Talk:Glenn Hubbard (economist)

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Clearly this article has been vandalized. I don't know whether there was a genuine picture of Hubbard attached at some point, but the current pic is obviously someone's idea of a joke. If I knew how to change this I would, so I hope someone more knowledgeable will see to it.

Parody Video


I've read on some blogs that it really is him in the video, otheres say its a student playing him. Does anyone know one way or another?

It's a look-alike. 20:52, 12 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

My mother will be so disapointed!Lizz612 17:03, 3 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

hubbard on 2016 presidential candidates


As part of a conversation related to Cabinet of Donald Trump with Noyster, did some digging for sources on Hubbard's role in the POTUS election.

snippets from various sources, chronological order, including some WP:ABOUTSELF on Hubbard's views
  • October 19th 2015. ...Glenn Hubbard, dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, is a veteran adviser to presidential campaigns. He served as Council of Economic Advisers chairman under President George W. Bush. Hubbard subsequently advised Romney in 2012 and was considered a leading contender for Treasury secretary if Romney had won. Today, Hubbard is an adviser to former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.). ...
  • Jeb Bush advisor: Trump ideas 'economic flimflam' ...Trump's policy proposals would actually reduce economic growth, Glenn Hubbard, an advisor to rival Jeb Bush, said Wednesday, ahead of the third Republican presidential debate. "Some of the candidates in this race are presenting economic flimflam to the American people," he said on "Squawk Box." "I would put Donald Trump definitely in that category." ...described Trump's ideas on immigration, trade, taxes, and the budget as "unrealistic" and "simply dangerous." The debate Wednesday night, sponsored by CNBC, should be a chance for Jeb Bush and other candidates, such as Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to expose that, he said, adding Bush needs to demonstrate why his tax plan and other ideas would jump-start the economy. "We need to have a serious debate over whether we're going to get stuck at 2 percent or grow much faster," said Hubbard, dean of the Columbia Business School. "We will not do that with the kind of policies Donald Trump is suggesting." ...
  • It's Time for Candidates to Get Serious About the Economy: Our economic debate is stuck in the 1950s. by Glenn Hubbard. ...Instead of a policy discussion on a path to the 2050s, we are stuck in a debate about a return to the 1950s — preserving union jobs for some, generating less competition in business for others and failing to modernize Social Security and Medicare. The situation calls to mind a joke from a few years ago: “Republicans want to go back and live in the 1950s. Democrats want to go back and work there.” In this unusual primary season, the partisan lines in the joke are blurred, but the nostalgia is featured in the themes of front-runners in both parties. This is unhelpful... Advisers to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tell us that America’s pace of economic growth is consigned to be slow, a “secular stagnation” with an advance of no more than 2 percent per year. Some pessimists even see the possibility of 1 percent growth. Thus far, Clinton is running on a policy mix to match that sluggish growth. Her tax, regulatory and spending proposals are unlikely to increase productivity, work opportunities or aggregate demand. And her leading primary opponent [Bernie Sanders] promises democratic socialism, with a European growth rate.... possibility of faster growth and what it would take to achieve it deserves center stage in a debate over domestic policy. But it’s mentioned rarely even among Republican candidates. ...Jeb Bush in particular has pushed this discussion forward with serious ideas... Kasich wisely reminds voters that the nation’s long-term fiscal challenges remain great. Florida Sen.Marco Rubio’s tax plan has pro-growth elements, though it would sacrifice some punch by using higher marginal tax rates to fund expanded tax credits. Donald Trump’s economic plans — on trade and immigration and with an obvious lack of grasp of fiscal challenges — have strong anti-growth policy elements. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s economic statements are either incoherent or deeply flawed (e.g., a 10 percent flat tax... shift in expectations [towards future-growth-oriented economic policies] is the antidote both to the statist vision of the Democratic left and the incoherent policy know-nothingism of some GOP candidates. “Make America great again” is a bumper sticker. A serious policy alternative to slow-growth sclerosis starts with real policy reforms that advance productivity in the service of faster growth, higher wages and greater opportunity. ... (according to huffpo trendlines as of nov 1st 2015 nationwide repub polling was 28%trump 21%carson 10%rubio 8%cruz 7%jebbush 4%fiorina 3%huckabee 3%randpaul 3%kasich 2%christie ... of which hubbard elided cruz#4 fiorina#5 huckabee#6 randpaul#7 and christie#9 for his analysis.)
  • Do any candidates have an economic plan that would work? Opinion piece, by Glenn Hubbard, republished at ...economic plans from some of the candidates should make us all nervous. ...Trump has tapped into two rich veins of legitimate voter concern: Can America resume growth in living standards with broadly shared prosperity? And can mainstream politicians answer this question? The heated rhetoric seems to suggest the answers are “no.’’ The Democratic race also offers little cause for cheer. Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders’ agenda represents legitimate frustration with mainstream Washington’s lack of attention to concerns of middle-income Americans, but his solution is an implausible European welfare state. But expressing or channeling anger is not the same as solving problems. That requires a different kind of leadership and an economic plan to match. ... (Despite the foreshadowing, Hubbard does not namedrop any other candidates, aside from his criticism of Trump and Sanders.)
