Charles Joseph Lebouc (22 December 1822 – 6 March 1893) was a French cellist and composer.

Charles Lebouc

Career edit

Born in Besançon, Lebouc attended the Conservatoire in Paris where he studied under Olive Charlier Vaslin (1794–1889) and Louis Norblin, and later became a cello professor. He played chamber music. He also composed some pieces for the cello with piano accompaniment and wrote a Méthode complète et pratique de cioloncelle. He won a first prize at the Conservatoire in 1842 when he was a student of Auguste Franchomme, and a first prize in harmony in 1844 as a student of Fromental Halévy.

In later years he organised annual private concerts on Shrove Tuesday, and on one of these occasions, on 9 March 1886, the first performance of the Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saëns was given, in which Lebouc played the well-known cello solo, The Swan.[1]

Lebouc died in Hyères.

References edit

  1. ^ Sabina Teller Ratner (25 April 2002). Camille Saint-Saens 1835–1921: A Thematic Catalogue of his Complete Works Volume I: The Instrumental Works. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-816320-6. Retrieved 26 September 2012.