Topological geometry

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Topological geometry deals with incidence structures consisting of a point set and a family of subsets of called lines or circles etc. such that both and carry a topology and all geometric operations like joining points by a line or intersecting lines are continuous. As in the case of topological groups, many deeper results require the point space to be (locally) compact and connected. This generalizes the observation that the line joining two distinct points in the Euclidean plane depends continuously on the pair of points and the intersection point of two lines is a continuous function of these lines.

Linear geometries


Linear geometries are incidence structures in which any two distinct points   and   are joined by a unique line  . Such geometries are called topological if   depends continuously on the pair   with respect to given topologies on the point set and the line set. The dual of a linear geometry is obtained by interchanging the roles of points and lines. A survey of linear topological geometries is given in Chapter 23 of the Handbook of incidence geometry.[1] The most extensively investigated topological linear geometries are those which are also dual topological linear geometries. Such geometries are known as topological projective planes.



A systematic study of these planes began in 1954 with a paper by Skornyakov.[2] Earlier, the topological properties of the real plane had been introduced via ordering relations on the affine lines, see, e.g., Hilbert,[3] Coxeter,[4] and O. Wyler.[5] The completeness of the ordering is equivalent to local compactness and implies that the affine lines are homeomorphic to   and that the point space is connected. Note that the rational numbers do not suffice to describe our intuitive notions of plane geometry and that some extension of the rational field is necessary. In fact, the equation   for a circle has no rational solution.

Topological projective planes


The approach to the topological properties of projective planes via ordering relations is not possible, however, for the planes coordinatized by the complex numbers, the quaternions or the octonion algebra.[6] The point spaces as well as the line spaces of these classical planes (over the real numbers, the complex numbers, the quaternions, and the octonions) are compact manifolds of dimension  .

Topological dimension


The notion of the dimension of a topological space plays a prominent rôle in the study of topological, in particular of compact connected planes. For a normal space  , the dimension   can be characterized as follows:

If   denotes the  -sphere, then   if, and only if, for every closed subspace   each continuous map   has a continuous extension  .

For details and other definitions of a dimension see [7] and the references given there, in particular Engelking[8] or Fedorchuk.[9]

2-dimensional planes


The lines of a compact topological plane with a 2-dimensional point space form a family of curves homeomorphic to a circle, and this fact characterizes these planes among the topological projective planes.[10] Equivalently, the point space is a surface. Early examples not isomorphic to the classical real plane   have been given by Hilbert[3][11] and Moulton.[12] The continuity properties of these examples have not been considered explicitly at that time, they may have been taken for granted. Hilbert’s construction can be modified to obtain uncountably many pairwise non-isomorphic  -dimensional compact planes. The traditional way to distinguish   from the other  -dimensional planes is by the validity of Desargues’s theorem or the theorem of Pappos (see, e.g., Pickert[13] for a discussion of these two configuration theorems). The latter is known to imply the former (Hessenberg[14]). The theorem of Desargues expresses a kind of homogeneity of the plane. In general, it holds in a projective plane if, and only if, the plane can be coordinatized by a (not necessarily commutative) field,[3][15][13] hence it implies that the group of automorphisms is transitive on the set of quadrangles (  points no   of which are collinear). In the present setting, a much weaker homogeneity condition characterizes  :

Theorem. If the automorphism group   of a  -dimensional compact plane   is transitive on the point set (or the line set), then   has a compact subgroup   which is even transitive on the set of flags (=incident point-line pairs), and   is classical.[10]

The automorphism group   of a  -dimensional compact plane  , taken with the topology of uniform convergence on the point space, is a locally compact group of dimension at most  , in fact even a Lie group. All  -dimensional planes such that   can be described explicitly;[10] those with   are exactly the Moulton planes, the classical plane   is the only  -dimensional plane with  ; see also.[16]

Compact connected planes


The results on  -dimensional planes have been extended to compact planes of dimension  . This is possible due to the following basic theorem:

Topology of compact planes. If the dimension of the point space   of a compact connected projective plane is finite, then   with  . Moreover, each line is a homotopy sphere of dimension  , see [17] or.[18]

