Talk:George Ștefănescu

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Oameni cu buche


I'm not sure I understand the connotations of "Oameni cu buche". Is it "Men of letters", "Literate men", or something else? - Jmabel | Talk 00:30, 24 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi Joe, like the last time I will try to explain you in Romanian.

In DEX - dictionarul explicativ al limbii romane scrie urmatoarele : BUCHE , buchi. A doua litera din alfabetul chirilic; p.gen. litera; (de obicei la plural) alfabet, cunostiinte generale de scris si citit. Expresia Buchea cartii=exact ca in carte. - Din limba slava buky. Deci cred ca titlul ar pute fi tradus prin Oameni cu carte. Adica oameni care stiu sa scrie si sa citeasca. Multumesc mult pentru efortul tau si am sa-ti raspund in continuare. Radustefanescugross 12:39, 24 November 2006 (UTC)Reply


In DEX - explanatory dictionary of the Romanian language writes the following

BUCHE , buchi. The second letter of the Cyrillic alphabet; p.gen. litera (?); (customarily plural) alphabet, general knowledge of reading and writing. The expression Buchea cartii=exactly as in the book. - From the Slavic language buky. So it would seem that the title might be translated like Oameni cu carte ("Men with books") Meaning men who know how to write and read. Thank you very much for your effort and I'll try to respond to you continually.

[End translation]

So "Men with books" is the literal meaning, and "Literate men" was the correct connotation (rather than "Men of letters", which would be suggesting men of more erudition than the merely literate. - Jmabel | Talk 07:40, 26 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Several more questions


I've been through only part of this closely; there are several things that need clarification by someone knowledgable and/or with access to sources I lack.

  • In 1937, we have the sentence fragment "Order for fashion design in Bucharest." This is very vague, what exactly did he do?
  • Same paragraph we have him becoming a member of the "Syndicate of Creating Art of Romania" What is the Romanian of that? The English sounds like a bad translation.
  • "director of the cinema laboratory Mogoşoaia": does this mean the laboratory was in Mogoşoaia or was in Bucharest and was named Mogoşoaia?
  • "1957 His health stabilizes." This needs clarification: there has been no prior indication here of his health being unstable. What was going on here?

Jmabel | Talk 00:49, 24 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

In anul 1937 a facut proiecte pentru vestimentatie (imbracaminte pentru femei) pentru o casa de mode din Bucuresti. Era liber profesionist si a facut ceea ce fac creatorii si designerii de moda. A facut schitele dupa care s-a realizat imbracaminte si accesorii vestimentare cum ar fi taioare, rochii, mantouri, posete, palarii, esarfe,etc.
Multumesc mult pentru intrebari. Multe lucruri nu le stiu nici eu. De aceea l-am sunat pe tatal meu in Germania (eu sunt acum in Romania) si l-am intrebat. Mi-a spus ca in perioada interbelica (intre cele doua razboaie mondiale) majoritatea intelectualilor europeni erau cu vederi socialiste. Din aceasta cauza denumirile asociatiilor profesionale erau sub numele de sindicat. Numele exact era SINDICATUL ARTISTILOR DIN ROMANIA. Tatal meu mi-a spus ca din sindicat faceau parte pictori, graficieni si sculptori. Sindicatul era condus de un sculptor pe nume Iordanescu. Membrii plateau cotizatii si aveau si anumite avantaje cum ar fi acela de a merge la o casa de creatie din comuna Sambata de Sus din judetul Brasov.
Despre Mogosoaia am sa iti scriu luni. Trebuie sa il intreb pe tatal meu.
Referitor la starea sanatatii sale. Tatal meu a participat la al doilea razboi mondial si a ajuns cu corpul de armata din care facea parte pana in Crimeea. Fiind ofiter in cadrul corpului de armata la retragerea trupelor din Rusia, calul sau a calcat pe o mina care a explodat a ucis calul si tatal meu a fost grav ranit. Avand o leziune forte la craniu pentru o perioada de timp pentru o perioada de timp nu a mai putut sa distinga culorile. De aceea a trebuit sa lucreze o perioada in alta bransa si nu a mai putut picta. In anul 1957 sanatate sa a inceput sa se stabilizeze, am inceput sa perceapa din nou culorile si la indemnul profesorului si prietenului sau, pictorul Nicolae Darascu, a reinceput sa picteze.

