This is an article for Trivia from The Adventures of Tintin comic series by Herge.

Two-volume adventures


There are 3 two-volume adventures in the Tintin series:

The Secret of the Unicorn/Red Rackham's Treasure

The Seven Crystal Balls/Prisoners of the Sun

Destination Moon/Explorers on the Moon

Also: While not really a single adventure, Cigars of the Pharaoh and The Blue Lotus are closely linked. Also, The Red Sea Sharks is to some extent a sequel to Land of Black Gold, Tintin and the Picaros is to some extent a sequel to The Broken Ear and Tintin in America follows from Tintin in the Congo. The Calculus Affair follows from King Ottokar’s Sceptre, featuring the return of Bianca Castafiore and ongoing disputes between Syldavia and Borduria.

Bianca Castafiore mispronouncing "Haddock"


In The Castafiore Emerald Bianca never calls Haddock by the right name and never calls him the same name twice.

In order, here are her Castafiore Emerald mistakes: Fatstock, Drydock, Stopcock, Hammock, Paddock, Maggot, Bootblack, Bedsock, Hatbox, and Stockpot.

She also mispronounces Jolyon Wagg's name as "Mr. Swagg", Nestor's name as "Chester" and Professor Calculus' name as "Professor Candyfloss".

In other books she makes more mistakes, including Harrock (The Red Sea Sharks), Hemlock (Tintin and the Picaros), and Padlock (The Red Sea Sharks).

Full list


Here is the full list:

The Calculus Affair


page 53, frame 9: this fisherman ... Mr? ... Mr...? (Haddock replies: Er ... Hoddack ... er ... Haddad ... Excuse me, Haddock.)

page 53, frame 11: Mr Paddock.

The Red Sea Sharks


page 40, frame 3: the deep-sea fisherman, Paddock.

page 40, frame 7: Padlock, Harrock.

The Castafiore Emerald


page 6, frame 4a: Captain Bartok. (frame 4b: Haddock responds: Haddock, by thunder, Signora Castoroili! ... Haddock!)

page 8, frame 10: Captain Fatstock!

page 9, frame 11: Captain Drydock.

page 10, frame 1: Captain Hopscotch.

page 10, frame 6: Captain Stopcock.

page 17, frame 12: Halibut [the deliverymen have been told it's Halibut's house, not Haddock's].

page 22, frame 6: Captain Paddock.

page 22, frame 11: Captain Hassock.

page 23, frame 11: Captain Havoc.

page 24, frame 12: Captain Maggot.

page 27, frame 5: (Paris Flash International: ... retired Admiral Hammock.)

page 28, frame 1: Captain Bootblack.

page 32, frame 8 (or frame 11, depending on how you count the frames): Captain Balzac.

page 34, frame 9: Captain Bedsock.

page 38, frame 7: (a continuous barrage of insults from Castafiore rivalling that of Haddock's classic outbursts: cads! the boors! the bumpkins! Mannerless yokels!)

page 38: (Castafiore calls Jolyon Wagg, Mr Swagg.)

page 43, frame 3: Castafiore calls Calculus "Professor Candyfloss."

page 43, frame 4: Castafiore calls Nestor "Chester".

page 55, frame 6: Captain Padlock.

page 56, frame 4: Captain Hatbox.

page 56, frame 7: Captain Stockpot.

Tintin and the Picaros


page 61, frame 6: Captain Hemlock

Thomson and Thompson


Appearances of Thomson and Thompson:

Thomson and Thompson appear in all Tintin books except Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, Tintin in America, Flight 714 and Tintin in Tibet. The Thom(p)sons also have cameos in Tintin in the Congo and The Shooting Star.

The Captain's curse words



Aardvark! Abecedarians! Aborigine! Addle-pated lumps of anthracite! (old) Alcoholic ! Anachronisms! Anacoluthons! Antediluvian bulldozer [Tibet p60 B2]! Anthracite! Anthropithecus! Anthropophagus! Arabian Nightmare! Artichokes! Autocrats! Aztecs! [15] B

Baboons! Baby-snatchers! Bagpipers! Bald-headed budgerigar! Bandits! Bashi-bazouks! Bath-tub Admiral! Beast! Belemnite! Big-head [Tibet p35 B3]! Billions of blue blistering boiled and barbecued barnacles [The Seven Crystal Balls, p14, frame 10]! Billions of billious barbecued blue blistering barnacles! Billions of Bilious Blue BlisteringBarnacles! Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles in a thundering typhoon [The Seven Crystal Balls]! Billions of Blue Blistering Barnacles! Black beetles! Black Marketers! Blackamoor! Blackbird! Blackguards! Blistering Barnacles! Blistereing blundering bird-brain [Prisoners p9 E4]! Bloodsuckers! Blue blistering barnacles! Blue Blistering Bell-Bottomed Balderdash! Blunderbuss! Bodysnatcher! Bootlegger! Borgia! Bougainvillea! Brat! Breathalyser! Brigands! Brutes! Bucaneers! Bully! Butcher! [36] C

