28 23 7 - 1 1 - 3 (CHA) 3 (Existe)

1 (PAR)

2023 2027
General Junta of the Principality of Asturias[6][7] 45
17 19 4 1[e] 2[f] 1 - 1 (FAC) 2023 2027
Parliament of the Balearic Islands[8] 59
25 18 8 - - 1[g] - 1 (Sa Unió) 4 (Més) 2 (MxMe) 2023 2027
Parliament of the Canary Islands[9] 70
15 23 4 - - - - 19 (CCa)[h]

1 (AHI)[i] 3 (ASG)[j] 5 (NC)

2023 2027
Parliament of Cantabria[10][11] 35
15 8 4 - - - - 8 (PRC) 2023 2027
Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha[12] 33
12 17 4 - - - - - 2023 2027
Cortes of Castile and León[13] 81
31 28 13 - - 1 - 3 (UPL) 3 (SY) 1 (XAV) 2022 2026
Parliament of Catalonia[14][15] 135
15 42 11 6 - - - 35 (JxCat) 20 (ERC) 4 (CUP) 2 (AC) 2024 2028
Corts Valencianes[16][17] 99
40 31 13 - - - - 15 (Compromís) 2023 2024
Assembly of Extremadura[18][19] 65
28 28 5 - 2 2 - - 2023 2024
Parliament of Galicia[20] 75
40 9 - - - - - 25 (BNG) 1 (DO) 2024 2028
Parliament of La Rioja[21] 33
17 12 2 - 1[k] 1[l] - - 2023 2027
Assembly of Madrid[22][23] 135
70 27 11 27 - - - - 2023 2027
Regional Assembly of Murcia[24] 45
21 13 9 - 1 1 - - 2023 2027
Parliament of Navarre[25][26] 50
3 11 2 - 1[m] 2[n] - 5 (GSB/GSV) [o][p] 2 (EAJ/PNV)[q][r] 15 (UPN) 9 (EH Bildu) 2023 2027
Basque Parliament[27][28] 75
7 12 1 - 1[s] - - 27 (EAJ/PNV)[t] 27 (EH Bildu) [u] 2024 2028
Assembly of Ceuta[29] 25
9 6 5 - - - - 3 (MDyC) 2 (CY!) 2023 2027
Assembly of Melilla[30] 25
14 3 2 - - - - 5 (CpM) 1 (SML) 2023 2027

Other subnational parliaments


The following table contains the composition of the General Council of Aran, the General Meetings of the Basque Country, the cabildos and the Island councils. Although they are not considered as autonomous parlamients because they are subordinated to their respectives autonomous governments, these are elected bodies with their own governments.

General Council of Aran

General Council of Aran
Parties and alliances Seats
Unity of AranSocialists' Party of Catalonia (UA–PSC) 9
Aranese Democratic Convergence-Aranese Nationalist Party (CDA–PNA) 4

General Assemblies of the Basque Country

General Assembly of Guipuzkoa
Parties and alliances Seats
Euskal Herria Bildu (EH Bildu) 22
Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV) 17
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 7
People's Party (PP) 3
Elkarrekin Podemos (Elkarrekin) 2
General Assembly of Biscay
Parties and alliances Seats
Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV) 23
Euskal Herria Bildu (EH Bildu) 15
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 8
People's Party (PP) 3
Elkarrekin Podemos (Elkarrekin) 2
General Assembly of Álava
Parties and alliances Seats
Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV) 15
Euskal Herria Bildu (EH Bildu) 14
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 9
People's Party (PP) 9
Elkarrekin Podemos (Elkarrekin) 3
Vox (Vox) 3

Island Councils

Island Council of Mallorca
Parties and alliances Seats
People's Party (PP) 13
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 9
Vox (Vox) 5
Més per Mallorca (Més) 4
Proposta per les Illes (El Pi) 2
Island Council of Menorca
Parties and alliances Seats
People's Party (PP) 6
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 4
Més per Menorca (MxMe) 2
Vox (Vox) 1
Island Council of Ibiza
Parties and alliances Seats
People's Party (PP) 8
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 3
Vox (Vox) 1
Unidas Podemos (EUIB-Podemos) 1
Island Council of Formentera
Parties and alliances Seats
Sa Unió de Formentera (Sa Unió) 9
Gent per Formentera (GxF) 5
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 3

