User page: This is a Wikipedia user page, not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user to whom this page belongs may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at

Current projects edit

List of religious populations   Not started edit

Sandbox → User:Petermgrund/sandbox/List of religious populations

  1. Content analysis and planning
    1. Assess current content (1-2 hrs)
    2. Identify goals (1 hr)
    3. Research and citations (5-8 hrs)
  2. Structural redesign
    1. Outline new article structure
    2. Collect maps to include
  3. Content development
    1. Expand existing sections
    2. Write new sections
    3. Implement new table format
    4. Populate tables with data and citations
    5. Create descriptions and alt text for maps
  4. Review
    1. Fact-checking
    2. Proofread
    3. Ensure consistent formatting

Body dysmorphic disorder   In progress edit

Sandbox → User:Petermgrund/sandbox/Body dysmorphic disorder

List of autoimmune diseases   Add remaining diseases edit

Sandbox → User:Petermgrund/sandbox/List of autoimmune diseases

Visible difference   Minor changes needed edit

Sandbox → User:Petermgrund/sandbox/Visible difference

Completed projects edit