  • [Feb 27th 2016 -- a few days after SC and a few days before super tuesday] ...Glenn Hubbard, who had been an adviser to the campaign of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and was chair of the Council of Economic Advisers during the George H.W. Bush administration, said he planned to keep up steady criticism of Trump on economic issues. "I think it is time for serious people to stand up and be counted. The next few weeks come very quickly," said Hubbard, who published a column in the Boston Globe on Friday criticizing Trump. Hubbard, now dean of the business school at Columbia University, told Reuters he worried Trump's comments already hurt the country's image abroad and would hobble his ability to govern if elected.
  • [march 21st , a few days after rubio suspended his campaign]. The Economic Ignorance of Trump and Sanders, by Jon Hartley & Glenn Hubbard ...The Sanders and Trump platforms range from protectionist anti-trade measures to expanded entitlement spending. Such policies are more popular than in previous elections and in some cases even pushing other candidates, especially Hillary Clinton, to grudgingly endorse them. ...Peterson Institute for International Economics finds that a bilateral free-trade agreement with China would increase U.S. exports by almost $400 billion annually, increase U.S. national income by more than $100 billion annually, and add 1.7 million jobs to the U.S. economy over ten years. By contrast, Donald Trump’s proposal to exorbitantly raise tariffs on China ultimately would raise the prices of consumer goods ...Populist candidates such as Sanders and Trump have rejected the need for entitlement reform, which the CBO projects will claim an increasingly higher share of national spending at the expense of other budget items ...The rise of populist candidates — Trump and Sanders, with Clinton increasingly tagging on — arguably mirrors the recent trends....
  • Glenn Hubbard, dean of the Columbia Business School and former Jeb Bush adviser, came by Fortune’s offices yesterday. And for those of us who care more about governance than politics, he offered the most optimistic prediction I’ve heard yet on the outcome of this year’s dispiriting elections. Like many, he believes either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz will win the Republican nomination, but neither can win the general election. That probably puts Hillary Clinton in the White House, but also likely leaves Republican Paul Ryan as leading power broker in Congress. Hubbard suspects Clinton, Ryan and the whole political class of 2016 will be chastened by the angry voters who powered Trump and Sanders this year, and will feel compelled to work together to fashion a response. Doing nothing—the preferred solution of the last half decade—won't be an acceptable answer. The possible result: A grand bipartisan compromise that pairs support for American workers—an expanded earned income tax credit, improved worker training programs, new infrastructure investment—with support for American business, including corporate tax reform and approval of new trade agreements. Sound far-fetched? Perhaps. But that’s at least one scenario in which the strong message being sent by voters this year could lead to a productive outcome next year. Hope springs eternal.
  • (Hubbard bashes Hillary Clinton as statist-protectionist and thus anti-economic-growth, and in the same breath bashes Donald Trump as populist-protectionist and thus anti-economic-growth. Speaks highly of Paul Ryan's economic agenda, and says in his final conclusion-sentence that: "The moment for voters to turn from populist [Trump] and statist [Clinton] rhetoric to a debate over ideas — and their consequences — is now." That was published on April 19th, which was the day of the NY state primary for both parties; Kasich, Cruz, and Sanders were the remaining competitors in the two major parties, at the time, plus the potential candidacy of a dark horse at the national convention or afterwards, e.g. eventually McMullin would announce an independent run, plus various third party candidacies. Hubbard did not endorse Kasich, who was hoping to do well on the 19th and especially the 26th of April in the northeastern states, nor did Hubbard endorse Cruz either, who had just swept Colorado and Wyoming, but settled merely for criticism of Trump and Clinton... which dovetails with the explanation above, that he expects Clinton to win and hopes Paul Ryan's economic agenda would be enacted.)
  • [may 9th shortly after cruz & kasich suspended] ...One other name mentioned by several Republicans as a possible Trump Treasury secretary is Glenn Hubbard, currently dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Hubbard served in top economic jobs in both Bush administrations. He advised Jeb Bush before the former Florida governor dropped out of the 2016 campaign. Trump would certainly not be Hubbard’s first choice of presidents to serve, people who know him said. But he might agree if implored by Trump to help run economic policy including a big tax rewrite, Hubbard’s top issue. Hubbard did not respond to a request for comment.
  • ...For now, most economists chuckle at what they hear so far on the campaign trail. "We need real discussion of growth," Glenn Hubbard, dean of the Columbia Business School and a former top economic adviser to President George W. Bush, told CNBC Tuesday. "Right now, I haven't heard serious ideas from either one [Trump and Clinton], to be honest."