Cachinnating cockatoo! Cannibals! Carpetsellers! Caterpillars! Centipede! Cercopithecus! Coconut[Crab p58 panel 5]! Coelcanth! Colocynths! Corsair! Cowards! Crabapples! Cro-Magnon! Crooks! Cushion footed quadrupeds! Cyclotron! [16] D

Diplodocus! Dogs! Doryphore! Doryphores! Duck-billed platypus! Dunderheaded coconuts! Dynamiter! [7] E

Ectoplasms! Egoists! [2] F

Fancy-dress Facist! Fancy-dress Fatima! Fancy-dress freebooter [Unicorn p24 C1]! Fatfaces! Filibuster(s)! Fourlegged Cyrano! Freshwater pirate [Unicorn p24 C1]! Freshwater swabs! Fuzzy wuzzy! [9] G

Gallows-fodder! Gangof Theives! Gangsters! Gibbering anthropoids! Great flat-footed grizzly bear! Gobbledgook! Gogglers! Goosecaps! Guano-gatherers [Prisoners p9 A1]! Gyroscope! [10] H

Harlequin! Heretic! Highwayman! Hydrocarbon! [4] I

Iconoclasts! Idiots! ... you, Imitation Incas, you [Prisoners p47 B2]! You, interplantary goat, you [Explorers on the Moon p62 C3]! [4] J

Jellied eel! Jellyfish! Jobbernowl [Tibet p60 B2]! [3] K

Kleptomaniacs! Koua Kouakouin Kouinkouin Koua Kouin Koua [Emerald p30 panel 8]! [2] L

Lily-livered landlubbers! Liquorice[Crab p59 panel 2]! Loathsome brute! Logarithim! Lubberscum! [5] M

Macrocephalic baboon! Megacycle [Tibet p60 B3]! Megacycle Pyromaniac! Mameluke! Miserable blundering barbecued blister! Miserable earth worms! Miserable miser! Miserable molecule of mildew! Misguided missles! MisterMule! Monopolizers! Monster! Morons! Moujiks! Mountebanks! Musical morons! [16] N

Nanny Goat! Nitwits! Nitwitted ninepins! Nyctalops! [4] O

Odd-toed ungulate! Ophicleides! Orangoutang! Ostrogoth! [4] P

Pachyrhizus! Parasites! Patagonians! Pestilential Pachyderm! Phylloxera! Pickled herrings! Pirates! Pithecanthropic montebanks! Pithecanthropic pickpocket [Tibet p37 A3]! Pithecanthropus [Unicorn p24 C1]! Pockmarks! Politican! Poltroons! Polygraphs! Polynesian! Profiteers! Psychopath! Purple profiteering jellyfish! Pyrographers! Pyromaniac! [20] R

Raggle taggle ruminants! Rapscallion! Rats! Revenge [Crab p58 panel 4]! Rhizopods! RKRPXZKRMTFRZ! Road roller [Secret of the Unicorn]! Roadhogs! [8] S

Saucy tramp! Savages! Scorpion! Sea-gherkin(s)! Sea-lice! Sea lion! [Prisoners p9, frame 6] Shipwreckers! Slavertrader! Slubberdegullions! Sparrows! Spitfire! Steamroller! Stoolpigeon! Subtropical sea-louse! Swine! [15]

Note: Squawking popinjay - in The Secret of the Unicorn, on page 24, Captain Francis Haddock says it to Red Rackham--but since Captain Archibald Haddock is narrating this to Tintin, some one may say that it is one of his many curse words. Also, a parrot says it in Red Rackham's Treasure on page 29. [NAB] T

Technocrat! Ten thousand thundering typhoons! Terrapins! Terrorists! Thundering typhoons! Tin hatted tyrants! Toads! Toffee-noses! Traitors! Tramps! Tribe of Polynesians [Destination Moon p5 D1]! Troglodytes! Turncoats! Twister! Two-timing Troglodytes! [15] U

Ungulate (see O for odd-toed ungulate) V

Vandal! Vegetarian! Vermicellis! Viper! Visigoths! Vulture! [6] W

Weevils! Whippersnapper! Wildcat! Woodlice! [4] Y

Young monkey [Tibet p54 A4]! [1] Z

Zapotecs! [1]