Salutari din Romania, Bucuresti. Radustefanescugross 13:19, 24 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

[TRANSLATION] [I know it's a trifle loose, if someone wants to translate more precisely, feel free, seemed beside the point to me to take too much time on translating a clarification once the point is made clear.]

In 1937 he undertook a project in women's clothing for a Bucharest fashion house. He was a freelance professional and he made these designs for creators and fashion designers. He made sketches, from which were made clothes and fashion accessories such as women's suits, dresses, cloaks, purses, hats, scarves, etc.
Thank you very much for asking. Many things I don't know either. Of that I've called my father in Germany (I am now in Romania) and I've asked him. He's told me that in the Interwar years (between the two world wars) the majority of European intellectuals had socialist views. Because of that, the professional associations went under the name of sindicat (roughly, "trade union"). The exact name was SINDICATUL ARTISTILOR DIN ROMÂNIA (Syndicate/Union of Romanian Artists). My father has told me that painters, graphic artists, and sculptors took part in the syndicate. The syndicate was run by a sculptor by the name of Iordanescu. The members paid dues and had certain advantages such as that of going to a casa de creatie (lit. "house of creation": would this be an atelier or a recreational facility?) in the commune (that is, something like in the range of a village or town) Sambata de Sus in Braşov County.
About Mogoşoaia I'll write you Monday. I'll have to ask my father.
Regarding the state of his health. My father participated in the Second World War and served in the army corps that advanced as far as Crimea. Being an officer in cadrul corpului [I'm not sure of this one, because cadrul can be like cadre, hence staff officer, or it can just be personnel; can someone more bilingual help me out here?] of the army during the retreat of the troops from Russia, his horse stepped on a mine, which exploded, killed the horse, and my father was badly injured. Having a serious head wound, for a period of time he could no longer distinguish colors. Because of this, he had to work for a time in other domains and he could no longer paint. [Man! This sure belongs in the article!] In 1957 his health began to stabilize, and he began again to distinguish colors and at the urging of his professor and friend, the painter Nicolae Darascu, he began again to paint.

Salutations from Romania, Bucharest. Radustefanescugross 13:19, 24 November 2006 (UTC)Reply


Mulţumesc! Foarte util, foarte informativ. (Thank you! Very useful, very informative.) - Jmabel | Talk 08:20, 26 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

I made a few changes. As for the "în cadrul" business, I'm not entirely sure, but to me it reads like "in the context/framework/environment of the army corps". In other words, we need not translate "cadrul" at all, as "in the army corps" conveys the same idea. Biruitorul 18:41, 26 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Alte lamuriri


Casa de creatie - este un loc amenajat special pentru creatori, artisti plastici, muzicieni sau scriitori. Intr-un cadru natural frumos, departe de orasul in care traiesc au posibilitatea ca o perioada de timp sa se ocupe numai de arta, grija cazarii si a mesei cazand in sarcina celor care gospodaresc casa de creatie. Deasemenea sunt alaturi de colegi si schimba informatii.

Referitor la Mogosoaia. Am vorbit cu tata la telefon si mi-a dat niste mici lamuriri. (Pe data de 10 decembrie voi zbura in Germania pentru sarbatori si raman pana la sfarsitul lui ianuarie. Asa ca voi avea psibilitatea sa-i pun mai multe intrebari. Deasemenea ii sunt dator Biruitorului mai multe raspunsuri.) Revin pe scurt la Mogosoaia. Tata a fost angajat la intreprinderea Filmul Popular care avea un laborator cinematografic in Bucuresti pe Strada Scaune. Cu ajutorul unor specialisti veniti din Ungaria a reusit sa modernizeze acest laborator cinematografic. In Mogosoaia exista un alt laborator cinematografic, care apartinu-se intreprinderii ONT (Oficiul National de Turism). Nici eu nu am stiut ca cunoscutul ONT exista dinainte de razboi si ca avea in dotare un laborator de film. Dar tata mi-a confirmat ca este vorba de acelasi ONT. Acest laborator fusese complet distrus la bombardament. Datorita faptului ca tata avea experienta modernizarii primului laborator i s-a dat sarcina (acum fara ajutorul profesionistilor ungari) sa reconstruiasca si sa echipeze acest laborator de la Mogosoaia. Aici mai are multe de povestit. Cand discut cu el voi consemna totul si va dau informatiile. Sunt interesante pentru ca este vorba de lucruri legate de arta cinematografica din Romania imediat dupa razboi. Va multumesc din nou.Radustefanescugross 13:26, 27 November 2006 (UTC)Reply


Other clarifications

Casa de creatie - it's a place arranged specially for creators, plastic artists, musicians or writers. In a beautiful natural setting, away from the city in which they have the possibility of spending some time occupying themselves only with art, grija cazarii si a mesei cazand in sarcina celor care gospodaresc casa de creatie. At the same time, they have their colleagues nearby and they exchange information.