  • TRUMP TREASURY PICKS — Lots of responses to MM’s request on Friday for picks for Treasury Secretary under a potential Trump administration ... Columbia Business School grad David Leith on Glenn Hubbard: “I think not. I attended one of CBS's Centennial programs in Boston last month. Dean Hubbard addressed the crowd. He told of his exasperation at touring Japan the week before and being asked about nothing but Trump. His only consolation, he said, was telling his hosts that at least Trump was a Wharton graduate.’ I don't think he was very enamored with the Donald." Per a DC insider [quoted anonymously]: “In the crazy event that a Trump Presidency happens, my dream team would be a Kevin Warsh Treasury Secretary and Glenn Hubbard Fed Chair duo (recall Trump has vowed to replace Yellen — not exactly something I would approve of as appropriate election banter).” J.W. Verret, former chief economist to the House Financial Services Committee: “The top three list of candidates are all named Glenn Hubbard. Tax reform will be job one in the next Republican Administration. CEA Chairman is usually the White House posting for an in-house ivory tower type. When Glenn was Bush CEA Chairman he took leadership of tax reform and was an unstoppable force, which is uncommon among academics who come to Washington.” Not happening, per Univ. of Chicago’s Austan Goolsbee: “Glenn Hubbard hates Trump. Through the primary said he would never vote for him and would support HRC if Trump were picked.” [neutrality note, be aware that Goolsbee is a democratic party appointee whereas Hubbard is a republican party appointee and thus the Goolsbee quotation may not be unbiased]
  • Traditional Republican economists have also kept their distance. Glenn Hubbard, the dean of Columbia Business School, who served as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush, wrote, “The anti-trade and anti-immigration policies of Mr. Trump portend a slower-growth future for all Americans, and middle- and lower-income Americans in particular.”
  • Glenn Hubbard, said he thinks of Trump’s plan as “indicating a direction toward a tax system much more favorable to business income and investment, while Secretary Clinton would raises taxes on corporate and individual incomes. The details of both plans would change as they hit the messy world of actual tax legislation, but the directional differences are pretty clear.”
  • Economists Who’ve Advised Presidents Are No Fans of Donald Trump former members of the White House Council of Economic Advisers—spanning eight presidents—openly support Mr. Trump ... Preferred candidate in 2016 [between Trump and Clinton]: Glenn Hubbard -- declined to say.
  • [Sept 15th 2016] ...Glenn Hubbard, dean of Columbia Business School and an adviser to Jeb Bush’s failed campaign for the Republican nomination, said Mr Trump was “directionally” right in stressing the need for stronger economic growth, and in arguing for tax cuts and deregulation. “He is asking the question that people want answers to: why can’t we have higher growth?” Mr Hubbard said. “I don’t think there is anything in Secretary [Hillary] Clinton’s platform that is pro-growth at all.” However, he was “not on the same page” as Mr Trump on trade, thinking it was “much more beneficial” to the US than the candidate suggested. ...[Trump] said the Federal Open Market Committee was “not doing the right job” by holding interest rates down. “I think the Fed is being totally controlled politically. They’re not raising rates,” he said. “I believe the Fed is very political . . . If it was a political decision or the right decision, they’re going to go with the political decision, every single time.” ...Hubbard said it seemed clear to him that differences over interest rates at the FOMC were “disagreements between technocrats”, and not politically motivated, but Mr Trump was “entitled to his opinion”.
  • The conference has seen several speakers talk politics so far, with economist Glenn Hubbard at Columbia Business School offering some additional Trump support. "Directionally, he's on the playing field. Mrs. Clinton is not on the playing field if that field is economic growth," said Hubbard, a George W. Bush administration figure tied to controversial tax cuts on dividends. Hubbard called Trump "a little undisciplined" and said he should better "articulate a general vision for growth."
  • (video: "Glenn Hubbard talks about the Federal Reserve's involvement in too-big-to-fail banks, the Fed's continued ultra-accommodative stance, the state of the European banking system, and the economic plans of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.")
  • [nov 2nd right around when Trump's two-minute anti-central-banking campaign advert aired] ...Economists across the political spectrum reject Trump’s claims that Yellen is declining to raise interest rates to improve Clinton’s election odds. ...“The fact that I don’t happen to agree with the conduct of policy doesn’t mean that they are being political,” said Glenn Hubbard, the dean of Columbia Business School and former top economist to President George W. Bush, who believes rates should rise faster. “I think that’s very unfortunate.”A real example of political interference with monetary policy occurred in the early 1970s. Taped recordings of Richard Nixon provide clear evidence that Nixon pressured then-Fed Chair Arthur Burns to adopt expansionary monetary policies to improve his reelection chances. ...
  • ...Eight of 10 respondents said a President Trump would not reappoint Fed Chair Janet Yellen when her term expires in January 2018. Stanford University economist John Taylor was mentioned by three respondents as the most likely person to be named Fed chairman by Trump, followed by two votes for Trump economic advisor David Malpass. Others mentioned just once included former Fed Governor Kevin Warsh, Columbia University Business School Dean Glenn Hubbard and Harvard University economist Gregory Mankiw. [per WP:COUNT the other two believe trump would retain Yellin]

