U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions

Prior to the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions of several different types passed, banning legal recognition of same-sex unions in U.S. state constitutions, referred to by proponents as "defense of marriage amendments" or "marriage protection amendments."[1] These state amendments are different from the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban same-sex marriage in every U.S. state, and Section 2 of the Defense of Marriage Act, more commonly known as DOMA, which allowed the states not to recognize same-sex marriages from other states. The amendments define marriage as a union between one man and one woman and prevent civil unions or same-sex marriages from being legalized, though some of the amendments bar only the latter. The Obergefell decision in June 2015 invalidated these state constitutional amendments insofar as they prevented same-sex couples from marrying, even though the actual text of these amendments remain written into the state constitutions.

U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions
  Constitutional amendment banned same-sex marriage, civil unions, and any marriage-like contract between unmarried persons
  Constitutional amendment banned same-sex marriage and civil unions
  Constitutional amendment banned same-sex marriage
  Constitutional amendment allowed legislatures to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples
  No state constitutional amendment banning legal recognition of same-sex unions

  Constitutional amendment recognizing same-sex marriage
Adoption of marriage amendments over time

Thirty-one U.S. state constitutional amendments banning legal recognition of same-sex unions have been adopted. Of these, ten make only same-sex marriage unconstitutional; sixteen make both same-sex marriage and civil unions unconstitutional; two make same-sex marriage, civil unions, and other contracts unconstitutional; and one is unique. Hawaii's amendment is unique in that it does not make same-sex marriage unconstitutional; rather, it allows the state to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples. Virginia's amendment prevents the state from recognizing private contracts that "approximate" marriage. Observers have pointed out that such language encompasses private contracts and medical directives.[2][3] Furthermore, the Michigan Supreme Court has held that the state's amendment bans not only same-sex marriage and civil unions, but also domestic partnership benefits such as health insurance.[4] On November 3, 2020, Nevada became the first U.S. state to repeal its amendment banning same-sex marriage following approval of 2020 Nevada Question 2.

State constitutional amendments are typically approved first by the legislature or special constitutional convention and then by the voters in a referendum.[a] In some states, one or both of these steps is repeated.[b] The percentages shown in the list are results from the referendum stage, not the legislative stage.



The idea of extending marriage rights to same-sex couples did not become a political issue in the United States until the 1970s. In reaction to the on going litigation in the cases of Baehr v. Lewin and Brause v. Bureau of Vital Statistics,[7] during the 1998 United States elections, two states, Alaska and Hawaii, passed constitutional amendments, rendering both cases moot.[8][9][10] During the 2000 United States elections, two states, Nebraska and Nevada, passed amendments. During the 2002 United States elections, Nevada passed and ratified Question 2.[11][12][13][14]

In Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's November 2003 decision in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, the court legalized same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. Social and religious conservatives feared that their own state supreme courts would issue such rulings at some point in the future; in order to prevent this, they proposed additional constitutional bans on same-sex marriage.[15] On August 3, 2004, during the 2004 primary election in Missouri, the state passed Constitutional Amendment 2. On September 18, 2004, during the 2004 special election in Louisiana, the state passed Amendment 1. During the 2004 United States elections, eleven states, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon (which was in reaction to the on going litigation in the case of Li v. State and rendered it moot) and Utah, passed amendments.[16]

On April 5, 2005, during the 2005 special election in Kansas, the state passed Amendment 1. During the 2005 United States elections, Texas passed Proposition 2. On June 6, 2006, during the 2006 primary election in Alabama, the state passed Amendment 774. During the 2006 United States elections, seven states, Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin passed amendments. During the 2008 United States elections, three states, Arizona, California (which was in reaction to the litigation and ruling in In re Marriage Cases and superseded it) and Florida passed amendments. On April 3, 2009, Nate Silver post his model of the predicted years that each of the 50 states would vote against a marriage ban, with the last one being Mississippi in 2024. During the 2012 primary election in North Carolina, the state passed Amendment 1, which rendered on going litigation in the case of Thigpen v. Cooper moot.

