/* <pre><nowiki> */
/* Autolink [[wikilinks]] and {{templates}} (especially useful for monobook.js and similar pages) */
/* See [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Autolink]] */
/* Shouldn't affect things *inside* HTML tags, either */
addOnloadHook(function () {
// Get the HTML of just the main body of the page, not including textareas hopefully
if (document.getElementById('wikiDiff')) {
targetdiv = document.getElementById('wikiDiff'); // wikiDiff if it's there
} else {
if (document.getElementById('wikiPreview')) {
targetdiv = document.getElementById('wikiPreview'); // wikiPreview if it's there
} else
if (document.getElementById('bodyContent')) {
targetdiv = document.getElementById('bodyContent'); // bodyContent div for most pages
} else
var content = targetdiv.innerHTML;
content = content.replace(/([^\[])\[{2}([^\[\]\|\<\>\n]*)([^\[\]\<\>\n]*?)?\]{2}([^\]])/g, '$1<a class="autolink" href="/wiki/$2">[' + '[$2$3]' + ']</a>$4'); // Make wikilink code into links
content = content.replace(/([^\{])\{{2}(subst\:|msg\:)?([^\{\}\|\<\>\n]*)([^\{\}\<\>\n]*?)?\}{2}([^\}])/g, '$1<a class="autolink" href="/wiki/Template:$3">{' + '{$2$3$4}' + '}</a>$5'); // Make template code into links
targetdiv.innerHTML = content; // Write it back
/* </nowiki></pre> */