With reference to Mogoşoaia. I've spoken with my father on the telephone and he's given me some small clarifications. (On 10 December I'm flying to Germany for holidays and I'll remain until the end of January. So I'll have the possibility of asking a lot more questions. Similarly, you and Biruitorului more responses.) To return briefly to Mogoşoaia. Father was engaged at the enterprise [that last word may not be quite right, întreprinderea, cognate to enterprise, covers a lot of ground; for example, it can mean a shop or an industrial unit] Filmul Popular which had a care cinematographic laboratory in Bucharest on Strada Scaune. With the help of some specialists who came from Hungary, he succeeded in modernizing this cinematographic laboratory. In Mogoşoaia there is an old cinematographic laboratory, which belongs to the enterprise ONT (Oficiul National de Turism, National Tourism Office). Even I hadn't known that ONT existed from before the war and that it was endowed with a film laboratory. But father confirmed to me that this was the same ONT. This laboratory was completely destroyed in the bombardament. Thanks to the fact that father had experienced the modernization of the first laboratory, he was given the task (now without Hungarian professional help) of reconstructing and equipping this laboratory in Mogoşoaia. Here also there are many stories. When I speak with him I'll make a record of it all and give you the information. Sunt interesante pentru ca este vorba of matters related to the cinematographic art in Romania immediately after the war. Thank you again. Radustefanescugross 13:26, 27 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
I've left untranslated a couple of phrases I wasn't sure how to render, I'll ask Biruitorul to fill in the blanks. Thank you again, enormously.
I realize that we are wandering into areas of "original research" normally not part of Wikipedia. I think this is a case where the operative rule is "ignore all rules". If the resulting piece ultimately is more suitable for something other than Wikipedia, so be it. We are obviously doing something quite worth doing, and not at all against the spirit of Wikipedia, so let's continue. - Jmabel | Talk 20:30, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

& yet more


In '58 we refer to the "Union of Creative Artists of Romania": what is the original Romanian of this?

Numele original este UNIUNEA ARTISTILOR PLASTICI DIN ROMANIA , prescurtat UAP.Radustefanescugross 11:30, 29 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation] The original name is UNIUNEA ARTISTILOR PLASTICI DIN ROMÂNIA, abbreviated UAP.Radustefanescugross 11:30, 29 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

"of the dramatic adviser Dorel Dorian" is a bit odd. Does "of" here mean "by", as in he wrote the play? And what exactly do we mean "dramatic adviser"? Scenarist? Something else? - Jmabel | Talk 21:00, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Traducatorul a vrut sa scrie : piesa dramaturgului Dorel Dorian. Adica D.Dorian este autorul piesei de teatru. In limba romana se foloseste termenul de dramaturg pentru autorul unei piese de teatru. Va rog folositi termenul corect in engleza pentru "dramaturg".Radustefanescugross 11:30, 29 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation] The translator wanted to say : a piece by dramaturge Dorel Dorian. That means that D.Dorian is the author of plays. In Romanian the term dramaturg is used for the author of a play. Please use the correct English term for dramaturg.Radustefanescugross 11:30, 29 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
We have "dramaturge", but it's a bit of a peacock word. The normal English is "playwright." - Jmabel | Talk 01:33, 1 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Bulandra: Am I correct that Tony Bulandra was husband of Lucia Sturdza Bulandra, and that they both studied under Constantin Nottara? I don't want to write it in the article without confirming. - Jmabel | Talk 21:03, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Este absolut corect. Tony Bulandra a fost sotul doamnei Lucia Sturdza Bulandra. Nu stiu daca au studiat cu Constantin Nottara.Radustefanescugross 11:30, 29 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation] That is absolutely correct. Tony Bulandra was the husband of Madame Lucia Sturdza Bulandra. I don't know if they studied with Constantin Nottara.