Special aspects of 4-dimensional planes are treated in,[19] more recent results can be found in.[20] The lines of a  -dimensional compact plane are homeomorphic to the  -sphere;[21] in the cases   the lines are not known to be manifolds, but in all examples which have been found so far the lines are spheres. A subplane   of a projective plane   is said to be a Baer subplane,[22] if each point of   is incident with a line of   and each line of   contains a point of  . A closed subplane   is a Baer subplane of a compact connected plane   if, and only if, the point space of   and a line of   have the same dimension. Hence the lines of an 8-dimensional plane   are homeomorphic to a sphere   if   has a closed Baer subplane.[23]

Homogeneous planes. If   is a compact connected projective plane and if   is transitive on the point set of  , then   has a flag-transitive compact subgroup   and   is classical, see [24] or.[25] In fact,   is an elliptic motion group.[26]

Let   be a compact plane of dimension  , and write  . If  , then   is classical,[27] and   is a simple Lie group of dimension   respectively. All planes   with   are known explicitly.[28] The planes with   are exactly the projective closures of the affine planes coordinatized by a so-called mutation   of the octonion algebra  , where the new multiplication   is defined as follows: choose a real number   with   and put  . Vast families of planes with a group of large dimension have been discovered systematically starting from assumptions about their automorphism groups, see, e.g.,.[20][29][30][31][32] Many of them are projective closures of translation planes (affine planes admitting a sharply transitive group of automorphisms mapping each line to a parallel), cf.;[33] see also [34] for more recent results in the case   and [30] for  .

Compact projective spaces


Subplanes of projective spaces of geometrical dimension at least 3 are necessarily Desarguesian, see [35] §1 or [4] §16 or.[36] Therefore, all compact connected projective spaces can be coordinatized by the real or complex numbers or the quaternion field.[37]

Stable planes


The classical non-euclidean hyperbolic plane can be represented by the intersections of the straight lines in the real plane with an open circular disk. More generally, open (convex) parts of the classical affine planes are typical stable planes. A survey of these geometries can be found in,[38] for the  -dimensional case see also.[39]

Precisely, a stable plane   is a topological linear geometry   such that

  1.   is a locally compact space of positive finite dimension,
  2. each line   is a closed subset of  , and   is a Hausdorff space,
  3. the set   is an open subspace   ( stability),
  4. the map   is continuous.

Note that stability excludes geometries like the  -dimensional affine space over   or  .

A stable plane   is a projective plane if, and only if,   is compact.[40]

As in the case of projective planes, line pencils are compact and homotopy equivalent to a sphere of dimension  , and   with  , see [17] or.[41] Moreover, the point space   is locally contractible.[17][42]

'Compact groups of (proper) stable planes are rather small. Let   denote a maximal compact subgroup of the automorphism group of the classical  -dimensional projective plane  . Then the following theorem holds:
If a  -dimensional stable plane   admits a compact group   of automorphisms such that  , then  , see.[43]

Flag-homogeneous stable planes. Let   be a stable plane. If the automorphism group   is flag-transitive, then   is a classical projective or affine plane, or   is isomorphic to the interior of the absolute sphere of the hyperbolic polarity of a classical plane; see.[44][45][46]

In contrast to the projective case, there is an abundance of point-homogeneous stable planes, among them vast classes of translation planes, see [33] and.[47]

Symmetric planes


Affine translation planes have the following property:

  • There exists a point transitive closed subgroup   of the automorphism group which contains a unique reflection at some and hence at each point.

More generally, a symmetric plane is a stable plane   satisfying the aforementioned condition; see,[48] cf.[49] for a survey of these geometries. By [50] Corollary 5.5, the group   is a Lie group and the point space   is a manifold. It follows that   is a symmetric space. By means of the Lie theory of symmetric spaces, all symmetric planes with a point set of dimension   or   have been classified.[48][51] They are either translation planes or they are determined by a Hermitian form. An easy example is the real hyperbolic plane.

