Category talk:United States Capitol/Archive 1

Archive 1


this site needs more information on the rooms and what happens in them. ive been having a difficult time finding these things. the capitol building is a symbol of our freedom, of our stands for all of the people who fought and died to make our country what it is today. the people who take bible reading adnare trying to take god out of the livess of the people are foolish. this is a country who needs god. without him we may as well be a communist country. we should still have teh freedom of choice. freedom of religion. but think of how unconstitutional it is to take away from those who want it most, god and public schools today bible reading and prayer are forbidden. this ,i believe, is one of the most unconstitutional things of all. it shows that our country is leaning toward a country free of god. all of you who see this should greatly consider how hypocritical you are to take these things out. the capitol building is a representation of our forefathers who realized a country without god isnt a country at all.