Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics – Finn

The Finn was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics program in Harmaja. Seven races were scheduled. 28 sailors, on 28 boats, from 28 nations competed.[1]

at the Games of the XV Olympiad
Left-right: Currey, Elvstrøm and Sarby
Dates20–28 July
Competitors28 from 28 nations
1st place, gold medalist(s) Paul Elvstrøm  Denmark
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Charles Currey  Great Britain
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Rickard Sarby  Sweden
1956 →


Helmsman (Country) Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points
    Paul Elvstrøm   (DEN) 1 1548 5 849 1 1548 1 1548 3 1071 4 946 1 1548 9058 8209
    Charles Currey   (GBR) 9 594 10 548 8 645 8 645 1 1548 2 1247 6 770 5997 5449
    Rickard Sarby   (SWE) 6 770 1 1548 4 946 6 770 10 548 12 469 14 402 5453 5051
4   Koos de Jong   (NED) 4 946 2 1247 5 849 11 507 5 849 10 548 9 594 5540 5033
5   Wolfgang Erndl   (AUT) DSQ 0 4 946 9 594 16 344 4 946 15 372 3 1071 4273 4273
6   Morits Skaugen   (NOR) 2 1247 19 269 DNF 0 18 293 15 372 1 1548 16 344 4073 4073
7   Adelchi Pelaschier   (ITA) 5 849 6 770 2 1247 14 402 DSQ 0 11 507 18 293 4068 4068
8   Paul McLaughlin   (CAN) 13 434 11 507 14 402 22 206 9 594 5 849 2 1247 4239 4033
9   Alfredo Bercht   (BRA) 19 269 9 594 21 226 2 1247 13 434 17 318 5 849 3937 3711
10   Ramón Balcells Rodón   (ESP) 8 645 DSQ 0 3 1071 26 133 2 1247 DSQ 0 10 548 3644 3644
11   Jacques Lebrun   (FRA) 7 703 7 703 6 770 5 849 20 247 16 344 20 247 3863 3616
12   Pyotr Gorelikov   (URS) DNF 0 12 469 16 344 3 1071 8 645 3 1071 DSQ 0 3600 3600
13   Willy H.A. Pieper   (SUI) 16 344 14 402 13 434 4 946 17 318 6 770 8 645 3859 3541
14   Kenneth Albury   (BAH) DNF 0 15 372 10 548 13 434 7 703 8 645 11 507 3209 3209
15   Werner Krogmann   (GER) 3 1071 16 344 11 507 17 318 11 507 14 402 17 318 3467 3149
16   Hellmut Stauch   (RSA) 12 469 3 1071 20 247 9 594 19 269 18 293 13 434 3377 3130
17   Mario Gentil Quina   (POR) 18 293 DNF 0 17 318 7 703 6 770 7 703 DNF 0 2787 2787
18   Christian Nielsen   (BEL) 17 318 13 434 22 206 12 469 12 469 9 594 12 469 2959 2753
19   Gunnar Källström   (FIN) 15 372 8 645 19 269 15 372 21 226 25 150 7 703 2737 2587
20   Eugenio Lauz   (URU) 10 548 17 318 12 469 25 150 14 402 13 434 21 226 2547 2397
21   Alfred Fred Joseph Delany   (IRL) 14 402 23 186 15 372 19 269 26 133 26 133 4 946 2441 2308
22   Peter Attrill   (AUS) 11 507 18 293 DNF 0 10 548 18 293 DNF 0 15 372 2013 2013
23   Karlo Bauman   (YUG) DSQ 0 24 168 7 703 20 247 16 344 20 247 DSQ 0 1709 1709
24   Jorge de Cárdenas   (CUB) 20 247 22 206 18 293 27 117 23 186 19 269 19 269 1587 1470
25   Carlos Miguel Benn   (ARG) 22 206 25 150 DNF 0 24 168 24 168 22 206 22 206 1104 1104
26   Antonios Modinos   (GRE) 21 226 26 133 DNF 0 23 186 25 150 21 226 DNF 0 921 921
27   Keijiro Kaitoku   (JPN) 23 186 20 247 DNF 0 DSQ 0 22 206 23 186 DNF 0 825 825
28   Edward Melaika   (USA) DNF 0 21 226 23 186 26 133 DNF 0 24 168 DSQ 0 713 713

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified
  = Male,   = Female

Daily standings

Graph showing the daily standings in the Finn during the 1952 Summer Olympics

Conditions at Harmaja


Of the total of three race area's only two were needed during the Olympics in Harmaja. Each of the classes was using the same scoring system.

Date Race Sky Wind direction Wind speed (m/s)
20 July 1952 I Grand yachting weather SW 6-7
21 July 1952 II Calm sea, later rain SW 1-2
22 July 1952 III Magnificent seas SW 10
23 July 1952 IV Shifty 3-4
26 July 1952 V Rainy SW 3-6
27 July 1952 VI SW 4-6
28 July 1952 VII Fine and sunny Shifty Light


  1. ^ "Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics: One Person Dinghy (Finn), Open". Olympedia. Retrieved 31 May 2020.
  2. ^ The 1952 Olympic scoring system was used.
  3. ^ Total after applying discard.

