I am a graduate student in the Physiology and Biophysics Department at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

I am currently working on my Ph.D. research.

I have a Master of Science in Biophysics from Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from NYU. I went to high school at The Albany Academy.

I know a bit about the following:


More specifically: Protein folding and Protein misfolding.


Parkinson's Disease

Heme proteins

Images I added


Significant Contributions

Transmission Electron Micrograph of negatively stained proximal convoluted tubule of Rat kidney tissue at a magnification of ~55,000x and 80KV. Note the Zonula Occludens (Tight junction) (right of center), mitochondria and microvilli. Micrograph taken by Eric Yale Hayden: December, 2002. Please see full resolution image to view the structure of the junction.

See also
