List of Swedish billionaires by net worth

This is a ranking of Swedish billionaires. The following list is based on the annual estimated wealth and assets assessment compiled and published by American business magazine Forbes. The wealth of 45 people exceeds $1 billion.[1]



To assess and compile data on estimated wealth and assets, Forbes relies on information gathered by more than 50 reporters working in 16 countries throughout the year. The reporters arrange interviews with the candidates, interview the employees, attorneys, and securities analysts, and keep track of candidates' deals. The net worth is estimated based on individuals' assets, such as stakes in public and private companies, yachts, art, and real estate. Interviews are conducted to vet the figures and improve the estimate of an individual's holdings. Positions in a publicly-traded stock are priced to market on a date roughly a month before publication. For example, the 2022 ranking relies on the stock prices and exchange rates as of March 11, 2022. Privately held companies are priced by the prevailing price-to-sales or price-to-earnings ratios. Known debt is subtracted from assets to get a final estimate of an individual's estimated worth in United States dollars. Since stock prices fluctuate rapidly, an individual's true wealth and ranking at the time of publication may vary from their situation when the list was compiled.[2][3][4]

The Forbes policy is not to list multigenerational families who share fortunes. Still, in some cases, it lists couples and/or siblings together if the ownership breakdown among them is not clear. However, an estimated net worth of $1 billion should be calculated per person. If the wealth could be traced to one living individual, the Forbes includes wealth belonging to a member's immediate relatives. Royal families and dictators that have their wealth contingent on a position are always excluded from the rankings.[2][3]

2022 list


The forty-five entrepreneurs billionaires are listed as follows, including their Sweden rank (S#) and world rank (W#), citizenship, age, net worth, and source of wealth:

S# W# Name Citizenship Age
Net worth
(billions of USD)
Source of wealth Ref.
1 94 Stefan Persson   Sweden 76   17.6
H&M [5]
2 191 Melker Schörling & family   Sweden 76   10.4
Investments: Melker Schörling AB [6]
3 206 Finn Rausing   Sweden 69–70   9.8
Packaging: Tetra Laval [7]
4 206 Jörn Rausing   Sweden 64   9.8
Packaging: Tetra Laval [8]
5 206 Kirsten Rausing   Sweden 72   9.8
Packaging: Tetra Laval [9]
6 263 Carl Bennet   Sweden 72–73   8.3
Investments: Getinge Group, Elanders [10]
7 267 Gustaf Douglas   Sweden 86   8.2
Investments: Investment AB Latour [11]
8 304 Frederik Paulsen Jr   Sweden 73   7.7
Health care: Ferring Pharmaceuticals [12]
9 330 Antonia Ax:son Johnson   Sweden 80   7.2
Diversified: Axel Johnson Group [13]
10 424 Fredrik Lundberg   Sweden 72   6
Real estate, investments: L E Lundbergföretagen [14]
11 579 Erik Selin   Sweden 56–57   4.9
Real estate: Fastighets AB Balder [15]
12 687 Bertil Hult   Sweden 83   4.2 Education: EF Education First [16]
13 728 Victor Jacobsson   Sweden 41–42   4
Fintech: Klarna [17]
14 851 Carl Douglas   Sweden 59   3.5
Investments: Wasatornet [sv], Investment AB Latour, Vargtornet, and others [18]
15 851 Erik Douglas [sv]   Sweden 56   3.5
Investments: Wasatornet [sv] [19]
16 951 Sebastian Siemiatkowski   Sweden 42   3.2
Investments: Klarna [20]
17 1053 Martin Lorentzon   Sweden 55   2.9
Spotify [21]
18 1163 Dan Olsson   Sweden 76–77   2.7
Diversified: Stena Sphere [22]
19 1292 Daniel Ek   Sweden 41   2.4
Spotify [23]
20 1292 Lottie Tham & family   Sweden 75   2.4
H&M [24]
21 1341 Erik Paulsson & family   Sweden 82   2.4
Construction, real estate: Peab, SkiStar [25]
22 1445 David Mindus   Sweden 51–52   2.1
Real estate [26]
23 1579 Katarina Martinson   Sweden 43   1.9
Investments: L E Lundbergföretagen [27]
24 1645 Ali Ghodsi   Sweden 39–40   1.8 Data analytics: Databricks [28]
25 1645 Torbjörn Törnqvist   Sweden 70–71   1.8 Oil trading: Gunvor [29]
26 1729 Louise Lindh   Sweden 44–45   1.7
Investments: L E Lundbergföretagen [30]
27 1729 Lars Wingefors [sv]   Sweden 47   1.7
Video games: THQ Nordic [31]
28 1929 Conni Jonsson [sv]   Sweden 63   1.5
Asset management: EQT AB [32]
29 1929 Karl-Johan Persson   Sweden 49   1.5
H&M [33]
30 1929 Markus Persson   Sweden 45   1.5
Computer games: Mojang Studios [34]
31 1929 Tom Persson   Sweden 39   1.5
H&M [35]
32 1929 Charlotte Söderström   Sweden 46–47   1.5
H&M [36]
33 1929 Thomas von Koch   Sweden 57–58   1.5
Asset management [37]
34 2076 Jenny Lindén Urnes [sv]   Sweden 53   1.4
Lindéngruppen [sv] [38]
35 2076 Stefan Olsson   Sweden 74–75   1.4
Diversified: Stena Sphere [39]
36 2076 Jens von Bahr   Sweden 52–53 1.4 Gambling products [40]
37 2076 Fredrik Österberg   Sweden 52–53 1.4 Gambling products [41]
38 2190 Rutger Arnhult [sv]   Sweden 57 1.3 Real estate [42]
39 2190 Thomas Sandell   Sweden 63–64   1.3 Hedge funds: Sandell Asset Management, [43]
40 2324 Sven Hagströmer   Sweden 80 1.2 Financial services: Avanza [44]
41 2448 Caspar Callerström   Sweden 49–50 1.1 Financial services [45]
42 2448 Jonas Kamprad   Sweden 57–58   1.1
IKEA [46]
43 2448 Mathias Kamprad [sv]   Sweden 54   1.1
IKEA [47]
44 2448 Peter Kamprad [sv]   Sweden 59   1.1
IKEA [48]
45 2448 Harry Klagsbrun   Sweden 69–70 1.1 Financial services [49]


