Talk:Tu'i Pulotu

Latest comment: 5 months ago by Blackmamba31248 in topic Article problems

False Narrative


There is not sufficient evidence for this article. The report is not neutral in his reporting. (talk) 23:16, 29 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Tui Burotu Empire


There was a powerful headhunting kingdom which originated in the pre-flood kingdom of Vuniivilevu or Davetalevu of Moturiki in the ancient past.They were sons of angels to beautiful daughters of men..The corruption and violence lifestyle that they committed on that generations made Vuvu na Ratu Mai Bula (Jealous the Chief of Life-God Himself)to bring that great flood which destroyed nd covered that old earth..Four days before that flood, God rescued a newly borned blood clot male infant who was later called Lutudra (blood clot)/Catanatamani l (loathed by his dad)/Tui Waicalanavanua l (king of dissolved land) nd also known as QioVula (white shark)..The cursed daughters of men who married the angels of the pre-flood earth of Vuniivilevu were casted spells by God nd turned into mermaids who used to inhabit the spiritual island of Burotukula normally seen in the Lau waters..As you can see that it normally appeared closely or inhabited by Kubunavanua a son of Tura, former Tui Davetalevu of Moturiki before he fled the cannibalism practiced there ,to Naicobocobo Bua.And the Tui Daku of Makadru Matuku who met that half man half p*g who was sent from Burotukula..But throughout all those appearance,there wasn't any significant sign of civilization on its seafloor or on the Matuku reefs..

Compared to Davetalevu seafloor where there are house abodes,long line of big water jars,vertical structured walls,a big gate nd a big foot print which turned towards Uluibau village,Moturiki..That's on Davetalevu seafloor.,but ancient potteries were also found on Uluibau reef of Moturiki.A name of young men's thatched house accomodation called Naitasi nd it's end of accommodation was known as Tutuvabola,both used to be on the Daku reef,.which is about 0.5 miles of Uluibau reef.

Moreover the highest number of ancient potteries(17000) found in the whole Pacific Islands were found in Naitabale few metres inland from Uluibau coast,Moturiki. That's on one site alone,apart from the 88 sites on Mo-tu-riki nd it's smaller islets.And the only reconstructed woman's face ever found in the Pacific,was found beside the massive potteries found at Naitabale.Plus a big millennial aged petroglyphed stone encrypted with concentric circles was found in Uluibau Moturiki.Which has proved the fact that our verbal history about both civilizations before the flood and after the flood are true.

According to some names existed in Moturiki,like Nakorovatu (a village Built with Stones), Korobaba means village built with structured fences, Vatulavelavesa (lifted sacred stones), Vatuwaqa Levu (big boat loaded with stones-Drua) nd Vatuwaqa Lailai (small boat loaded with stones - serpent transportated Stones like a boat), Delainawaqaibonu (on top of a serpent boat - carried them stones strapped on her back on real account)..

The two gigantic brothers Olisifa nd Olosofa 17 men nd women nd Fiti Pul the serpent transported those magnetic stones from Moturiki reef,Fiji to Soun Nan Leng (Reef of Heaven -Cakauilagi) or Nan Madol nowdays.Led to the Saudeleur dynasty of Nan Madol on Pohnpei reef.Mwein Sau-deleur means Lord of Deleur which is the same as the Sau title of Fiji .They are known as Chiefs/Kings or Lords of their districts..Sau is known as Hau in Tonga,Sau in Pohnpei,Sou nd Hou to the Yuk speakers in Micronesia..

The extension of that Fijian Empire at Nan Madol was like a mark,beacon,token or lighthouse to the underwater civilization of Vuniivilevu known scientifically as Lemurians under the waters of Pohnpei,Rapanui waters of Easter islnds (home of the big Moai statues), underwater civilization of Samoa,Tahiti underwater civilization,Vanuatu or Solomon underwater civilization nd NZ(Zealandia)underwater civilization..Back to Micronesias island of West Katau or Kosrae-known as the island of the sleeping lady,with the same etymology as Biblical Eve island..Same ideology as Fiji's underwater naming of Vuniivilevu (big Eve tree).. Which proved the fact that Fijian Empire extension did reached those NW Pacific region.

But the naming of the Burotu Empire came from the original location of BUROTU(land of the first paradise) which was the heart of Bulu.Where Murimuria (Buluvarua or place for bad souls) was the outer cordon of Bulu.The owner or creator of Bulu is Ratu Mai Bula who lives in Lagi or heaven.Thats why our forefathers named Bulu as Vunilagi (Vuniivilevu or Davetalevu) near Moturiki.Koya Na Sau the eldest son of Tui Wai the same Waicalanavanua l of Davetalevu was written in aa newspaper article that he was the owner of the main Savalevu or Burekalou (temple);of Korolevu in Burotu..Theres one Korolevu old settlement in Uluibau Moturiki closest to Burotu of Davetalevu..

Same Burotu kingship was known in the Melanesian region as Makulaivasa a last king of Burotu from Fiji.And a king of Pulotu called Elo was known in Samoa to have used the dead bodies of Samoan chiefs to be the top braces of his temple in Which is the same etymology known in the Davetalevu region near Mo-tu-riki known as Naisatamata (humans for top braces of a house). Malaysians knows a powerful kingdom of the east, where the sunrises and sets.Who possessed all the secrets of spiritual powers, magical Manas nd knowledges from the pre-flood kingdom of Burotu or Davetalevu..

The Papuans knows a powerful headhunting kingdom of the east, where the sunrises and sets to be a major force who dominated the Pacific Islands of the ancient past. Some of their older people have knowledges of an underwater civilization known as EnuaKura once lay between Viti Levu and Samoa,nd that is Vanuakula to us Fijians Same location of Vuniivilevu/Davetalevu/Cakaukoula or Burotu.. When Burotus chosen warriors were sent overseas,the once powerful headhunting nd trading kingdom became weak nd led to its collapsed. They were the once who built the pyramids of sphynx, stone henge, circular standing stones, petroglyphs encrypted with concentric circles and spiral images in more than 24 countries around the world...Known as the Tamana civilization/Empire..Even the name Burotukukula is Known in Hungary, Europe..Their symbols concentric circles and spiral images are known in Russia, Scotland, England, Ireland, Ukraine,France , Germany, Switzerland,Italy, Israel near Golan heights border,Sub Sahara Mauritania s Eye of Sahara.. Known as the Moors but they were the Kai Mua(boat crew members) of the boat which left behind the Burotu Empire,Fiji Islands. Vusonilawe (talk) 19:35, 30 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

Article problems


The article is barely intelligible and is clearly written by someone with no understanding of English who probaly used google translate. Plus, it is nót written from a neutrual point of view, and POV is written like a school essay. Blackmamba31248 (talk) 00:08, 20 April 2024 (UTC)Reply