Cabildos Insulares

Cabildo Insular de Tenerife
Parties and alliances Seats
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 11
Canarian Coalition (CC) 10
People's Party (PP) 8
Vox (Vox) 2
Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria
Parties and alliances Seats
New Canaries (NC) 8
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 8
People's Party (PP) 7
Canarian Coalition (CC) 3
Vox (Vox) 3
Cabildo Insular de Lanzarote y La Graciosa
Parties and alliances Seats
Canarian Coalition (CC) 8
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 8
People's Party (PP) 4
New Canaries (NC) 2
Vox (Vox) 1
Cabildo Insular de Fuerteventura
Parties and alliances Seats
Canarian Coalition (CC) 8
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 5
People's Party (PP) 5
New Canaries (NC) 3
Municipal Assemblies of Fuerteventura (AMF) 2
Cabildo Insular de La Palma
Parties and alliances Seats
Canarian Coalition (CC) 11
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 5
People's Party (PP) 5
Cabildo Insular de La Gomera
Parties and alliances Seats
Gomera Socialist Group (ASG) 11
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 3
Iniciative for La Gomera (IxLG) 2
Canarian Coalition (CC) 1
Cabildo Insular de El Hierro
Parties and alliances Seats
Independent Herrenian Group (AHI) 4
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 3
Herrenian Assembly (Asamblea Herreña) 3
People's Party (PP) 1
United Left (IUC) 1



See also





  1. ^ (Por Andalucía)
  2. ^ (Por Andalucía)
  3. ^ (Por Andalucía)
  4. ^ AA
  5. ^ (CxAst)
  6. ^ (CxAst)
  7. ^ (United we can)
  8. ^ in government
  9. ^ in government
  10. ^ in government
  11. ^ (United we Can)
  12. ^ (United we Can)
  13. ^ (Contigo Zurekin)
  14. ^ (Contigo Zurekin)
  15. ^ (Geroa Bai)
  16. ^ in government
  17. ^ (Geroa Bai)
  18. ^ in government
  19. ^ (Sumar)
  20. ^ in government
  21. ^ 4 (Sortu), 4 (Alternatiba) and 2 (EA)


  1. ^ a b,territorial%20de%20la%20Comunidad%20Aut%C3%B3noma.
  2. ^ "Web del Parlamento de Andalucía".
  3. ^ "Parlamento de Andalucía".
  4. ^ Parlamento, Cortes de Aragón- (July 20, 2023). "Grupos parlamentarios".
  5. ^ Parlamento, Cortes de Aragón- (September 8, 2023). "Quiénes somos".
  6. ^ "Diputados y diputadas - Junta General del Principado de Asturias".
  7. ^ "Grupos parlamentarios - Junta General del Principado de Asturias".
  8. ^ "Parlament de les Illes Balears - Grup parlamentaris".
  9. ^ "Los grupos parlamentarios - Parlamento de Canarias".
  10. ^ Cantabria, Parlamento. "Grupos Parlamentarios del Parlamento de Cantabria". Parlamento de Cantabria.
  11. ^ palazuelo, cesar. "Diputados XI Legislatura". Parlamento de Cantabria.
  12. ^ "Composicion". Cortes de Castilla La Mancha.
  13. ^ "CCyL: Composición del Pleno de la Cámara a 29/10/2023 12:59:30".
  14. ^
  15. ^ Catalunya, Parlament de. "Grups Parlamentaris". Parlament de Catalunya.
  16. ^ "Grups parlamentaris | Corts Valencianes".
  17. ^ "Diputats i diputades | Corts Valencianes".
  18. ^ Extremadura, Asamblea de. "Grupos Parlamentarios XI Legislatura". Asamblea de Extremadura.
  19. ^ Extremadura, Asamblea de. "Diputadas/os XI Legislatura". Asamblea de Extremadura.
  20. ^ Galicia, Parlamento de. "Sitios dos grupos parlamentarios". Parlamento de Galicia.
  21. ^ "Grupos Parlamentarios — Parlamento de La Rioja".
  22. ^
  23. ^
  24. ^ "Conoce a los Diputados y Diputadas | Asamblea Regional de Murcia".
  25. ^ "Grupos parlamentarios | Parlamento de Navarra".
  26. ^ "Parlamento de Navarra".
  27. ^ "Eusko Legebiltzarra - Legebiltzarkideak eta organoak - Legebiltzarkideak - Alfabetoaren arabera".
  28. ^ "Eusko Legebiltzarra - Legebiltzarkideak eta organoak - Taldeak - Osaera".
  29. ^
  30. ^ "Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla - Composición de los Grupos Políticos".