Hope these are useful, if somebody has time please integrate summaries of them into the article. (talk) 22:00, 8 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

rescued stuff, might not be in WP:RS


Some material removed in 2014 (and a bit from 2012 also) -- presumably per WP:RESUME and per [citation needed] -- which might be worth researching and re-adding.[1][2][3]

  • Awards. Named a John M. Olin fellow, Nat. Bur. Econ. Rsch., 1987-88; NSF grantee; named one of 25 Leaders Reshaping NY, Crain's NY mag., 2008; Named the 16th most-connected business executive in New York by Crain's New York Business[1]
  • Works. Editor: Asymmetric Information, Corporate Finance and Investment, 1989; contbr. articles to profl. jours.
  • Career. Positions Held: sr. vice dean, Columbia U. Grad. Sch. Bus., 1994-1997; co-dir. entrepreneurship prog., Columbia U. Grad. Sch. Bus.; prof. econs., Columbia U. Grad. Sch. Bus.; Russell L. Carson prof. econs./fin., dean, Columbia U. Grad. Sch. Bus., NYC, 1988; prof. econs., Northwestern U., Evanston, Ill., 1983-87. Career-Related: Cons. US dept. State, Dept. Energy, Internat. Trade Commn., Social Security Adminstrn., Nat. Petroleum Coun., numerous pvt. corps.; dep. asst. sec. US Dept. Treas., Washington, 1991-92; chmn. US Pres. Coun. Econ. Advs., 2001-03; bd. dirs. ADP, BlackRock Fin., Duke Realty, KKR Fin. Corp., Ripplewood Holdings, MetLife Inc., 2007.
  • Avocations/Research/Interests reading, theater, travel. Civil/Military Service: Mem. Big Apple dist. com. Boy Scouts of America Memberships: Mem.: Am. Fin. Assn., Royal Econ. Assn., Econometric Soc., Am. Econ. Assn., Edgewater Beach Club of Naples, Met. Club Washington, Harvard Club NY, Univ. Club NY, Econ. Club NY. Addresses: Office, Columbia U Grad Sch Bus, 3022 Broadway, 609 Uris Hall, New York, NY, 10027.
  • CFR. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations per their 2010 and 2011 lists.[4]
  • Work For Unspecified Think Tank.[which?] On January 11, 2006, he was appointed to serve on the advisory board of a think tank formed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to study the impact of globalization on the international economy.


  1. ^ "200 Most Connected New Yorkers". Crain's New York Business.

Please verify and source before re-inserting into the article (talk) 00:57, 15 January 2017 (UTC)Reply


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