Circle geometries


Classical models [52] are given by the plane sections of a quadratic surface   in real projective  -space; if   is a sphere, the geometry is called a Möbius plane.[39] The plane sections of a ruled surface (one-sheeted hyperboloid) yield the classical Minkowski plane, cf.[53] for generalizations. If   is an elliptic cone without its vertex, the geometry is called a Laguerre plane. Collectively these planes are sometimes referred to as Benz planes. A topological Benz plane is classical, if each point has a neighbourhood which is isomorphic to some open piece of the corresponding classical Benz plane.[54]

Möbius planes


Möbius planes consist of a family   of circles, which are topological 1-spheres, on the  -sphere   such that for each point   the derived structure   is a topological affine plane.[55] In particular, any   distinct points are joined by a unique circle. The circle space   is then homeomorphic to real projective  -space with one point deleted.[56] A large class of examples is given by the plane sections of an egg-like surface in real  -space.

Homogeneous Möbius planes


If the automorphism group   of a Möbius plane is transitive on the point set   or on the set   of circles, or if  , then   is classical and  , see.[57][58]

In contrast to compact projective planes there are no topological Möbius planes with circles of dimension  , in particular no compact Möbius planes with a  -dimensional point space.[59] All 2-dimensional Möbius planes such that   can be described explicitly.[60][61]

Laguerre planes


The classical model of a Laguerre plane consists of a circular cylindrical surface   in real  -space   as point set and the compact plane sections of   as circles. Pairs of points which are not joined by a circle are called parallel. Let   denote a class of parallel points. Then   is a plane  , the circles can be represented in this plane by parabolas of the form  .

In an analogous way, the classical  -dimensional Laguerre plane is related to the geometry of complex quadratic polynomials. In general, the axioms of a locally compact connected Laguerre plane require that the derived planes embed into compact projective planes of finite dimension. A circle not passing through the point of derivation induces an oval in the derived projective plane. By [62] or,[63] circles are homeomorphic to spheres of dimension   or  . Hence the point space of a locally compact connected Laguerre plane is homeomorphic to the cylinder   or it is a  -dimensional manifold, cf.[64] A large class of  -dimensional examples, called ovoidal Laguerre planes, is given by the plane sections of a cylinder in real 3-space whose base is an oval in  .

The automorphism group of a  -dimensional Laguerre plane ( ) is a Lie group with respect to the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets of the point space; furthermore, this group has dimension at most  . All automorphisms of a Laguerre plane which fix each parallel class form a normal subgroup, the kernel of the full automorphism group. The  -dimensional Laguerre planes with   are exactly the ovoidal planes over proper skew parabolae.[65] The classical  -dimensional Laguerre planes are the only ones such that  , see,[66] cf. also.[67]

Homogeneous Laguerre planes


If the automorphism group   of a  -dimensional Laguerre plane   is transitive on the set of parallel classes, and if the kernel   is transitive on the set of circles, then   is classical, see [68][67] 2.1,2.

However, transitivity of the automorphism group on the set of circles does not suffice to characterize the classical model among the  -dimensional Laguerre planes.

Minkowski planes


The classical model of a Minkowski plane has the torus   as point space, circles are the graphs of real fractional linear maps on  . As with Laguerre planes, the point space of a locally compact connected Minkowski plane is  - or  -dimensional; the point space is then homeomorphic to a torus or to  , see.[69]

Homogeneous Minkowski planes


If the automorphism group   of a Minkowski plane   of dimension   is flag-transitive, then   is classical.[70]

The automorphism group of a  -dimensional Minkowski plane is a Lie group of dimension at most  . All  -dimensional Minkowski planes such that   can be described explicitly.[71] The classical  -dimensional Minkowski plane is the only one with  , see.[72]


