Break with the Boss is a British television programme that aired in the UK on Living TV from 1 November to 20 December 2006. An eight part series which sees different bosses each week take three of their employees away on holiday, during which they will have to complete challenges. The show was hosted by Liz Bonnin.

Break with the Boss
Created byTwofour
StarringLiz Bonnin
Country of originUnited Kingdom
Original languageEnglish
No. of series1
No. of episodes8 will be shown in total
Running time60 minutes
Original release
NetworkLiving TV
Release1 November (2006-11-01) –
20 December 2006 (2006-12-20)

Bosses during the series

The Boss, The company and the location:
Order Boss Company Location of Holiday
01 Duncan Bannatyne Bannatynes Gyms Barbados
02 Ken Picton Ken Picton Salon Mallorca
03 Mark Simpkin Simply Group Tuscany
04 Martin King Eminence Leisure Portugal – Directed by Anna Keel
05 Mikey Murphy John Brown & Co Estate Agents Switzerland
06 Rachel Lowe RTL Games Prague – Directed by Anna Keel
07 Darryn Lyons Big Pictures New York
08 Jacqueline Gold Ann Summers Valencia