Abstract differential equation

In mathematics, an abstract differential equation is a differential equation in which the unknown function and its derivatives take values in some generic abstract space (a Hilbert space, a Banach space, etc.). Equations of this kind arise e.g. in the study of partial differential equations: if to one of the variables is given a privileged position (e.g. time, in heat or wave equations) and all the others are put together, an ordinary "differential" equation with respect to the variable which was put in evidence is obtained. Adding boundary conditions can often be translated in terms of considering solutions in some convenient function spaces.

The classical abstract differential equation which is most frequently encountered is the equation[1]

where the unknown function belongs to some function space , and is an operator (usually a linear operator) acting on this space. An exhaustive treatment of the homogeneous () case with a constant operator is given by the theory of C0-semigroups. Very often, the study of other abstract differential equations amounts (by e.g. reduction to a set of equations of the first order) to the study of this equation.

The theory of abstract differential equations has been founded by Einar Hille in several papers and in his book Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups. Other main contributors were[2] Kōsaku Yosida, Ralph Phillips, Isao Miyadera, and Selim Grigorievich Krein.[3]

Abstract Cauchy problem




Let   and   be two linear operators, with domains   and  , acting in a Banach space  .[4][5][6] A function   is said to have strong derivative (or to be Frechet differentiable or simply differentiable) at the point   if there exists an element   such that


and its derivative is  .

A solution of the equation


is a function   such that:

  • the strong derivative   exists   and   for any such  , and
  • the previous equality holds  .

The Cauchy problem consists in finding a solution of the equation, satisfying the initial condition  .

Well posedness


According to the definition of well-posed problem by Hadamard, the Cauchy problem is said to be well posed (or correct) on   if:

  • for any   it has a unique solution, and
  • this solution depends continuously on the initial data in the sense that if   ( ), then   for the corresponding solution at every  

A well posed Cauchy problem is said to be uniformly well posed if   implies   uniformly in   on each finite interval  .

Semigroup of operators associated to a Cauchy problem


To an abstract Cauchy problem one can associate a semigroup of operators  , i.e. a family of bounded linear operators depending on a parameter   ( ) such that


Consider the operator   which assigns to the element   the value of the solution   of the Cauchy problem ( ) at the moment of time  . If the Cauchy problem is well posed, then the operator   is defined on   and forms a semigroup.

Additionally, if   is dense in  , the operator   can be extended to a bounded linear operator defined on the entire space  . In this case one can associate to any   the function  , for any  . Such a function is called generalized solution of the Cauchy problem.

If   is dense in   and the Cauchy problem is uniformly well posed, then the associated semigroup   is a C0-semigroup in  .

Conversely, if   is the infinitesimal generator of a C0-semigroup  , then the Cauchy problem


is uniformly well posed and the solution is given by


Nonhomogeneous problem


The Cauchy problem


with  , is called nonhomogeneous when  . The following theorem gives some sufficient conditions for the existence of the solution:

Theorem. If   is an infinitesimal generator of a C0-semigroup   and   is continuously differentiable, then the function


is the unique solution to the (abstract) nonhomogeneous Cauchy problem.

The integral on the right-hand side as to be intended as a Bochner integral.

Time-dependent problem


The problem[7] of finding a solution to the initial value problem


where the unknown is a function  ,   is given and, for each  ,   is a given, closed, linear operator in   with domain  , independent of   and dense in  , is called time-dependent Cauchy problem.

An operator valued function   with values in   (the space of all bounded linear operators from   to  ), defined and strongly continuous jointly in   for  , is called a fundamental solution of the time-dependent problem if:

  • the partial derivative   exists in the strong topology of  , belongs to   for  , and is strongly continuous in   for  ;
  • the range of   is in  ;
  •   and
  •  .

  is also called evolution operator, propagator, solution operator or Green's function.

A function   is called a mild solution of the time-dependent problem if it admits the integral representation


There are various known sufficient conditions for the existence of the evolution operator  . In practically all cases considered in the literature   is assumed to be the infinitesimal generator of a C0-semigroup on  . Roughly speaking, if   is the infinitesimal generator of a contraction semigroup the equation is said to be of hyperbolic type; if   is the infinitesimal generator of an analytic semigroup the equation is said to be of parabolic type.

Non linear problem


The problem[7] of finding a solution to either


where   is given, or


where   is a nonlinear operator with domain  , is called nonlinear Cauchy problem.

See also



  1. ^ Dezin, A.A. "Differential equation, abstract". Encyclopedia of Mathematics.
  2. ^ Zaidman, Samuel (1979). Abstract differential equations. Pitman Advanced Publishing Program.
  3. ^ Hille, Einar (1948). Functional Analysis And Semi Groups. American mathematical Society.
  4. ^ Krein, Selim Grigorievich (1972). Linear differential equations in Banach space. American Mathematical Society.
  5. ^ Zaidman, Samuel (1994). Topics in abstract differential equations. Longman Scientific & Technical.
  6. ^ Zaidman, Samuel (1999). Functional analysis and differential equations in abstract spaces. Chapman & Hall/CRC. ISBN 1-58488-011-2.
  7. ^ a b Ladas, G. E.; Lakshmikantham, V. (1972). Differential Equations in Abstract Spaces.