1959 Chilean senatorial by-election

A senatorial by-election was held in Chile on January 11, 1959 to fill a vacant Senate seat for the province of Santiago after the incumbent Jorge Alessandri vacated the seat by being elected president. The election was called by a decree publicized on December 2, 1958.[1]

1959 Chilean senatorial by-election

January 11, 1959 (1959-01-11)
Candidate Roberto Wachholtz [es] Humberto Mewes Bruna
Party Radical Labour [es]
Popular vote 190,492 161,368
Percentage 52.67% 44.62%



The United Conservative Party (PCU) nominated Jaime Egaña Baraona on December 2, 1958, however he declined the nomination.[2] The Alliance of Popular Parties and Forces -- made up of the National Agrarian, Radical Doctrinarian, Republic, Social Christian, National People's Movement, Democratic, National Labor Union and Popular Independent Action parties -- supported the pre-candidacy of Humberto Pinto Diaz, that did not materialize.[3]

The Popular Action Front (FRAP) inicially nominated Clotario Blest, Guillermo del Pedregal and Francisco Cuevas Mackenna.[4] On the morning of December 17 they agreed to nominated Humberto Mewes Bruno as their candidate.[5]

The parties under the "parliamentary center bloc" had a list of precandidates in mid-December 1958:

The PR insisted on the candidacy of Raúl Rettig, while the PANAPO nominated Rafael de la Presa —who also had the support of the PDC.[7] On December 20, Rettig resigned from the ballot, and the breakup of the center bloc occurred when the PR registered the candidacy of Roberto Wachholtz [es] on December 22, the last day of the legal deadline to submit applications, while Rafael de la Presa resigned his candidacy.[8]

The Liberal Party (PL) nominated Mariano Puga Vega [es] on December 14, who accepted the nomination.[9]



On December 24, the director of the Electoral Registry, Óscar Rojas Astaburuaga, drew lots to place the candidates on the single voting card, which was being used for the first time in a parliamentary election, leaving Roberto Wachholtz in first place, followed by Humberto Mewes and Mariano Puga.[10] Around 530,000 citizens were eligible to vote in the election.[11]

On December 26, the Alliance of Popular Parties and Forces agreed to support Wachholtz's candidacy.[12] The Christian Democratic Party agreed to give freedom of action to its members in the election, while the United Conservative Party accused that the liberal candidacy of Mariano Puga Vega found little support in its community,[13] which led to the December 29 Both the PCU and the PL agreed to withdraw their support for Puga's candidacy and give it to Wachholtz's candidacy.[14] Since the ballots had already begun to be printed, it was impossible to eliminate the name of the liberal candidate and it appeared for those who wished to give him their preference.[15]


Roberto Wachholtz [es]Radical Party190,49252.67
Humberto Mewes BrunaLabour Party [es]161,36844.62
Mariano Puga Vega [es]Liberal Party9,7812.70
Valid votes361,64195.04
Invalid votes11,7953.10
Blank votes7,0951.86
Total votes380,531100.00
Registered voters/turnout539,92570.48
Source: La Nación[16]



Roberto Wachholtz was inducted as senator on March 11, 1959.[17]


  1. ^ Ministerio del Interior (12 December 1958). "Convoca a elección extraordinaria de un senador por Santiago" (JPG). Diario Oficial de la República de Chile. p. 2. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  2. ^ "Jaime Egaña B. precandidato a la senaduría" (PDF). La Nación. 3 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  3. ^ "Candidatura de Pinto Díaz recibe estímulo" (PDF). La Nación. 14 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  4. ^ "Independiente sería candidato del FRAP" (PDF). La Nación. 3 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  5. ^ "H. Mewes candidato a senador" (PDF). La Nación. 17 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 4 December 2023. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  6. ^ "Catorce precandidatos tiene el Bloque de Centro" (PDF). La Nación. 10 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  7. ^ "Radicales acordaron seguir en bloque" (PDF). La Nación. 20 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  8. ^ "Roto Bloque de Centro" (PDF). La Nación. 23 December 1958. p. 1. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  9. ^ "Marra Puga Vega, candidato liberal a senador por Santiago" (PDF). La Nación. 15 December 1958. p. 9. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  10. ^ "Director electoral efectuó ayer sorteo correspondiente" (PDF). La Nación. 25 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  11. ^ "530 mil ciudadanos para elegir senador" (PDF). La Nación. 26 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  12. ^ "Alianza Popular acordó apoyar a señor Wachholtz" (PDF). La Nación. 27 December 1958. p. 6. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  13. ^ "Hoy se constituyen Mesas Receptoras de Sufragios" (PDF). La Nación. 27 December 1958. p. 5. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  14. ^ "Wachholtz, candidato único de la democracia chilena" (PDF). La Nación. 30 December 1958. p. 1. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  15. ^ "Santiago elige mañana a su quinto senador" (PDF). La Nación. 10 January 1959. pp. 1–2. Archived (PDF) from the original on 17 September 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  16. ^ "En la elección de ayer" (PDF). 1. 12 January 1959. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  17. ^ Senado de Chile (11 March 1959). "Juramento de Senador electo" (PDF). Diario de Sesiones del Senado. p. 1126. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 May 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.