
{{Infobox isotopes (meta)}} (talk)


Including {{Isotopes/main/isotope}} subtemplate
{{Isotopes/main/isotope |mn= |sym=
 |na= |hl=
 |dm1= |pn1= |ps1= 
 |dm2= |pn2= |ps2= }}

{{Isotopes/main/isotope |link= |mn= |sym=
 |na= |hl=
 |dm1= |perc1= |link1= |ref1= |pn1= |ps1=
 |dm2= |perc2= |link2= |ref2= |pn2= |ps2=
 |dm3= |perc3= |link3= |ref3= |pn3= |ps3=
 |dm4= |perc4= |link4= |ref4= |pn4= |ps4=
{{Infobox isotopes (meta)
|symbol    =
|ref-table =
|isotopes  =
<nowiki>{{</nowiki>Isotopes/main/isotope |link= |mn= |sym=
 |na= |hl=
 |dm1= |perc1= |link1= |ref1= |pn1= |ps1=
 |dm2= |perc2= |link2= |ref2= |pn2= |ps2=
 |dm3= |perc3= |link3= |ref3= |pn3= |ps3=
 |dm4= |perc4= |link4= |ref4= |pn4= |ps4= }}
|footnote  =
|child     ={{{child|no}}}

Decay modes

normalised code
symbol wl
A, Z NUBASE, example, note
dm-symbol normal-code

100 alpha
dm 110 α
  • α
  • &alpha;
  • a
  • alpha
  • link: α
  • en: α emission
  • code-id:alpha
• (A − 4, Z − 2)
ACTION: An alpha particle (A = 4, Z = 2) emitted from nucleus
  • in NUBASE2020
200 beta
dm 210 β
  • β
  • &beta;
  • b
  • beta
  • link: β
  • en: β decay
  • code-id:beta
  • not in NUBASE2020
  • covers multiple dm's
dm 220 β
  • β<sup>−</sup>
  • β−
  • b−
  • b-
  • b&minus;
  • link: β
  • en: β decay
  • code-id:b-
• (A, Z + 1)
ACTION: A nucleus emits an electron and an electron antineutrino
  • in NUBASE2020
  • minus, hyphen, ndash
dm 230 ββ
  • β<sup>−</sup>β<sup>−</sup>
  • β−β−
  • b-b-
  • 2β<sup>−</sup> [alt]
  • 2b- [alt]
• (A, Z + 2)
ACTION: A nucleus emits two electrons and two antineutrinos
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 240 β+
ε + e+
  • β<sup>+</sup>
  • &beta;<sup>+</sup>
  • &beta;+
  • b+
  • ε + e<sup>+</sup> [alt]
  • e and e+ [alt]
  • link: β+
  • en: β+ decay
  • code-id:b+
• (A, Z − 1)
ACTION: In NUBASE2020, ß+ refers to the combined rate of electron capture (ε) and positron emission (e+): ß+ = ε + e+
  • in NUBASE2020
  • NUBASE says: + = ε + e+)
dm 250 β+β+
  • β<sup>+</sup>β<sup>+</sup>
  • &beta;<sup>+</sup>β<sup>+</sup>
  • β+β+
  • b+b+
  • 2β<sup>+</sup> [alt]
  • 2b+ [alt]
  • link: β+β+
  • en: double β+ decay
  • code-id:2b+
• (A, Z − 2)
ACTION: A nucleus emits two positrons and two neutrinos
  • in NUBASE2020
300 e, epsilon, gamma (internally, "epsi" is the code for char "ε"; "e" for Latn char "e" which occurs in "e+" only btw)
dm 310 ε
  • ε
  • epsi
  • &epsi;
  • &epsilon;
  • epsilon
  • link: ε
  • en: electron capture
  • code-id:epsi
• (A, Z − 1)
ACTION: A nucleus captures an orbiting electron and emits a neutrino; the daughter nucleus is left in an excited unstable state
  • in NUBASE2020
  • equals "e"? See also EC
dm 320 εε
  • εε
  • epsi epsi
  • &epsi;&epsi;
  • ee
  • epsilon epsilon
  • link: εε
  • en: double electron capture
  • code-id:epsiepsi
• (A, Z − 2)
  • not in NUBASE2020
  •  · barium-130
  • aka? equals "2 e"?
dm 330 ε + β+
  • ε + β<sup>+</sup>
  • epsi+b+
  • e+b+
  • link: ε + β+
  • en: electron capture and β+ decay
  • NUBASE: electron capture and β+ decay
  • code-id:epsiANDb+
ACTION: electron capture and β+ decay
dm 340 e+
  • e<sup>+</sup>
  • e+
  • link: e+
  • en: positron emission
  • code-id:e+
• (A, Z − 1)
ACTION: A nuclear proton converts to a neutron by emitting a positron and an electron neutrino
dm 350 γ
  • γ
  • gamma
  • g
  • &gamma;
  • link: γ
  • en: γ decay
  • code-id:gamma
400 n, p
dm 410 n
  • n
  • link: n
  • en: neutron emission
  • code-id:n
• (A − 1, Z)
ACTION: A neutron ejected from nucleus
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 420 2n
  • 2n
  • nn [alt]
  • link: 2n
  • en: 2-neutron emission
  • code-id:2n
• (A − 2, Z)
ACTION: Two neutrons ejected from nucleus simultaneously
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 430 p
  • p
  • link: p
  • en: proton emission
  • code-id:p
• (A − 1, Z − 1)
ACTION: A proton ejected from nucleus
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 440 2p
  • 2p
  • nn [alt]
  • link: 2p
  • en: 2-proton emission
  • code-id:2p
• (A − 2, Z − 2)
ACTION: Two protons ejected from nucleus simultaneously
  • in NUBASE2020
500 EC, IT, IS, SF, CD
dm 510 EC
  • EC
  • link: EC
  • en: electron capture
  • code-id:EC
• (A, Z − 1)
  • not in NUBASE2020
  • related to, synonym of epsi?
dm 520 IT
  • IT
  • link: IT
  • en: isomeric transition
  • NUBASE: internal transition
  • code-id:IT
• (A, Z)
ACTION: A nucleus in a metastable state drops to a lower energy state by emitting a photon or ejecting an electron
  • in NUBASE2020
  • Names used: "internal transition" (NUBASE), "isomeric transition" (enwiki)
dm 530 SF
  • SF
  • link: SF
  • en: spontaneous fission
  • code-id:SF
• variable
ACTION: A nucleus disintegrates into two or more smaller nuclei and other particles, all of which may vary with each decay
dm 540 CD
  • CD
  • link: CD
  • en: cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster decay
  • code-id:CD
• (AA1, Z − Z1) & (A1Z1)
ACTION: A nucleus emits a specific type of smaller nucleus (A1, Z1) which is larger than an alpha particle (e.g. 14C, 24Ne)
  • in NUBASE2020
  • CD is general term for "24Ne"-like decays
dm 550 IS
  • IS
  • link: IS
  • en: isotopic abundance
  • code-id:IS
600 delayed
dm 611 βn
  • βn
  • &beta;-n
  • b-n
  • link: βn
  • en: β-delayed neutron emission
  • code-id:b-n
• (A − 1, Z + 1)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits a neutron
