
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// [[User:Scottywong/diffconverter.js]] - modified to add toolbar button instead of shortcut key using code from [[User:Js/urldecoder.js]
 var btn = newToolbarBtn;
function addDiffDecoderButton(){
		'Diff Converter - Scottywong/diffconverter.js'

mw.loader.using( [ 'user.options', 'jquery.textSelection' ], function () {
	/* Check if view is in edit mode and that the required modules are available. Then, customize the toolbar . . . */
	if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), [ 'edit', 'submit' ] ) !== -1 ) {
		$(document).ready( function () {
			if ( mw.user.options.get('usebetatoolbar') ) {
				mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiEditor', addDiffDecoderButton );
		} );
	// Add the customizations to LiquidThreads' edit toolbar, if available
	mw.hook( 'ext.lqt.textareaCreated' ).add( addDiffDecoderButton );
} );
 function newToolbarBtn(bId, bFunc, bIcon, bTitle){  
  var msg = {}; msg[bId] = bTitle; mw.messages.set(msg) // mw.usability.addMessages(msg)  doesn't work
  $('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('addToToolbar', {
   section:'main', group:'insert', tools: {
     type: 'button',
     action: {type:'callback', execute: bFunc},
     labelMsg: bId,
     icon: bIcon


function diffRun()
		if (window.getSelection)			//if any text is selected
			var diffstr = window.getSelection().toString();
                        if (diffstr == "") diffstr = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value.substr(document.editform.wpTextbox1.selectionStart, document.editform.wpTextbox1.selectionEnd - document.editform.wpTextbox1.selectionStart);
                        var diffstr2 = diffstr;
			var article = decodeURIComponent(urlparse("title", diffstr).replace(/_/g, " "));
			var diff = urlparse("diff", diffstr);
			var oldid = urlparse("oldid", diffstr);
			var label = "Diff of " + article;
			var oldidlabel = "Previous revision of " + article;
			var anchor = "";
			if (diffstr.indexOf(" ") != -1)
				label = diffstr.slice(diffstr.indexOf(" ") + 1);
				diffstr2 = diffstr.slice(0, diffstr.indexOf(" "));
				if (label[label.length - 1] == "]")
					label = label.slice(0, label.length - 1);
				oldidlabel = label;
			if (diffstr.indexOf("#") != -1)
				anchor = encodeURIComponent(diffstr2.slice(diffstr.indexOf("#")).replace(/_/g, " "));
				if (anchor[anchor.length - 1] == "]")
					anchor = anchor.slice(0, anchor.length - 1);
			if (article == "")
				alert("Diffconverter.js: Invalid URL.  Ensure that you have selected a valid diff URL.");
			else if (article != "" && diff != "" && oldid != "")	//diff URL should have all three parameters
				var start = document.editform.wpTextbox1.selectionStart;
				var len = diffstr.length;
				var difftemplate = "{" + "{diff|" + article + anchor + "|" + diff + "|" + oldid + "|" + "}" + "}";
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value.substring(0, start) + difftemplate + document.editform.wpTextbox1.value.substring(start + len);
			else if (article != "" && oldid != "" && diff == "")	//oldid URL doesn't contain a diff parameter
				var start = document.editform.wpTextbox1.selectionStart;
				var len = diffstr.length;
				var difftemplate = "{" + "{oldid|" + article + anchor + "|" + oldid + "|" + oldidlabel + "}" + "}";
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value.substring(0, start) + difftemplate + document.editform.wpTextbox1.value.substring(start + len);
			else if (article != "" && oldid == "" && diff == "")	//no diff, no oldid, just create a wikilink out of it
				var start = document.editform.wpTextbox1.selectionStart;
				var len = diffstr.length;
				var wikilink = "[[" + article + "]]";
				document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value.substring(0, start) + wikilink + document.editform.wpTextbox1.value.substring(start + len);
			alert("Diffconverter.js: No text selected.");


function urlparse(name, url)	//thanks to for this function
	name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
	var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
	var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
	var results = regex.exec(url);
	if(results == null)
		return "";
		if (results[1].indexOf(" ") != -1)
			results[1] = results[1].slice(0, results[1].indexOf(" "));
		if (results[1][results[1].length - 1] == "]")
			results[1] = results[1].slice(0, results[1].length - 1);
		return results[1];