  1. ^ "The World's Billionaires". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-12.
  2. ^ a b "Methodology. Forbes World's Billionaries List". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-12.
  3. ^ a b Kerry Dolan (2012-03-07). "Methodology: How We Crunch The Numbers". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-12.
  4. ^ Kerry Dolan (2015-06-05). "Inside The 2015 Forbes Billionaires List: Facts And Figures". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-12.
  5. ^ "Stefan Persson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  6. ^ "Melker Schorling & family". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  7. ^ "Finn Rausing". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  8. ^ "Jorn Rausing". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  9. ^ "Kirsten Rausing". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  10. ^ "Carl Bennet". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  11. ^ "Gustaf Douglas". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  12. ^ "Frederik Paulsen". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  13. ^ "Antonia Ax:son Johnson & family". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  14. ^ "Fredrik Lundberg". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  15. ^ "Erik Selin". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  16. ^ "Bertil Hult". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  17. ^ "Victor Jacobsson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  18. ^ "Carl Douglas". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  19. ^ "Eric Douglas". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  20. ^ "Sebastian Siemiatkowski". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  21. ^ "Martin Lorentzon". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  22. ^ "Dan Olsson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  23. ^ "Daniel Ek". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  24. ^ "Lottie Tham & family". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  25. ^ "Erik Paulsson & family". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  26. ^ "David Mindus". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  27. ^ "Katarina Martinson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  28. ^ "Ali Ghodsi". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  29. ^ "Torbjorn Tornqvist". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  30. ^ "Louise Lindh". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  31. ^ "Lars Wingefors". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  32. ^ "Conni Jonsson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  33. ^ "Karl-Johan Persson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  34. ^ "Markus Persson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  35. ^ "Tom Persson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  36. ^ "Charlotte Söderström". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  37. ^ "Thomas von Koch". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  38. ^ "Jenny Lindén Urnes". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  39. ^ "Stefan Olsson". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  40. ^ "Jens von Bahr". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  41. ^ "JFredrik Österberg". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  42. ^ "Rutger Arnhult". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  43. ^ "Thomas Sandell". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  44. ^ "Sven Hagströmer". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  45. ^ "Caspar Callerström". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  46. ^ "Jonas Kamprad". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  47. ^ "Mathias Kamprad". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  48. ^ "Peter Kamprad". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
  49. ^ "Harry Klagsbrun". Forbes. Retrieved 2022-04-07.