Article: Glocalization

Outline for Editing Article:

Definition: The introduction of the article is fine, but I will expand on this section of the article. This section gives a brief overview of what Glocalization is, but there are probably more scholarly articles out there that I can utilize to expand on this section. (Using Articles that relate to Globalization, Local Identity in order to help me expand on the definition)

In Business: Challenges In this section, the article discusses Americanization and how media in some countries encourage the local population to accept businesses such as McDonald’s and its adaptation to the local food (In this article, India). So, I can research and discuss more about how McDonald’s has glocalized around other regions of the world from business related articles. (Regions of the world such as China, France etc.) Also, if there are any when coming across any articles, discuss the challenges.

Start New Paragraph (Right after the aforementioned one): Introduce Starbucks as another global business. Also, talk about the challenges facing Glocalization in Business such as the Starbucks in the forbidden city of China and how it was banned due to the local identity of China in this region.

In Education: Research articles in order to expand on the question on “how are educational systems glocalized,” The article mentions “local educators to consult global resources for materials and techniques and then adapt them for local use.” This may be more of a difficult part of the article to expand on, but I can expand on the section written “computer and media understanding to look across their local context” as stated in the article if I come across a source.

    • This section will probably be a “back-up section,” if I have difficulty with the others that I am trying to edit.

In the Media: This is a very vague part of the article that definitely needs more information. Research articles that talk about how the internet encourages Glocalization. Give examples and details about some popular websites in the native language region that might mimic what we have here in the United States. Also, research any form of commercials, or other forms of media that might promote Glocalization and discuss their effects.


Rough Draft:



Glocal Strategy Approach vs. Global Strategy Approach:

The glocal strategy approach is different from the global strategy approach mainly due to the different outlooks on the standardization and local adaptations of products and business activities. Although the global strategy approach does recognize the need to localize products in the global community, glocal strategy stresses the importance of local adaptations in relation to the local marketplace. Also, while global strategy emphasizes standardazation of global products, glocal strategy explains the balance that must exist between the standardization and local adaptation of business activities and products. [1]

In business




An example of a global business that has faced challenges due to localization of their products can be presented through the closing of a Starbucks in the Forbidden City of China in 2007. Starbuck's attempt to localize into the culture of China by accommodating their menu to local elements such as serving "green tea frappuccinos" and enlarging their stores was prevelent in most areas of China, but when Starbucks spread to the Forbidden City, a problem surrounding cultural identity arose. Factors surrounding "western influences" related to Starbucks were seen as a threat by a web-based campaign who was successful in initiating the closing of the Starbucks in the Forribden City. The leader of this web-based campaign, whose name is Rui, in his words had stated "All I want is that Starbucks move out of the Forbidden City peacefully and quietly, and we'll continue enjoying Starbucks coffee elsewhere in the city." [2]

In the media



Besides the usage of Internet, television and commercials have become useful strategies that global companies have used to help localize their products. Companies, such as McDonalds, have relied on television and commercials in not only the Western Hemisphere but in other parts of the world to attract a varying ranges of audiences in accordance to the demographic of the local area. For example, they have used mascots ranging anywhere from a male clown in the Western Hemisphere to attract younger audiences to an "attractive" female clown in Japan to attract older audiences. [3]

However, McDonalds has faced challenges in adapting to the local customs when promoting its products through television in countries such as China. Programs and commericials air differently in China in comparison to Western Commercials. In other words, commercials are usually skipped over in countries such as China, so McDonalds advertises its products through newspapers and magazines. [3]

  1. ^ Svensson, Göran. ""Glocalization" of business activities: a "glocal strategy" approach". Management Decision. 39 (1): 6–18. doi:10.1108/eum0000000005403.
  2. ^ Han, Gang (Kevin); Zhang, Ai (2009-11-01). "Starbucks is forbidden in the Forbidden City: Blog, circuit of culture and informal public relations campaign in China". Public Relations Review. Includes a Special Section: Public Relations in a Time of Economic Crisis. 35 (4): 395–401. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2009.07.004.
  3. ^ a b Crawford, A., Humphries, S. A., & Geddy, M. M. (2015). McDonald's: A Case Study in Glocalization. Journal Of Global Business Issues9(1), 11-18.