  1. ^ Grundhöfer & Löwen 1995
  2. ^ Skornyakov, L.A. (1954), "Topological projective planes", Trudy Moskov. Mat. Obschtsch., 3: 347–373
  3. ^ a b c Hilbert 1899
  4. ^ a b Coxeter, H.S.M. (1993), The real projective plane, New York: Springer
  5. ^ Wyler, O. (1952), "Order and topology in projective planes", Amer. J. Math., 74 (3): 656–666, doi:10.2307/2372268, JSTOR 2372268
  6. ^ Conway, J.H.; Smith, D.A. (2003), On quaternions and octonions: their geometry, arithmetic, and symmetry, Natick, MA: A K Peters
  7. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, §92
  8. ^ Engelking, R. (1978), Dimension theory, North-Holland Publ. Co.
  9. ^ Fedorchuk, V.V. (1990), "The fundamentals of dimension theory", Encycl. Math. Sci., 17, Berlin: Springer: 91–192
  10. ^ a b c Salzmann 1967
  11. ^ Stroppel, M. (1998), "Bemerkungen zur ersten nicht desarguesschen ebenen Geometrie bei Hilbert", J. Geom., 63 (1–2): 183–195, doi:10.1007/bf01221248, S2CID 120078708
  12. ^ Moulton, F.R. (1902), "A simple non-Desarguesian plane geometry", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 3 (2): 192–195, doi:10.1090/s0002-9947-1902-1500595-3
  13. ^ a b Pickert 1955
  14. ^ Hessenberg, G. (1905), "Beweis des Desarguesschen Satzes aus dem Pascalschen", Math. Ann. (in German), 61 (2): 161–172, doi:10.1007/bf01457558, S2CID 120456855
  15. ^ Hughes, D.R.; Piper, F.C. (1973), Projective planes, Berlin: Springer
  16. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, Chapter 3
  17. ^ a b c Löwen 1983a
  18. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 54.11
  19. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, Chapter 7
  20. ^ a b Betten, Dieter (1997), "On the classification of 4-dimensional flexible projective planes", Mostly finite geometries (Iowa City, IA, 1996), Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 190, New York: Dekker, pp. 9–33, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511665608, MR 1463975
  21. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 53.15
  22. ^ Salzmann, H. (2003), "Baer subplanes", Illinois J. Math., 47 (1–2): 485–513, doi:10.1215/ijm/1258488168
  23. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 55.6
  24. ^ Löwen, R. (1981), "Homogeneous compact projective planes", J. Reine Angew. Math., 321: 217–220
  25. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 63.8
  26. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 13.12
  27. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 72.8,84.28,85.16
  28. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 73.22,84.28,87.7
  29. ^ Hähl, H. (1986), "Achtdimensionale lokalkompakte Translationsebenen mit mindestens  -dimensionaler Kollineationsgruppe", Geom. Dedicata (in German), 21: 299–340, doi:10.1007/bf00181535, S2CID 116969491
  30. ^ a b Hähl, H. (2011), "Sixteen-dimensional locally compact translation planes with collineation groups of dimension at least  ", Adv. Geom., 11: 371–380, doi:10.1515/advgeom.2010.046
  31. ^ Hähl, H. (2000), "Sixteen-dimensional locally compact translation planes with large automorphism groups having no fixed points", Geom. Dedicata, 83: 105–117, doi:10.1023/A:1005212813861, S2CID 128076685
  32. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, §§73,74,82,86
  33. ^ a b Knarr 1995
  34. ^ Salzmann 2014
  35. ^ Hilbert 1899, §§22
  36. ^ Veblen, O.; Young, J.W. (1910), Projective Geometry Vol. I, Boston: Ginn Comp.
  37. ^ Kolmogoroff, A. (1932), "Zur Begründung der projektiven Geometrie", Ann. of Math. (in German), 33 (1): 175–176, doi:10.2307/1968111, JSTOR 1968111
  38. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, §§3,4
  39. ^ a b Polster & Steinke 2001
  40. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 3.11
  41. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 3.28,29
