Now published at WJS, and incorporated into Wikipedia as Affine symmetric group.

Some things that I don't already have sources for but might be worth adding:

    • from the combinatorial perspective, it's ``affine permutations whose last window entry is n (right??)
    • from the geometric, we can find as those vectors with last coordinate 0, and it's the transformations that stabilize this sublattice (right??)
    • from the algebraic, we send for and (right??)
    • these maps make it a sub-reflection group, but not a parabolic subgroup (in any sense of the word)
  • from the combinatorial perspective, for any integer k, but this inclusion is not as reflection groups. Is there a geometric explanation for this action? Is it of any use to anyone else for any reason?
  • as a consequence of the previous, we can see that the set of all affine permutations is a group. I know this has appeared in a (unpublished?) paper of Abrams--Cowen-Morton; has it ever appeared anywhere else?