In computer science and graph theory, Karger's algorithm is a randomized algorithm to compute a minimum cut of a connected graph. It was invented by David Karger and first published in 1993.[1]

A graph and two of its cuts. The dotted line in red is a cut with three crossing edges. The dashed line in green is a min-cut of this graph, crossing only two edges.

The idea of the algorithm is based on the concept of contraction of an edge in an undirected graph . Informally speaking, the contraction of an edge merges the nodes and into one, reducing the total number of nodes of the graph by one. All other edges connecting either or are "reattached" to the merged node, effectively producing a multigraph. Karger's basic algorithm iteratively contracts randomly chosen edges until only two nodes remain; those nodes represent a cut in the original graph. By iterating this basic algorithm a sufficient number of times, a minimum cut can be found with high probability.

The global minimum cut problem


A cut   in an undirected graph   is a partition of the vertices   into two non-empty, disjoint sets  . The cutset of a cut consists of the edges   between the two parts. The size (or weight) of a cut in an unweighted graph is the cardinality of the cutset, i.e., the number of edges between the two parts,


There are   ways of choosing for each vertex whether it belongs to   or to  , but two of these choices make   or   empty and do not give rise to cuts. Among the remaining choices, swapping the roles of   and   does not change the cut, so each cut is counted twice; therefore, there are   distinct cuts. The minimum cut problem is to find a cut of smallest size among these cuts.

For weighted graphs with positive edge weights   the weight of the cut is the sum of the weights of edges between vertices in each part


which agrees with the unweighted definition for  .

A cut is sometimes called a “global cut” to distinguish it from an “ -  cut” for a given pair of vertices, which has the additional requirement that   and  . Every global cut is an  -  cut for some  . Thus, the minimum cut problem can be solved in polynomial time by iterating over all choices of   and solving the resulting minimum  -  cut problem using the max-flow min-cut theorem and a polynomial time algorithm for maximum flow, such as the push-relabel algorithm, though this approach is not optimal. Better deterministic algorithms for the global minimum cut problem include the Stoer–Wagner algorithm, which has a running time of  .[2]

Contraction algorithm


The fundamental operation of Karger’s algorithm is a form of edge contraction. The result of contracting the edge   is a new node  . Every edge   or   for   to the endpoints of the contracted edge is replaced by an edge   to the new node. Finally, the contracted nodes   and   with all their incident edges are removed. In particular, the resulting graph contains no self-loops. The result of contracting edge   is denoted  .


The contraction algorithm repeatedly contracts random edges in the graph, until only two nodes remain, at which point there is only a single cut.

The key idea of the algorithm is that it is far more likely for non min-cut edges than min-cut edges to be randomly selected and lost to contraction, since min-cut edges are usually vastly outnumbered by non min-cut edges. Subsequently, it is plausible that the min-cut edges will survive all the edge contraction, and the algorithm will correctly identify the min-cut edge.

Successful run of Karger’s algorithm on a 10-vertex graph. The minimum cut has size 3.
   procedure contract( ):
       choose   uniformly at random
   return the only cut in  

When the graph is represented using adjacency lists or an adjacency matrix, a single edge contraction operation can be implemented with a linear number of updates to the data structure, for a total running time of  . Alternatively, the procedure can be viewed as an execution of Kruskal’s algorithm for constructing the minimum spanning tree in a graph where the edges have weights   according to a random permutation  . Removing the heaviest edge of this tree results in two components that describe a cut. In this way, the contraction procedure can be implemented like Kruskal’s algorithm in time  .

The random edge choices in Karger’s algorithm correspond to an execution of Kruskal’s algorithm on a graph with random edge ranks until only two components remain.

The best known implementations use   time and space, or   time and   space, respectively.[1]

Success probability of the contraction algorithm


In a graph   with   vertices, the contraction algorithm returns a minimum cut with polynomially small probability  . Recall that every graph has   cuts (by the discussion in the previous section), among which at most   can be minimum cuts. Therefore, the success probability for this algorithm is much better than the probability for picking a cut at random, which is at most  .

For instance, the cycle graph on   vertices has exactly   minimum cuts, given by every choice of 2 edges. The contraction procedure finds each of these with equal probability.

To further establish the lower bound on the success probability, let   denote the edges of a specific minimum cut of size  . The contraction algorithm returns   if none of the random edges deleted by the algorithm belongs to the cutset  . In particular, the first edge contraction avoids  , which happens with probability  . The minimum degree of   is at least   (otherwise a minimum degree vertex would induce a smaller cut where one of the two partitions contains only the minimum degree vertex), so  . Thus, the probability that the contraction algorithm picks an edge from   is


The probability   that the contraction algorithm on an  -vertex graph avoids   satisfies the recurrence  , with  , which can be expanded as


Repeating the contraction algorithm

10 repetitions of the contraction procedure. The 5th repetition finds the minimum cut of size 3.

By repeating the contraction algorithm   times with independent random choices and returning the smallest cut, the probability of not finding a minimum cut is


The total running time for   repetitions for a graph with   vertices and   edges is  .

Karger–Stein algorithm


An extension of Karger’s algorithm due to David Karger and Clifford Stein achieves an order of magnitude improvement.[3]

The basic idea is to perform the contraction procedure until the graph reaches   vertices.

   procedure contract( ,  ):
       choose   uniformly at random

The probability   that this contraction procedure avoids a specific cut   in an  -vertex graph is


This expression is approximately   and becomes less than   around  . In particular, the probability that an edge from   is contracted grows towards the end. This motivates the idea of switching to a slower algorithm after a certain number of contraction steps.

   procedure fastmincut( ):
   if  :
       return contract( ,  )
         contract( ,  )
         contract( ,  )
       return min{fastmincut( ), fastmincut( )}



The contraction parameter   is chosen so that each call to contract has probability at least 1/2 of success (that is, of avoiding the contraction of an edge from a specific cutset  ). This allows the successful part of the recursion tree to be modeled as a random binary tree generated by a critical Galton–Watson process, and to be analyzed accordingly.[3]

The probability   that this random tree of successful calls contains a long-enough path to reach the base of the recursion and find   is given by the recurrence relation


with solution  . The running time of fastmincut satisfies


with solution  . To achieve error probability  , the algorithm can be repeated   times, for an overall running time of  . This is an order of magnitude improvement over Karger’s original algorithm.[3]

Improvement bound


To determine a min-cut, one has to touch every edge in the graph at least once, which is   time in a dense graph. The Karger–Stein's min-cut algorithm takes the running time of  , which is very close to that.


  1. ^ a b Karger, David (1993). "Global Min-cuts in RNC and Other Ramifications of a Simple Mincut Algorithm". Proc. 4th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
  2. ^ Stoer, M.; Wagner, F. (1997). "A simple min-cut algorithm". Journal of the ACM. 44 (4): 585. doi:10.1145/263867.263872. S2CID 15220291.
  3. ^ a b c Karger, David R.; Stein, Clifford (1996). "A new approach to the minimum cut problem" (PDF). Journal of the ACM. 43 (4): 601. doi:10.1145/234533.234534. S2CID 5385337.