  42. ^ Grundhöfer & Löwen 1995, 3.7
  43. ^ Stroppel, M. (1994), "Compact groups of automorphisms of stable planes", Forum Math., 6 (6): 339–359, doi:10.1515/form.1994.6.339, S2CID 53550190
  44. ^ Löwen 1983b.
  45. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 5.8
  46. ^ Salzmann 2014, 8.11,12
  47. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, Chapters 7 and 8
  48. ^ a b Löwen, R. (1979), "Symmetric planes", Pacific J. Math., 84 (2): 367–390, doi:10.2140/pjm.1979.84.367
  49. ^ Grundhöfer & Löwen 1995, 5.26-31
  50. ^ Hofmann, K.H.; Kramer, L. (2015), "Transitive actions of locally compact groups on locally contractive spaces", J. Reine Angew. Math., 702: 227–243, 245/6
  51. ^ Löwen, R. (1979), "Classification of  -dimensional symmetric planes", Mathematische Zeitschrift, 167: 137–159, doi:10.1007/BF01215118, S2CID 123564207
  52. ^ Steinke 1995
  53. ^ Polster & Steinke 2001, §4
  54. ^ Steinke, G. (1983), "Locally classical Benz planes are classical", Mathematische Zeitschrift, 183: 217–220, doi:10.1007/bf01214821, S2CID 122877328
  55. ^ Wölk, D. (1966), "Topologische Möbiusebenen", Mathematische Zeitschrift (in German), 93: 311–333, doi:10.1007/BF01111942
  56. ^ Löwen, R.; Steinke, G.F. (2014), "The circle space of a spherical circle plane", Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin, 21 (2): 351–364, doi:10.36045/bbms/1400592630
  57. ^ Strambach, K. (1970), "Sphärische Kreisebenen", Mathematische Zeitschrift (in German), 113: 266–292, doi:10.1007/bf01110328, S2CID 122982956
  58. ^ Steinke 1995, 3.2
  59. ^ Groh, H. (1973), "Möbius planes with locally euclidean circles are flat", Math. Ann., 201 (2): 149–156, doi:10.1007/bf01359792, S2CID 122256290
  60. ^ Strambach, K. (1972), "Sphärische Kreisebenen mit dreidimensionaler nichteinfacher Automorphismengruppe", Mathematische Zeitschrift (in German), 124: 289–314, doi:10.1007/bf01113922, S2CID 120716300
  61. ^ Strambach, K. (1973), "Sphärische Kreisebenen mit einfacher Automorphismengruppe'", Geom. Dedicata (in German), 1: 182–220, doi:10.1007/bf00147520, S2CID 123023992
  62. ^ Buchanan, T.; Hähl, H.; Löwen, R. (1980), "Topologische Ovale", Geom. Dedicata (in German), 9 (4): 401–424, doi:10.1007/bf00181558, S2CID 189889834
  63. ^ Salzmann et al. 1995, 55.14
  64. ^ Steinke 1995, 5.7
  65. ^ Steinke 1995, 5.5
  66. ^ Steinke 1995, 5.4,8
  67. ^ a b Steinke, G.F. (2002), " -dimensional elation Laguerre planes admitting non-solvable automorphism groups", Monatsh. Math., 136: 327–354, doi:10.1007/s006050200046, S2CID 121391952
  68. ^ Steinke, G.F. (1993), " -dimensional point-transitive groups of automorphisms of  - dimensional Laguerre planes", Results in Mathematics, 24: 326–341, doi:10.1007/bf03322341, S2CID 123334384
  69. ^ Steinke 1995, 4.6
  70. ^ Steinke, G.F. (1992), " -dimensional Minkowski planes with large automorphism group", Forum Math., 4: 593–605, doi:10.1515/form.1992.4.593, S2CID 122970200
  71. ^ Polster & Steinke 2001, §4.4
  72. ^ Steinke 1995, 4.5 and 4.8


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  • Pickert, G. (1955), Projektive Ebenen (in German), Berlin: Springer
  • Polster, B.; Steinke, G.F. (2001), Geometries on surfaces, Cambridge UP
  • Salzmann, H. (1967), "Topological planes", Advances in Mathematics, 2: 1–60, doi:10.1016/s0001-8708(67)80002-1
  • Salzmann, H. (2014), Compact planes, mostly 8-dimensional. A retrospect, arXiv:1402.0304, Bibcode:2014arXiv1402.0304S
  • Salzmann, H.; Betten, D.; Grundhöfer, T.; Hähl, H.; Löwen, R.; Stroppel, M. (1995), Compact Projective Planes, W. de Gruyter
  • Steinke, G. (1995), "Topological circle geometries", Handbook of Incidence Geometry, Amsterdam: North-Holland: 1325–1354, doi:10.1016/B978-044488355-1/50026-8, ISBN 9780444883551