Theatre tour: was it a company from the Bulandra theatre, or something else? And when we say that the works he did in Bucharest "were exhibited in the hall of the theater", do we mean the Bulandra theatre or the National Theatre? Also, would the Bulandra theatre at that time have been the same building that is now their Sala Toma Caragiu? - Jmabel | Talk 21:09, 28 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

A fost un turneu organizat de teatrul Bulandra.
[Translation] It was a tour organized by the Bulandra theatre.
Ma refer la holul teatrului Bulandra.
[Translation] I refer to the foyer of the Bulandra theatre.
Acum teatrul se numeste "Teatrul Bulandra" si are doua sali. Sala "Izvor" aflata in apropierea cheiului Dambovitei si sala "Toma Caragiu" aflata in apropierea parcului denumit "Gradina Icoanei". Tatal meu a expus in holul (foyerul) salii "Izvor". Initial teatrul se numea Teatrul Municipal. Apoi a capatat numele de "Lucia Sturdza Bulandra". Cladirea din apropierea cheiului Dambovitei era sediul central al teatrului cu sala principala de spectacole, administratia teatrului cu contabilitatea, biroul doamnei Bulandra, birourile directorilor tehnici, etc. In apropiere se aflau atelierele de tamplarie, de tapiterie, costume, etc. Cealalta sala de la Gradina Icoanei adapostea a doua sala de spectacole a teatrului. Inainte de razboi era sala de spectacole a Scolii Centrale de Fete (opera arhitectului Ion Mincu)aflata pe strada Icoanei. Dupa nationalizare a fost trecuta in patrimoniul statului capatand numele de sala Filimon Sarbu. Ulterior a primit numele de Toma Caragiu in memoria marelui actor al teatrului. Deasemenea numele teatrului a devenit "Bulandra". De ce si cand s-a intamplat acest lucru nu stiu. Imi inchipui ca numele initial era prea lung.Radustefanescugross 11:41, 29 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Now the theatre is called "Teatrul Bulandra" and has two halls/auditoriums. Sala "Izvor" is located near the quay of the Dâmboviţa and Sala "Toma Caragiu" is near the park called "Grădina Icoanei". [Funny: this is almost verbatim from material I added to the Wikipedia article about that theatre] My father['s work] was exhibited in the foyer of the Sala "Izvor". Initially, the theater was called Teatrul Municipal. Later it acquired the name of "Lucia Sturdza Bulandra". The building near the quay of the Dâmboviţa was the headquarters of the theatre, with the principal performance hall, theatre administration with the bookkeepers, Madame Bulandra's office, the offices of the technical directors, etc. Nearby were studios of carpentry, upholstery, costumes, etc. The other hall by Grădina Icoanei lodged a second auditorium. Before the was it was the auditorium of the Şcoală Centrale de Fete [Central Girls' School] (work of the architect Ion Mincu) located on Icoanei Street. After nationalization it was taken into the patrimony of the state, acquiring the name of Filimon Sârbu [I know just enough to know that name as a Romanian Communist hero and, if I remember correctly, martyr, without actually placing him - JM]. Later it took the name of Toma Caragiu in memory of the great theatre actor. The overall name of the theatre became "Bulandra". Why and when these things happened I don't know. I imagine that the initial name was too long.Radustefanescugross 11:41, 29 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

(Translations are mine.) Thanks again. - Jmabel | Talk 01:33, 1 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