During the 2020 United States elections, Nevada became the first U.S. state to repeal its amendment banning same-sex marriage following approval of Question 2. The scheduled 2024 United States elections will have California with Proposition 3, Colorado with Amendment J and Hawaii with Hawaii Remove Legislature Authority to Limit Marriage to Opposite-Sex Couples Amendment, all have legislatively referred constitutional amendments on the ballot repealing their amendments. All are expected to pass by large margins.

Purpose and motivation


The purpose of passing U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions was primarily to define marriage as exclusively between one man and one woman. These amendments were often introduced in response to increasing efforts by LGBTQ+ advocates to gain legal recognition of same-sex relationships, both at the state and national levels.[17] Supporters of these amendments argued that they were necessary to preserve the traditional definition of marriage.[18]

Such amendments had two main purposes:

  • Preempting a state judicial decision or state statutory codification legalizing same-sex marriage or recognition of out-of-state same-sex marriages.
  • Preempting a state judicial decision or state statutory codification legalizing civil unions or civil union equivalents

Constitutional bans on same-sex marriage were advocated in response to judicial or statutory legalization of same-sex marriage in other jurisdictions, notably Massachusetts (Goodridge v. Department of Public Health), Canada (Civil Marriage Act), California (In re Marriage Cases), Connecticut (Kerrigan v. Commissioner of Public Health), Iowa (Varnum v. Brien) and New York (Marriage Equality Act).

State constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions are effective at restricting state supreme courts from overturning constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions, such as the 7-0 ruling in Louisiana v. Forum for Equality PAC, the 6-0 ruling in Perdue v. O'Kelley in Georgia, the 6-1 ruling in Strauss v. Horton in California and the 7-0 ruling in State v. Madigan in Wisconsin. The cases on Georgia, Louisiana and Wisconsin dealt with whether the amendment violated the single-subject rule, while the case in California dealt with whether the amendment was a valid revision of the state constitution, improper use of the initiative process and equal protection under the California Constitution.

Of the thirty U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage, two thirds (twenty) included provisions banning civil unions or civil union equivalents. One third (ten) of U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage were crafted to allow for the continued or future legalization of civil unions or domestic partnerships that were the equivalent of civil unions, which was done in four states: Oregon (since February 4, 2008), California (legal prior), Nevada (since October 1, 2009) and Colorado (since May 1, 2013). From 1997, the year the concept of civil unions was first coined and purposed in Vermont in response to Stan Baker et al. v. State of Vermont, to May 17, 2004, when same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts, civil unions and domestic partnerships that were equivalent to civil unions were seen as a progressive to moderate position. After May 17, 2004, civil unions and civil union equivalents went from being seen as a progressive to moderate position to a conservative fallback position for those opposing same-sex marriage.

Voter mobilization


Some proponents of these amendments saw them as a way to mobilize conservative voters, particularly evangelical and socially conservative groups, who were motivated by opposition to same-sex marriage.[19] U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions in the 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008 general elections led to a mobilization and increase in conservative voters, particularly among evangelical and socially conservative groups, who were motivated by opposition to same-sex marriage.[19]



Hawaii's amendment granted the Hawaii State Legislature the authority to ban same-sex marriage, but did not explicitly make same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Ten states had constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage, but did not explicitly make civil unions, designated beneficiary agreements, domestic partnerships and reciprocal beneficiary registries unconstitutional: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Mississippi, Montana, Missouri, Nevada, Oregon and Tennessee.

Eighteen states had constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and civil unions or civil union equivalents, but did not explicitly make domestic partnerships that were not the equivalent to civil unions unconstitutional: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah and Wisconsin. Two states, North Carolina and South Carolina, had clauses in their amendments included clauses ensuring that it did not interfere with private contracts.

Two states, Nebraska and South Dakota, had constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and civil unions, civil union equivalents and domestic partnerships. Two states, Michigan and Virginia, had amendments that banning same-sex marriage, civil unions, civil union equivalents and other contracts, but only Michigan's amendment effected existing counties or municipalities domestic partnership registries, as Virginia had no counties or municipalities that had or could enact domestic partnerships registries without statutory approval due to Dillon's Rule. Oklahoma's amendment made it a felony, with an undefined punishment, for any official who knowingly issued a marriage license in violation of the amendment's provisions. No one was ever prosecuted under this amendment.

