This is an alphabetical list of historically notable members of the Society of Jesus.

Ignatius of Loyola, recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church, founded the Society of Jesus in 1540.
Pope Francis
Blessed Jan Beyzym, Missionary in Madagascar
Tadeusz Brzozowski (1749-1820) first post-restoration General
Fr. Joseph O'Callahan (right), a Jesuit priest, is presented with the Medal of Honor by President Truman
Francis Xavier, one of the first seven Jesuits and missionary to Asia
Robert Bellarmine, one of the most important cardinals of the Catholic Reformation
Saint Melchior Grodziecki, martyr
Gerard Manley Hopkins, an English poet, Roman Catholic convert, and priest
Athanasius Kircher, a 17th c. polymath
Cardinal Adam Kozlowiecki
Saint Gabriel Lallemant
Włodzimierz Ledóchowski, Superior General 1915-1942
Jacques Marquette, the French Jesuit missionary who founded Michigan's first European settlement
Petrus Canisius, a theologian to whom the restoration of Catholicism in Germany after the Reformation is credited
Pierre-Jean De Smet, a missionary to the Native Americans in the Western United States
Teilhard in 1955

See also



  1. ^ Father Gabriel Richard was briefly in the U.S. Congress in the 1820s, but as a territorial representative. Under guidelines released by Pope John Paul II, Catholic clergy are expected not to serve in positions of civil authority. Drinan did not seek re-election as a result of the issuance of these guidelines.


  1. ^ Robert Aleksander Maryks; Jonathan Wright, eds. (2014). Jesuit Survival and Restoration: A Global History, 1773-1900. Studies in the History of Christian Traditions (revised reprint ed.). BRILL. p. 393. ISBN 978-9-0042-8387-9.
  2. ^ Official Returns - General Election - November 8, 1960 (PDF). Juneau: Office of the Alaska Secretary of State. 1960. p. 27. Retrieved January 23, 2012.
  3. ^ Tsong, Nicole (December 30, 2004). "Abuse claims breathe life into dead priests' past". Anchorage Daily News. Anchorage. p. A1. A popular Jesuit priest -- the country's first Roman Catholic priest to serve in a state Legislature
  4. ^ O’Conner, Thomas H. "Breaking the religious barrier", The Boston Globe, 10 May 2004.