The Sixties

  • Is A. I. Ştefănescu another family member, or is the name coincidental?
Este o coincidenta de nume. Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation]: It's a coincidence of name. Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
  • I know "The hot chamber" is literal for Camera fierbinte, but I'm wondering if the connotation is equivalent. Is it possibly more like a sauna or steambath?
Este o piesa in care actiunea se petrece intr-un spatiu inchis, o camera in care are loc un fel de proces inchizitorial si de aceea atmosfera devine "încinsā", fierbinte. Asa ca traducerea este cea buna. Sauna sau hammamul (baia de aburi) ar indica mai mult relaxarea, destinderea ori in piesa se face un proces.Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation]: It's a play in which the action takes place in an enclosed space, a room in which a type of inquisitorial trial is taking place and because of that the atmosphere becomes "fervid", hot. So this translation ["hot chamber", I presume - JM (maybe "the hot room")] is the right one. A sauna or hammam (steambath) would, rather, indicate relaxation or quiet, whereas in the play a trial is taking place. Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
  • Actually, now that you've given the context, I bet the term that most has the same connotation in English is "hothouse", literally a heated space for growing plants, but the term suggests a stifling atmosphere, and it's more colloquial than "hot chamber". I'd appreciate Biruitorul's view on the comparative connotations, because he's the most truly bilingual. - Jmabel | Talk 08:39, 6 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
"Hothouse" is seră. Camera fierbinte, in this context, just means "the hot room" - hot mainly because of the ongoing trial, but also because of the stifling atmosphere. In fact, fierbinte is hotter than hot. One might bathe in apă caldă, but apă fierbinte would be too hot to bathe in. For water, the English word would be "scalding". For air, take your pick: "stifling", "oppressive", "sweltering", "torrid", etc. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Biruitorul (talkcontribs) 6 December 2006.
Yes, probably "hot room" is slightly more colloquial than "hot chamber"; I suspect that if this weren't an encyclopedia, and one were doing more of a literary translation, one would do something else entirely to focus on connotation rather than denotation, but we don't have that option. - Jmabel | Talk 17:37, 6 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
  • "1964 Stage design salon in Bucharest." I'm sure there is more to this.
Este vorba de Bienala de scenografie din Bucuresti. Bienala = o data la 2 ani, fata de Saloanele anuale de pictura. Este vorba de participarea la salonul de scenografie in care se prezentau lucrarile reprezentative din ultimii 2 ani. Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation]: This refers to the Bienniale of scenography in Bucharest. Bienniale = takes place every 2 years, as opposed to the annual painting salons. This refers to participation in the scenography salon in which were presented representative works of the past two years. Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply


  • Do we really want to give all the titles of paintings in German? I'd think we'd want to use Romanian and/or English, unless he specifically gave them German titles.
Ai dreptate. Pentru lucrarile expuse in Romania trebuiesc folosite titlurile in romana iar pentru cele expuse pentru prima data in Germania in limba germana. Las la latitudine voastra de a lasa titlul original sau de a-l traduce. Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation]: You're right. For works exhibited in Romania we ought to use titles in Romanian, but for those shown for the first time in Germany, in German. I leave it up to you whether to leave the original title or to translate. Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
  • Is there any good reason certain gallery names ("DALLES", "SIMEZA") are all capitalized? Simeza is still around, and is certainly not normally written this way today.

- Jmabel | Talk 06:43, 1 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Ai dreptate, nu am avut un motiv anume pentru a scrie cu litera mare numele galeriilor. Probabil totul a venit din subconstientul meu. In perioada adolescentei mele aceste galerii erau adevarate locasuri de cult. Trecand acum prin oras imi arunc privirea in Galeria Simeza acolo unde cu religiozitate vizitam expozitiile artistilor romani impreuna cu parintii mei. Galeria nu fost renovata din anii 80, afisele sunt improvizate de artisti si lipite cu banda adeziva pe vitrina, in galerie daca sunt 2 persoane dintre care una este artistul. Sala Dalles a fost transformata in Librarie, anticariat iar in zona ei centrala se tin minitarguri cu ocazia Craciunului, Pastelui, festivalului Francofoniei, de Ziua Indragostitilor, etc. Se vand martisoare, podoabe de pom, fleacuri. Nimeni nu mai stie de sala Dalles in care se tineau expozitiile retrospective ale marilor maestri ca si saloanele anuale da arta. De aceea am scris cu majuscule, de frica ca peste putin timp va dispare si numele acestor galerii. Dar corect este asa cum ai scris tu.Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation]: You're right, I didn't have any particular reason to write the gallery names in capitals. Probably it all came from my subconscious. In the period of my adolescence, those galleries were true places of worship. Passing today through the city I throw a glance into Galeria Simeza, where with religiosity I used to visit exhibits of Romanian artists, together with my parents. The gallery has not been renovated since the 1980s, the posters are improvised by artists and taped to the display window, in the gallery there are maybe two people, with one being the artist (this sentence refers to the present day). Sala Dalles was transformed into a bookstore [Is this the one that shares a building with Libreria Noi? - JM] (a used bookstore), and in the central part [how big is this place? Use "zone" if it's pretty big] they occasionally have mini-fairs for Christmas, Easter, the festival of La Francophonie, Lovers' day [Valentine's Day], etc. They sell marţişoare [little trinkets, usually pins, traditional for Marţişor], tree ornaments, trinkets. No one knows anymore about the Sala Dalles in which they used to hold retrospective expositions of the great masters, or about the annual art salons (the grammar in his sentence seems a little off, but I think this is what was meant - Biruitorul). For that reason I wrote in uppercase, for fear that in a little while the names of those galleries will disappear. But it's correct as you've written it. Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
In textele biografice pe care le am acum la dispozitie este scris - Poetul si revolutia (viata lui Mayakovschy). Nu am momentan informatii daca este scrisa de altcineva. Am incercat sa gasesc informatii despre piesa dar din pacate nu am gasit. Voi cerceta acasa in Germania: Pana atunci si eu cred ca este corect - "despre = about".Radustefanescugross 11:56, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
[Translation]: In the biographical texts that I now have at my disposal it is written - The Poet and the Revolution (The Life of Mayakovsky). I don't have at the moment information if it is written by someone else. I've tried to look for information about the play, but unfortunately I haven't found it. I'll look for it at home in Germany: till then I think that's correct "despre = about".
  • As far as I know, Mayakovsky never published anything autobiographical, but I believe he did leave some diaries, and the facts of his life were pretty public. I'm guessing pretty confidently that the play was about him but not by him; what you wrote in the first place said "script by Valeriu Moisescu and Dinu Negreanu", I'm guessing that you had just underestimated the extent to which it was their work. - Jmabel | Talk 08:39, 6 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Radu, could you turn into Romanian those painting titles that should be in Romanian rather than German, since you will know far better than anyone else which should have Romanian titles? Thanks. - Jmabel | Talk 17:49, 6 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

