Category talk:Kurdish writers



Kovan Sindî is a Kurdish writer, poet and novelist. He was born in 1965, in Zakho (Zaxo) region, near by the city of Dahuk, Iraq. At the beginning of 1980s, he was involved in political activities within the secret organizations of Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq against the totalitarian Ba'ath Party role in Iraq. At the last of 1980s many of his friends were captured and executed by the Iraqi intelligence forces in Zaxo, but he escaped from the atrocity of Saddam Huseins government and became peshmerge "Kurdish military" in the same district. In August 1988, after the end of Iraqi-Iranian war, and during Al-Anfal Campaign against the Kurds, he emigerated to the northern Kurdistan in Turkey and lived in refugee camp in the city of Diyarbekir. In 1993 he emigerated to Germany, where he studied about one year German language at the University of Hamburg, and then he studied psychology at the university of Aarhus in Danmark, where he lives now. He write in his native language, Kurdish.


  • Çirayê Şev, Helbest, Duhok (2006).
  • Rojên Êtûn, Roman, 252 rûpel, Duhok (2007).
  • Nalînên Peravan, Roman, Bergê 1, Weşanên Han.Berlîn, Çille 2010, ISBN 978-3-940997-27-2
  • Nalînên Peravan, Roman, bergê 2, Weşanên Han,Berlin, Sibat 2011, ISBN 978-94040997-02 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum-3
  • Feryadên Burcan, Roman, ISBN, Weşanên J&J, Amed, 2014, ISBN 978-605-4852-48-2
  • Bagerên Reş, Roman, Weşanên J&J, Amed, 2016, ISBN 978-605-9302-37-1