Hello, and welcome to my page on Wikipedia.
My name is Kevin Bouche and I currently work with Guardian Security Services in the Guard division, so my main focus will be to ensure that the information is correct and plentiful within the pages related to Guardian Security Company or any related subject matter. There are also many more things that I would like to explore within the site database and have many interests in a wide variety of subject matters. I hope that my contributions will improve information that is available to other members and if there is any issue you can always contact me to provide feedback.
What I do, and where I am headed.
As mentioned above I am a security officer with Guardian and have been with them since March 6, 2009. I am excited about this career oportunity and to advance into the field of private security. I currently attend Axia College of The University of Phoenix and hope to eventually obtain my Master's Degree in Human Services Managment/Counseling. I have a lot that will be changing for me in the next decade and a vast amount of goals and aspirations to live up to.
Forms of contact.
I have my school email address kbouche@email.phoenix.edu and also my personal email is guardianguardservicekbouche@live.com. I provide you with these in the event that you have a question, concern, or comment about one of my posts and I welcome constructive feedback. I am also on Facebook so if you have that you can look me up there.
Thank you for taking some time to get to know a little about me and have a good day.
Kevin Bouche
Security Officer
Guardian Security Services: Guard Division
Axia College of The University of Phoenix