Agnew's theorem characterizes term rearrangements that preserve convergence of series. It was proposed by American mathematician Ralph Palmer Agnew.



Let p be a permutation of  , i.e., a bijective function  . Then the following two statements are equivalent:[1]

  1. For any convergent series of real or complex terms  , the series   converges to the same sum.
  2. There exists a constant K such that, for any  , p maps the interval [1, n] to a union of at most K intervals.



Let us split   in intervals:


where   and   for any  .

Let us also consider a permutation   composed of an infinite number of permutations   that permute numbers within corresponding intervals:


Since each   maps   to itself, it follows that   maps   to:

  1. itself, if   for some  , or
  2. the union of   and the image under   of  , if   for some  .

Hence, the total number of intervals in the image under   of   equals 1 plus whatever number of additional intervals is created by  .

Bounded intervals


Permutation   can create at most   additional intervals by mapping the first half of its interval,  , in an interleaving fashion:


If the lengths of the intervals are bounded, i.e.,  , then permutation   can create at most   additional intervals, fulfilling the criterion in Agnew's theorem. Therefore, any   may be used.

This means that the terms of any convergent series   may be rearranged freely within groups, if the lengths of these groups are bounded by a constant.

Unbounded intervals


Permutations   that mirror their interval:


permutations   that perform right circular shifts of their interval by   positions ( ):


and permutations   that are the inverses of the interleaving permutations described above:


all create 1 additional interval, fulfilling the criterion in Agnew's theorem.

Permutations   that rearrange their interval as   blocks can create at most   additional intervals. If the number of these blocks is bounded, then the criterion in Agnew's theorem is fulfilled.

This means that within groups of arbitrary unbounded length the terms of any convergent series   may be mirrored, circularly shifted and rearranged in blocks (if the number of these blocks is bounded by a constant); terms at even positions within groups may be gathered at the beginning of the group (in the same order).

Dealing with unknown series


The permutations described by Agnew's theorem can transform a divergent series into a convergent one. Let us consider a permutation   as described above with intervals increasing and   being interleaving permutations described above. Such   does not fulfill the criterion in Agnew's theorem, therefore, there exists a convergent series   such that   is either divergent or converges to a different sum. But it can't converge to a different sum: the inverse permutation   is composed of inverses of interleaving permutations  , which all fulfill the criterion in Agnew's theorem, therefore   would converge to the same sum as  . This means that   must be divergent.

However, if we require both   and   to satisfy the criterion in Agnew's theorem, then   will preserve both convergence (with the same sum) and divergence. (If it didn't preserve divergence, then the inverse wouldn't preserve convergence.)

In fact, such permutations preserve absolute convergence (with the same sum), conditional convergence (with the same sum) and divergence. (All permutations preserve absolute convergence with the same sum; a conditionally convergent series can't be turned into an absolutely convergent one because the reverse permutation wouldn't preserve absolute convergence.)

This means that, when dealing with a series for which it is unknown whether it converges and what type of convergence it has, its terms may be rearranged using permutations  , such that both   and   map   to at most   intervals, without changing the type of convergence/divergence of the series.


  1. ^ Agnew, Ralph Palmer (1955). "Permutations preserving convergence of series" (PDF). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 6 (4): 563–564.