Approved amendments


Amendments that grant legislative authority to ban same-sex marriage

State Year Support vote % Title Amendment Effective date
Hawaii 1998 69%[20][21] Constitutional Amendment 2[20] The legislature shall have the power to reserve marriage to opposite-sex couples.[22] November 3, 1998

Amendments that ban same-sex marriage

State Year Support vote % Title Amendment (in relevant part) Effective date
Alaska 1998 68%[23] Ballot Measure 2, Joint Resolution 42[23] To be valid or recognized in this State, a marriage may exist only between one man and one woman.[24] January 3, 1999
Missouri 2004 72%[25] Constitutional Amendment 2[26] To be valid and recognized in this state, a marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman.[27] August 28, 2004
Montana 2004 67%[28] Montana Initiative 96[28] Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.[29] November 18, 2004
Mississippi 2004 86%[28] Mississippi Amendment 1[28] Marriage may take place and may be valid under the laws of this state only between a man and a woman.[30] November 23, 2004
Oregon 2004 57%[28] Oregon Ballot Measure 36[31] Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or legally recognized as a marriage.[32] December 2, 2004
Tennessee 2006 81%[33] Tennessee Amendment 1[34] The historical institution and legal contract solemnizing the relationship of one man and one woman shall be the only legally recognized marital contract in this state.[34] November 16, 2006
Colorado 2006 56%[33] Colorado Amendment 43[35] Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.[35] December 7, 2006
California 2008 52%[36] California Proposition 8[37] Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.[37] November 5, 2008
Arizona 2008 56%[36] Arizona Proposition 102[38] Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.[38] December 1, 2008

Amendments that ban same-sex marriage and civil unions, but not other contracts

State Year Support vote % Title Amendment (in relevant part) Effective date
Nebraska 2000 70%[39] Initiative Measure 416[39] Only marriage between a man and a woman shall be valid or recognized in Nebraska. The uniting of two persons of the same sex in a civil union, domestic partnership, or other similar same-sex relationship shall not be valid or recognized in Nebraska.[40] December 7, 2000
Kentucky 2004 75%[28] Constitutional Amendment 1[41] Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.[42] November 9, 2004
Oklahoma 2004 76%[28] State Question 711[43] A. Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman. Neither this Constitution nor any other provision of law shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups. C. Any person knowingly issuing a marriage license in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.[44] November 15, 2004
Arkansas 2004 75%[28] Constitutional Amendment 3[45] (1) Marriage consists only of the union of one man and one woman. (2) Legal status for unmarried persons which is identical or substantially similar to marital status shall not be valid or recognized in Arkansas.[46] November 18, 2004
North Dakota 2004 73%[28] North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1[47] Marriage consists only of the legal union between a man and a woman. No other domestic union, however denominated, may be recognized as a marriage or given the same or substantially equivalent legal effect.[48] November 24, 2004
Ohio 2004 62%[28] State Issue 1[49] Only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this state. This state and shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage.[50] December 2, 2004
Georgia 2004 76%[28] Constitutional Amendment 1[51] (a) This state shall recognize as marriage only the union of man and woman. Marriages between persons of the same sex are prohibited in this state. (b) No union between persons of the same sex shall be recognized by this state as entitled to the benefits of marriage.[52] January 1, 2005
Utah 2004 66%[28] Constitutional Amendment 3[53] Marriage consists only of the legal union between a man and a woman. No other domestic union, however denominated, may be recognized as a marriage or given the same or substantially equivalent legal effect.[54] January 1, 2005
Louisiana 2004 78%[28] Constitutional Amendment 1[55] Marriage in the state of Louisiana shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman. No official or court of the state of Louisiana shall construe this constitution or any state law to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any member of a union other than the union of one man and one woman. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.[56] January 19, 2005
Kansas 2005 70%[57] Proposed Amendment 1[58] (a) Marriage shall be constituted by one man and one woman only. All other marriages are declared to be contrary to the public policy of this state and are void. (b) No relationship, other than a marriage, shall be recognized by the state as entitling the parties to the rights or incidents of marriage.[59] April 28, 2005
Texas 2005 76%[60] Proposition 2[60] (a) Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman. (b) This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage.[61] November 30, 2005
Alabama 2006 81%[62] Sanctity of Marriage Amendment (Amendment 774)[63] No marriage license shall be issued in the State of Alabama to parties of the same sex...