dm 612 β2n
  • β2n
  • b-2n
  • link: β2n
  • en: β-delayed 2-neutron emission
  • code-id:b-2n
• (A − 2, Z + 1)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits two neutrons
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 613 β3n
  • β3n
  • b-3n
  • link: β3n
  • en: β-delayed 3-neutron emission
  • code-id:b-3n
• (A − 3, Z + 1)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits three neutrons
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 614 βα
  • βα
  • b-a
  • link: βα
  • en: β-delayed α emission
  • code-id:b-a
• (A − 4, Z − 1)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits an α particle
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 615 βd
  • βd
  • b-d
  • link: βd
  • en: β-delayed deuteron emission
  • code-id:b-d
• (A − 2, Z)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits a deuteron
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 616 βt
  • βt
  • b-t
  • link: βt
  • en: β-delayed triton emission
  • code-id:b-t
• (A − 3, Z)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then emits a triton
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 617 βSF
  • βSF
  • b-SF
  • link: βSF
  • en: β-delayed fission
  • code-id:b-SF
• β & variable
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β emission to an excited state, which then undergoes spontaneous fission
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 618 β+p
  • β+p
  • b+p
  • link: β+p
  • en: β+-delayed proton emission
  • code-id:b+p
• (A − 1, Z − 2)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then emits a proton
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 619 β+2p
  • β+2p
  • b+2p
  • link: β+2p
  • en: β+-delayed 2-proton emission
  • code-id:b+2p
• (A − 2, Z − 3)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then emits two protons
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 621 β+3p
  • β+3p
  • link: β+3p
  • en: β+-delayed 3-proton emission
  • code-id:b+3p
• (A − 3, Z − 4)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then emits three protons
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 622 β+α
  • β+α
  • b+a
  • link: β+α
  • en: β+-delayed α emission
  • code-id:b+a
• (A − 4, Z − 3)
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then emits an a particle
  • in NUBASE2020
dm 623 β+SF
  • β+SF
  • b+SF
  • link: β+SF
  • en: β+-delayed fission
  • code-id:b+SF
• β+ & variable
ACTION: A nucleus decays by β+ emission to an excited state, which then undergoes spontaneous fission
  • in NUBASE2020
700 24Ne
dm 710 14C
  • 14C
  • link: 14C
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:14C
dm 720 20Ne
  • 20Ne
  • 20Ne
  • Ne-20
  • link: 20Ne
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:20Ne
dm 730 24Ne
  • <sup>24</sup>Ne
  • 24Ne
  • Ne-24
  • link: 24Ne
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:24Ne
dm 740 25Ne
  • <sup>25</sup>Ne
  • 25Ne
  • Ne-25
  • link: 25Ne
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:25Ne
dm 750 25Ne + 28Mg
  • 25Ne + 28Mg
  • 25NeAND28Mg
  • Ne-25 and Mg-28
  • Ne-25 + Mg-28
  • link: 25Ne + 28Mg
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:25NeAND28Mg
dm 760 26Ne
  • 26Ne
  • 26Ne
  • Ne-26
  • link: 26Ne
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:26Ne
dm 770 24Ne + 26Ne
  • 24Ne + 26Ne
  • 24Ne + 26Ne
  • Ne-24 + Ne-26
  • link: 24Ne + 26Ne
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:24NeAND26Ne
dm 780 28Mg
  • 28Mg
  • 28Mg
  • link: 28Mg
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:28Mg
  • in NUBASE2020
  •  · 232U, 33U, 234U, 235U, 236Pu, 238Pu
dm 790 28Mg + 30Mg
  • 28Mg + 30Mg
  • 28Mg + 30Mg
  • 28Mg and 30Mg
  • Mg-28 + Mg-30
  • link: 28Mg + 30Mg
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:28MgAND30Mg
  • in NUBASE2020
  •  · 238Pu
dm 792 30Mg
  • 30Mg
  • 30Mg
  • link: 30Mg
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:30Mg
  • in NUBASE2020
  •  · 237Np, 238Pu
dm 794 32Si
  • 32Si
  • 32Si
  • Si-32
  • link: 32Si
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:32Si
  • in NUBASE2020
  •  · 238Pu
dm 796 34Si
  • 34Si
  • 34Si
  • Si-34
  • link: 34Si
  • en: heavy cluster decay
  • NUBASE: heavy cluster emission
  • code-id:34Si
800 natural abundance, half-life (na, hl)
na 810 synth
  • synth
  • synthetic
  • syn
  • synthetic isotope
  • link: synth
  • en: synthetic isotope
  • code-id:synth
  • not in NUBASE2020
  • not dm (na=natural abundance)
na 820 trace
  • trace
  • traces
  • abundance in traces
  • link: trace
  • en: trace
  • code-id:trace
  • not in NUBASE2020
  • not dm (na=natural abundance)
hl 850 stable
  • stable
  • link: stable
  • en: stable
  • code-id:stable
  • in NUBASE2020
  • not dm (hl=half-life)
hl 860 observ. stable
  • obs stable
  • observational stable
  • link: observ. stable
  • en: observationally stable
  • code-id:obsstable
  • not in NUBASE2020
  •  · bismuth-209
  • not dm (hl=half-life)
900 Not supported
dm 920 incorrect normal-code input: ≠ e-
  • e
  • e-
  • e-
  • link:
  • en:
  • code-id:
  • not in NUBASE2020
  • e not implemented
930 IT ? <dm> ? (theor) not implemented
Decay mode is energetically allowed, but not experimentally observed
in NUBASE2020
940 IT=? <dm>=? (theor) not imp;lemented
decay is observed, but its intensity is not experimentally known
in NUBASE2020