I did it Joe. Thank you again for all.Radustefanescugross 09:14, 8 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

I've tried to give the titles in English as well. I'm not sure how to render Despărţirea din urmă into English; I'm inclined to use instead a translation of the German title you gave Hoffnungsdämmerung, which would be "Twilight of Hope". But if someone (Biruitorul, perhaps?) has a better suggestion, I'm open. - Jmabel | Talk 08:29, 11 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Well, despărţire means "parting, separation, division" and din urmă either means "from behind" or "the last". It's probably the latter in this case, as a funeral seems to be depicted. So Twilight of Hope could work, but more literal renditions might be The Final Parting, The Closing Farewell, etc. Biruitorul 16:23, 11 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Also, not really on topic for this article, but (you probably missed my aside above) I'm trying to work out where exactly is/was Sala Dalles. Is it the used book store that shares a building with Libreria Noi? If so, I know it well. Or, if not, could you describe at all where it is (just for my own interest). - Jmabel | Talk 08:32, 11 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

"Meritul Cultural"


There are quite a few distinctions within the Romanian Ordinul "Meritul Cultural", and I imagine that as a painter and stage designer Ştefănescu would have been eligible in more than one area. Which, exactly, did he receive? - Jmabel | Talk 07:15, 14 December 2006 (UTC)Reply



What were the circumstances of Ştefănescu's move to Germany? Given the fraught date 1989, I'd like to know more. - Jmabel | Talk 22:50, 18 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Continuing questions


Gheorghe Cosma is described as a "museum expert". That seems an odd phrase: presumably his expertise is/was on art, not museums. What exactly was his role? - Jmabel | Talk 19:29, 26 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Is there more precise bibliographical information available about the Meridiane monograph or the Constanţa Iliescu "Comori de Artă ale Capitalei"? It would be good to cite these clearly. - Jmabel | Talk 19:36, 26 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Similarly, only more so, for the unnamed Chinese magazine. - Jmabel | Talk 19:41, 26 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Did Hermann Hirschberg speak at Harsewinkel, Ennepetal, or both in 1989? - Jmabel | Talk 05:14, 28 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

"1992 Dülmen: Exhibition "Neue Wege – Neue Bilder". Bocholt and Ahaus exhibition with the Hamalandkreis.": That is so telegraphic I can't parse it. - Jmabel | Talk 05:23, 28 December 2006 (UTC)Reply


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Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Report bug) 11:02, 10 January 2017 (UTC)Reply


Hello fellow Wikipedians,

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Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Report bug) 07:48, 14 October 2017 (UTC)Reply