A union replicating marriage of or between persons of the same sex in the State of Alabama or in any other jurisdiction shall be considered and treated in all respects as having no legal force or effect in this state and shall not be recognized by this state as a marriage or other union replicating marriage.[63]

July 7, 2006
South Dakota 2006 52%[33] South Dakota Amendment C[33] Only marriage between a man and a woman shall be valid or recognized in South Dakota. The uniting of two or more persons in a civil union, domestic partnership, or other quasi-marital relationship shall not be valid or recognized in South Dakota.[64] November 15, 2006
Idaho 2006 63%[33] Idaho Amendment 2[33] A marriage between a man and a woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.[65] November 24, 2006
Wisconsin 2006 59%[33] Wisconsin Referendum 1[33] Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state.[66] November 29, 2006
South Carolina[c] 2006 78%[33] South Carolina Amendment 1[33] A marriage between one man and one woman is the only lawful domestic union that shall be valid or recognized in this State. This State...shall not recognize...any other domestic union, however denominated.[67] March 28, 2007
Florida 2008 62%[36] Florida Amendment 2[68] Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.[68] January 6, 2009
North Carolina 2012 61%[69] North Carolina Amendment 1 Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State. This section does not prohibit a private party from entering into contracts with another private party; nor does this section prohibit courts from adjudicating the rights of private parties pursuant to such contracts.[70] May 29, 2012

Amendments that ban same-sex marriage, civil unions, and other contracts

State Year Support vote % Title Amendment Effective date
Michigan 2004 59%[28] State Proposal - 04-2[71] To secure and preserve the benefits of marriage for our society and for future generations of children, the union of one man and one woman in marriage shall be the only agreement recognized as a marriage or similar union for any purpose.[72][73] December 18, 2004
Virginia 2006 57%[74] Marshall-Newman Amendment[74] That only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this Commonwealth and its political subdivisions. This Commonwealth and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage. Nor shall this Commonwealth or its political subdivisions create or recognize another union, partnership, or other legal status to which is assigned the rights, benefits, obligations, qualities, or effects of marriage.[75] January 1, 2007

Repealed amendments

State Year Support vote % Title Amendment (in relevant part) Effective date Repeal date
Nevada 2000, 2002,[b] 2020 69.6%, 67.1%,[b]
2002 Nevada Question 2[6]
2020 Nevada Question 2
2002 Nevada Question 2: Only a marriage between a male and female person shall be recognized and given effect in this state.[77]
2020 Nevada Question 2: "1. The State of Nevada and its political subdivisions shall recognize marriages and issue marriage licenses to couples regardless of gender. 2. Religious organizations and members of the clergy have the right to refuse to solemnize a marriage, and no person has the right to make any claim against a religious organization or member of the clergy for such a refusal. 3. All legally valid marriages must be treated equally under the law."[78]
November 26, 2002 November 24, 2020

Failed amendments

  • Arizona Proposition 107 – On November 7, 2006, Arizona rejected a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and civil unions by 51.8% of the vote. Two years later Arizona voters approved a more narrow amendment banning only same-sex marriage.
  • Minnesota Amendment 1 – On November 6, 2012, Minnesota rejected a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage with 51.90% of the electorate opposed. A majority of all votes cast would be required to amend the state constitution.

Obergefell v. Hodges


On June 26, 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell that state laws banning same-sex marriage violate the Fourteenth Amendment, rendering such laws unconstitutional and invalidating the remaining 14 same-sex marriage bans still being fully or partially enforced.[79]

As of 2016, bills have been introduced in Virginia and other states to legislatively repeal the null-and-void amendments.[80]

See also



  1. ^ The mechanics differ: 17 states allow constitutional amendments to be proposed by popular initiative, all allow the legislature to start the process, and five allow special conventions to start the process. In all states, though, the amendment is approved by elected members of a constitutional convention or elected legislators at least once, with varying standards for approval of the measure. Voters then vote directly on the resulting referendum, except in Delaware, where constitutional amendments are voted on and ratified only by the state legislature.[5]
  2. ^ a b c Amendments to the Nevada state constitution must be approved by the voters in two consecutive elections.[6]
  3. ^ South Carolina's Amendment explicitly disavows a Virginia-type regime that would affect private contracts: "This section shall not prohibit or limit parties, other than the State or its political subdivisions, from entering into contracts or other legal instruments."[67]


