Alternative stress measures

(Redirected from Kirchhoff stress)

In continuum mechanics, the most commonly used measure of stress is the Cauchy stress tensor, often called simply the stress tensor or "true stress". However, several alternative measures of stress can be defined:[1][2][3]

  1. The Kirchhoff stress ().
  2. The nominal stress ().
  3. The Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensors
    1. The first Piola–Kirchhoff stress (). This stress tensor is the transpose of the nominal stress ().
    2. The second Piola–Kirchhoff stress or PK2 stress ().
  4. The Biot stress ()



Consider the situation shown in the following figure. The following definitions use the notations shown in the figure.

Quantities used in the definition of stress measures

In the reference configuration  , the outward normal to a surface element   is   and the traction acting on that surface (assuming it deforms like a generic vector belonging to the deformation) is   leading to a force vector  . In the deformed configuration  , the surface element changes to   with outward normal   and traction vector   leading to a force  . Note that this surface can either be a hypothetical cut inside the body or an actual surface. The quantity   is the deformation gradient tensor,   is its determinant.

Cauchy stress


The Cauchy stress (or true stress) is a measure of the force acting on an element of area in the deformed configuration. This tensor is symmetric and is defined via




where   is the traction and   is the normal to the surface on which the traction acts.

Kirchhoff stress


The quantity,


is called the Kirchhoff stress tensor, with   the determinant of  . It is used widely in numerical algorithms in metal plasticity (where there is no change in volume during plastic deformation). It can be called weighted Cauchy stress tensor as well.

Piola–Kirchhoff stress


Nominal stress/First Piola–Kirchhoff stress


The nominal stress   is the transpose of the first Piola–Kirchhoff stress (PK1 stress, also called engineering stress)   and is defined via




This stress is unsymmetric and is a two-point tensor like the deformation gradient.
The asymmetry derives from the fact that, as a tensor, it has one index attached to the reference configuration and one to the deformed configuration.[4]

Second Piola–Kirchhoff stress


If we pull back   to the reference configuration we obtain the traction acting on that surface before the deformation   assuming it behaves like a generic vector belonging to the deformation. In particular we have




The PK2 stress ( ) is symmetric and is defined via the relation




Biot stress


The Biot stress is useful because it is energy conjugate to the right stretch tensor  . The Biot stress is defined as the symmetric part of the tensor   where   is the rotation tensor obtained from a polar decomposition of the deformation gradient. Therefore, the Biot stress tensor is defined as


The Biot stress is also called the Jaumann stress.

The quantity   does not have any physical interpretation. However, the unsymmetrized Biot stress has the interpretation




Relations between Cauchy stress and nominal stress


From Nanson's formula relating areas in the reference and deformed configurations:










In index notation,




Note that   and   are (generally) not symmetric because   is (generally) not symmetric.

Relations between nominal stress and second P–K stress


Recall that






or (using the symmetry of  ),


In index notation,


Alternatively, we can write


Relations between Cauchy stress and second P–K stress


Recall that


In terms of the 2nd PK stress, we have




In index notation,


Since the Cauchy stress (and hence the Kirchhoff stress) is symmetric, the 2nd PK stress is also symmetric.

Alternatively, we can write




Clearly, from definition of the push-forward and pull-back operations, we have




Therefore,   is the pull back of   by   and   is the push forward of  .

Summary of conversion formula



Conversion formulae
Equation for            
              (non isotropy)
              (non isotropy)
    (non isotropy)   (non isotropy)        

See also



  1. ^ J. Bonet and R. W. Wood, Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis, Cambridge University Press.
  2. ^ R. W. Ogden, 1984, Non-linear Elastic Deformations, Dover.
  3. ^ L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz, Theory of Elasticity, third edition
  4. ^ Three-Dimensional Elasticity. Elsevier. 1 April 1988. ISBN 978-0-08-087541-5.