Graph Aligner (GRAAL)[1] is an algorithm for global network alignment that is based solely on network topology. It aligns two networks and by producing an alignment that consists of a set of ordered pairs , where is a node in and is a node in . GRAAL matches pairs of nodes originating in different networks based on their graphlet degree signature similarities,[2] where a higher similarity between two nodes corresponds to a higher topological similarity between their extended neighborhoods (out to distance 4). GRAAL produces global alignments, i.e., it aligns each node in the smaller network to exactly one node in the larger network. The matching proceeds using a technique analogous to the "seed and extend" approach of the popular BLAST algorithm for sequence alignment: it first chooses a single "seed" pair of nodes (one node from each network) with high graphlet degree signature similarity. It then expands the alignment radially outward around the seed as far as practical using a greedy algorithm (see [Kuchaiev et al., 2010][1] for details).



When aligning two graphs   and  , GRAAL first computes costs of aligning each node   in G with each node   in  . The cost of aligning two nodes takes into account the graphlet degree signature similarity[2] between them, modified to reduce the cost as the degrees of both nodes increase, since higher degree nodes with similar signatures provide a tighter constraint than correspondingly similar low degree nodes. In this way, GRAAL align the densest parts of the networks first. Let   be the degree of a node   in network  , let   be the maximum degree of nodes in  , let   be the graphlet degree signature similarity of nodes   and  , and let   be a parameter in [0, 1] that controls the contribution of the node signature similarity to the cost function (that is,   is the parameter that controls the contribution of node degrees to the cost function), then the cost of aligning nodes   and   is computed as:
A cost of   corresponds to a pair of topologically identical nodes   and  , while a cost close to   corresponds to a pair of topologically different nodes.

GRAAL chooses as the initial seed a pair of nodes  ,   and  , that have the smallest cost. Ties are broken randomly. Once the seed is found, GRAAL builds "spheres" of all possible radii around nodes   and  . A sphere of radius   around node   is the set of nodes   that are at distance   from  , where the distance   is the length of the shortest path from   to  . Spheres of the same radius in two networks are then greedily aligned together by searching for the pairs   and   that are not already aligned and that can be aligned with the minimal cost. When all spheres around the seed   have been aligned, some nodes in both networks may remain unaligned. For this reason, GRAAL repeats the same algorithm on a pair of networks   for   and  , and searches for the new seed again, if necessary. Network   is defined as a new network   having the same set of nodes as   and having   if and only if the distance between nodes   and   in   is less than or equal to  , i.e.,  . Note that  . Using  ,  , allows us to align a path of length   in one network to a single edge in another network, which is analogous to allowing "insertions" or "deletions" in a sequence alignment. GRAAL stops when each node from   is aligned to exactly one node in  .



GRAAL was used to align two protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks and predict biological function of unannotated proteins based on the function of their annotated aligned partners.[1] Also, GRAAL was used to compute a pairwise all-to-all network similarity matrix between metabolic networks of a group of species and then build their phylogenetic tree.[1] All of this was achieved using solely network topological information.


  1. ^ a b c d Oleksii Kuchaiev, Tijana Milenković, Vesna Memisević, Wayne Hayes, and Nataša Pržulj, Topological network alignment uncovers biological function and phylogeny, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2010.
  2. ^ a b Tijana Milenkovic and Nataša Pržulj, Uncovering Biological Network Function via Graphlet Degree Signatures, Cancer Informatics 2008, 6:257–273.