  1. ^ Walden, Michael; Thoms, Peg, eds. (2007). Battleground: business. Vol. 2. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 468. ISBN 978-0-313-34065-9.
  2. ^ Freehling, Bill (November 21, 2006). "Test case is urged by ACLU". The Free Lance-Star. Archived from the original on January 2, 2013. Retrieved December 15, 2006.
  3. ^ Glidden, Melissa; Jackson-Cooper, Brenda; Nickel, Leslie (August 11, 2006). "Potential Impact of the Proposed Marshall/Newman Amendment to the Virginia Constitution" (PDF). Arnold & Porter, LLP. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 20, 2017. Retrieved December 15, 2006.
  4. ^ National Pride At Work, Inc. et al. v. Governor of Michigan et al., 748 N.W.2d 524 (Mich 2008).
  5. ^ Lutz, Donald S. (June 1994). "Toward a Theory of Constitutional Amendment". American Political Science Review. 88 (2): 355–370. Page 360. Table 3. Covers State Constitutions active from 1970–9. doi:10.2307/2944709. JSTOR 2944709. S2CID 144713465.
  6. ^ a b "Gay rights ballot initiatives". Gaydemographics.org. Archived from the original on October 16, 2006. Retrieved November 30, 2006.
  7. ^ "Special Report: 'I do' Archived June 3, 2008, at the Wayback Machine" Honolulu Star-Bulletin January 22, 1997
  8. ^ "Gay Marriage Timeline". Pew Forum. April 1, 2008. Retrieved February 5, 2012.
  9. ^ "Homosexual (same-sex) marriages in Hawaii" Robinson, B.A. Religious Tolerance. 1997-JUL-11, updated 2001-DEC-2
  10. ^ "Same-sex marriage ballot measures: Hawaii gives legislature power to ban same-sex marriage" AllPolitics. CNN. November 3, 1998
  11. ^ In Alaska, a same-sex couple had sued for marriage rights, and had seen several rulings in their favor; the Alaska ban arose in an effort to prevent the ruling from taking effect. See "Homosexual (same-sex) marriage in Alaska" Robinson, B.A. Religioustolerance.org. 2002. (last update 2005-APR-21). accessed November 3, 2006.
  12. ^ "Same-sex marriage in Alaska". Religious Tolerance. Retrieved February 5, 2012.
  13. ^ Jody Brown and Bill Fancher, AgapePress (May 15, 2005). "Family Advocates: Judicial Activism Runs Amok in Nebraska - Jody Brown and Bill Fancher". Crosswalk. Archived from the original on March 6, 2012. Retrieved February 5, 2012.
  14. ^ Vogel, Ed (February 23, 2011). "Legal challenge to Nevada's anti-gay marriage amendment not expected". Las Vegas Review-Journal.
  15. ^ Masci, David (April 10, 2008). "An Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate - Pew Research Center". Pew Research. Retrieved February 5, 2012.
  16. ^ "Election 2004 - Ballot Measures". CNN. April 13, 1970. Retrieved February 5, 2012.
  17. ^ PBS, Timeline of Marriage Equality
  18. ^ New York Times, Gay Marriages to Begin in Massachusetts Today, 2004
  19. ^ a b Cowan, T. (2010). Marriage and Politics: The Role of State Amendments in Mobilizing Conservative Voters. Political Studies Review, 8(2), 169–190. doi:10.1111/j.1478-9302.2010.00205.x
  20. ^ a b Same-sex marriage ballot measures: Hawaii gives legislature power to ban same-sex marriage AllPolitics. CNN.com. November 3, 1998. (Accessed November 30, 2006)
  21. ^ General Election 1998, Hawaii Office of Elections, November 3, 1998, retrieved July 6, 2010
  22. ^ Hawai`i State Constitution Archived August 19, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Article I, section 23, Hawaii Legislative Reference Bureau. (Accessed November 30, 2006). This amendment does not ban same sex marriage; rather, it grants the power to do so to the state.
  23. ^ a b Homosexual (same-sex) marriages in Alaska Robinson, B.A. ReligiousTolerance.org. Accessed November 30, 2006)
  24. ^ Alaska State Constitution Archived July 9, 2009, at the Wayback Machine Hosted on the Alaska Legislature's website. Accessed November 30, 2006.
  25. ^ Gay Marriage Ban in Mo. May Resonate Nationwide Cooperman, Alan Washington Post August 5, 2004. Accessed December 14, 2006. Missouri's Amendment was the first such referendum voted on since same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts.