from {IB main isotopes}:
<!-- MAIN ISOTOPES TABLE (does not need/use the child=T/F setting) (Jan2023); symbol=unused atm -->
|data10 ={{Isotopes/main/table
 |symbol         ={{{symbol|}}}
 |isotopes       ={{{isotopes|}}}
 |ref-table      ={{{ref-table|}}}
 |ref-nubase2020 ={{if empty|1={{{ref-nubase2020|}}}|2={{{ref-NUBASE2020|}}}|3=no}}
 |footnote       ={{{footnote|}}}

|symbol    =
|ref-table =
|ref-NUBASE2020=<!-- aka -->
|isotopes  =
|footnote  =
:na, hl, dm, dm-% (not: id, prod)
|type-normal-code=[combined main type & code: hl-stable, dm-b+, hl-
|dm-count =
|cell-content =
|ref = [will show in-cell]
|dm-perc =
|raw-dm-perc=[to check for message ".._"]


|symbol= is not used in this /table (passed for possibilities)
|child= is not used in this /table (only in parent {Infobox isotopes (meta)})

Errors and tracking



See also

  1. ^ Kondev, F. G.; Wang, M.; Huang, W. J.; Naimi, S.; Audi, G. (2021). "The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties" (PDF). Chinese Physics C. 45 (3): 030001. doi:10.1088/1674-1137/abddae.