User:What was the glider's apgcode?/don't delete system32

so, if you use windows you might know about this folder. one of the most important, if not THE most important folder. (unless you're some weirdo who still uses 9x, in that case, remove the 32)

BUT, you might have wondered, "what would happen if i deleted it?"

what will happen if you delete system32
what will happen if you delete system32

well, the answer is simple: you will lose everything. your pc will stop working. the magic smoke will escape and windows will be all like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and die while blaming it on your mother. you won't be able to play minesweeper or solitaire again and the it guy will think that "you don't know what you just did, you idiot!".

and all of this just because "hey ima delete this critical system folder and see what happens".