  26. ^ "Elections: 2004 Ballot Measures" Missouri Secretary of State.
  27. ^ "Article I, Bill of Rights, Section 33 Archived September 25, 2006, at the Wayback Machine" Missouri Constitution. Missouri General Assembly. Accessed December 14, 2006.
  28. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n CNN.com Election 2004 - Ballot Measures Accessed November 30, 2006.
  29. ^ The Montana Constitution Archived March 3, 2016, at the Wayback Machine" Hosted on the Montana Legislature's website. Accessed November 30, 2006.
  30. ^ "DOMAwatch.org - Mississippi Archived March 10, 2005, at the Wayback Machine" Alliance Defense Fund. 2006. Accessed December 14, 2006.
  31. ^ Oregon Voters' Pamphlet - Measure 36, page 77 . Oregon Secretary of State. 2004. Accessed December 14, 2006.
  32. ^ The Constitution of the State of Oregon Archived February 5, 2007, at the Wayback Machine Article XV (Miscellaneous) Section 5a. Hosted on the Oregon Legislature's website. Accessed December 14, 2006.
  33. ^ a b c d e f g h i j CNN.com Election 2006 - Ballot Measures Accessed December 14, 2006.
  34. ^ a b Constitutional Amendment Issues Tennessee Secretary of State. No date, author given. Accessed December 14, 2006.
  35. ^ a b Analysis of the 2006 Ballot Proposals (Research Publication No. 554) Legislative Council of the Colorado General Assembly. p.13 Accessed December 14, 2006.
  36. ^ a b c CNN.com Election 2008 - Ballot Measures Accessed November 10, 2008.
  37. ^ a b Text of Proposed Laws, California Secretary of State, p. 128. Accessed November 10, 2008.
  38. ^ a b 2008 Ballot Proposition Guide Archived November 8, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, Arizona Secretary of State Jan Brewer, September 2008. Accessed November 11, 2008.
  39. ^ a b Statewide General Election 2000 Results, Constitutional Amendments and Initiative Measures Archived June 9, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Nebraska Secretary of State, p. 21–22. Accessed December 17, 2006.
  40. ^ Nebraska State Constitution[permanent dead link], Article I, section 29, Nebraska Legislative Documents Legislature. Accessed December 15, 2006.
  41. ^ 2004 Election Night Tally Results Archived March 4, 2009, at the Wayback Machine, Kentucky State Board of Elections. Accessed December 18, 2006.
  42. ^ Kentucky Constitution, Section 233A Archived March 9, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Kentucky Legislature. Accessed December 18, 2006.
  43. ^ General Election, November 2, 2004, Summary Results Archived April 2, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Oklahoma State Election Board. Accessed December 22, 2006.
  44. ^ Oklahoma Constitution Archived March 10, 2005, at the Wayback Machine, Article II, section 35, at domawatch.org. Accessed December 22, 2006.
  45. ^ Arkansas Initiatives & Amendments, 1938-2004[permanent dead link], p. 20, Arkansas Secretary of State. Accessed December 18, 2006.
  46. ^ Arkansas State Constitution, 83rd Amendment, Arkansas Legislature. Accessed December 18, 2006.
  47. ^ Election Results, 2004 General Election Archived February 13, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, North Dakota Secretary of State Election Management System. Accessed December 20, 2006.
  48. ^ North Dakota Constitution Archived January 4, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Article XI, section 28. Accessed December 20, 2006.
  49. ^ Official Ballot Language Archived June 22, 2006, at the Wayback Machine, Ohio Secretary of State. Accessed December 21, 2006.
  50. ^ Ohio Constitution Archived December 23, 2014, at the Wayback Machine, Article XV, section 11. Accessed December 21, 2006.
  51. ^ Official Results of the November 2, 2004 General Election Archived December 13, 2006, at the Wayback Machine, Georgia Secretary of State. Accessed December 18, 2006.
  52. ^ Constitution of the State of Georgia Archived January 12, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Article I, section IV, Georgia Secretary of State. Accessed December 18, 2006.
