In 2005/2006, 42 percent of Dutch people said they do not belong to a religion or believed in a certain ideology. Next were the Roman Catholics are the largest group with 29 percent. Nearly 20 percent are Protestant, and 5 percent are Muslims. The remaining 5 percent include Jews and Hindus, among other groups. Among the believers, 57 percent hardly ever go or never go to church, mosque or temple. [1]

Roman Catholic 30%, Protestant 20% (Dutch Reformed 11%, Calvinist 6%, other Protestant 3%), Muslim 5.8%, other 2.2%, none 42% (2006)[2]



  • 52% SP (40% Atheist)
  • 43% Groenlinks (33% Atheist)
  • 41% PvdA (26% Atheist)
  • 36% D66 (18% Atheist)
  • 22% PvdD (15% Atheist)
  • 17% EénNL (13% Atheist)
  • 0% CDA (0% Atheist)

Atheist reverends


A study by the Free University of Amsterdam found that one-in-six clergy in the PKN and six other smaller denominations was either agnostic or atheist.[3]




  1. ^ "Only few Dutch people go to church or mosque regularly. Nearly 6 in 10 of the Dutch population say they are religious. Only very few of them go to church, to a mosque or other religious assemblies every week, however." Central Bureau for Statistics [1]
  2. ^ CIA - The world factbook, CIA, Retrieved 2012-05-29
  3. ^