  53. ^ Utah 2004 canvass amendments Archived September 23, 2006, at the Wayback Machine, 2004 General Election Results, State of Utah Elections Office. Accessed December 15, 2006.
  54. ^ Utah State Constitution Archived January 6, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Article I, section 29, Utah Legislature. Accessed December 15, 2006.
  55. ^ Results for Election Date: 9/18/04 Archived February 3, 2006, at the Wayback Machine, Louisiana Secretary of State. Accessed December 19, 2006.
  56. ^ Louisiana Constitution, Article 12, section 15, Louisiana State Senate. Accessed December 19, 2006.
  57. ^ Election Statistics, Kansas Secretary of State. Accessed December 22, 2006.
  58. ^ Gay marriage ban in public's hands Archived May 23, 2006, at the Wayback Machine, by Scott Rothschild, Lawrence Journal-World, February 3, 2005. Accessed December 22, 2006.
  59. ^ Kansas Constitution Archived October 11, 2006, at the Wayback Machine, Article XV, section 16. Accessed December 22, 2006.
  60. ^ a b 2005 Constitutional Amendment Election Archived January 2, 2015, at the Wayback Machine, Texas Secretary of State, Elections Division. Accessed December 22, 2006.
  61. ^ Texas Constitution Archived April 22, 2009, at the Wayback Machine, Article I, section 32. Accessed December 22, 2006.
  62. ^ DOMAwatch.org - Alabama Archived March 8, 2005, at the Wayback Machine Alliance Defense Fund. 2006. Accessed January 6, 2007.
  63. ^ a b "AMENDMENT 774 RATIFIED", Alabama State Legislature. Accessed January 6, 2006.
  64. ^ House Joint Resolution 1001 South Dakota Legislature 2005. Accessed January 6, 2007.
  65. ^ Article III, Section 28 Archived September 23, 2006, at the Wayback Machine. Idaho Constitution. Idaho State Legislature. Accessed January 6, 2007.
  66. ^ "DOMAwatch.org - Wisconsin Archived March 10, 2005, at the Wayback Machine" Alliance Defense Fund. 2006. Accessed January 6, 2007.
  67. ^ a b p.24 No.54 edition of the Journal of the Senate of the State of South Carolina. Archived October 3, 2008, at the Wayback Machine State of South Carolina. April 2005. Accessed January 6, 2007.
  68. ^ a b Initiative Information - Florida Marriage Protection Amendment, Florida Department of State, Division of Elections. Accessed November 11, 2008.
  69. ^ Waggoner, Martha (May 8, 2012). "NC approves amendment on gay marriage". Associated Press. Retrieved May 8, 2012.
  70. ^ "Session Law 2011-409, Senate Bill 514" (PDF). North Carolina General Assembly. 2011. Retrieved May 8, 2012.
  71. ^ 2004 General Election Results Archived February 22, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Michigan Department of State. Accessed December 19, 2006.
  72. ^ Michigan State Constitution, Article I, section 25, Michigan Legislature. Accessed December 19, 2006.
  73. ^ Opinion of the Supreme Court of Michigan Archived February 22, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Michigan Supreme Court. Accessed May 10, 2009.
  74. ^ a b Official Results, 2006 election Archived February 2, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Virginia State Board of Elections. Accessed December 30, 2006.
  75. ^ Proposed Constitutional Amendment, Article I, Section 15-A Archived December 14, 2006, at the Wayback Machine, from "November 2006 Proposed Amendments", Virginia State Board of Elections Archived January 5, 2011, at the Wayback Machine. Accessed December 30, 2006.
  76. ^ Silver State Election Results
  77. ^ "The Constitution of the State of Nevada" Hosted on the Nevada Legislature's website. Accessed November 30, 2006.
  78. ^ Assembly Joint Resolution No. 2
  79. ^ Prior to Obergefell Alabama and Kansas had one or more court ruling invalidating the state's same-sex marriage bans but were not fully complying with the rulings.
  80. ^ Sullivan, Patricia (July 29, 2016). "Virginia still has laws banning gay marriage. Should that matter?". Washington Post. Retrieved July 30, 2016.