Night Eating Questionnaire

The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) is one of the most widely used measures for the assessment of night eating syndrome.[1][2][3] The original NEQ was revised several times and its current version was published by Allison and colleagues in 2008.[4] The NEQ has 14 items and responses are recorded on a five-point scale from 0 to 4 with each item having different response labels. Additional items for assessing perceived distress and functional impairment can be used but these are not included in the total score.[2]



The NEQ assesses four aspects of night eating syndrome: morning anorexia, evening hyperphagia, mood/sleep, and nocturnal ingestions. Items 1, 4, and 14 are inversely coded, that is, need to be recoded as 0=4, 1=3, 3=1, and 4=0 before computing subscale or total scores. Item 7 includes an additional response option "My mood does not change during the day." which, if selected, is coded with 0. There are two stop criteria: If respondents answer item 9 or item 12 with 0 (never), then all subsequent items are scored as 0. Item 13 asks about nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder and is not included in the total score. Thus, total scores are calculated by adding responses to items 1 to 12 and item 14, so they can range between 0 and 52.



Higher total scores indicate higher night eating syndrome symptomatology. Two cut-off scores have been proposed, a score of 25 has high sensitivity and a score of 30 has high specificity.[4] As the NEQ is intended as a screening measure, the use of diagnostic interviews is recommended to validate a diagnosis of night eating syndrome.[1]



The NEQ has acceptable internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.70)[4] and test–retest reliability (r = 0.77–0.86 across 2–3 weeks).[5][6]



Convergent validity has been supported by medium-to-large positive correlations with other measures that assess eating pathology and with food intake after 6 p.m. as assessed with a food diary across 7 days.[4] Discriminant validity has been supported by absent or small correlations with other relevant (but not eating-related) constructs such as morningness–eveningness preference.[5]

Translated versions


The NEQ has been used in several other languages such as Portuguese,[7][8] Spanish,[6] Hebrew,[9] Arabic,[10] German,[5] Chinese,[11][12] Italian,[13] French,[14] and Korean[15]

Modified versions


Versions of the NEQ for children and adolescents have been developed.[16][17]

Comparison with other measures


The NEQ assesses symptoms over an unspecified duration and is meant to screen for night eating symptoms broadly. The Night Eating Symptom Scale[18] is similar to the NEQ but assesses symptoms over the previous 7 days and is meant to be used to monitor progress in treatment. The Night Eating Diagnostic Questionnaire[19][20] is intended to establish a diagnosis of night eating syndrome rather than to assess a person's symptom severity. In addition to these self-report instruments, the Night Eating Syndrome History and Inventory is a semistructured clinical interview that is used to establish a diagnosis of night eating syndrome in addition to gathering information on symptom severity, distress and impaired functioning due to night eating, and precipitating factors.[1]


  1. ^ a b c "Night Eating Syndrome: Research, Assessment, and Treatment". Guilford Press. Retrieved 2023-06-09.
  2. ^ a b Lavery, Megan E.; Frum-Vassallo, Deirdra (2022-12-01). "An Updated Review of Night Eating Syndrome: An Under-Represented Eating Disorder". Current Obesity Reports. 11 (4): 395–404. doi:10.1007/s13679-022-00487-9. ISSN 2162-4968. PMC 9713091. PMID 36451065.
  3. ^ Vander Wal, Jillon S. (2012-02-01). "Night eating syndrome: A critical review of the literature". Clinical Psychology Review. 32 (1): 49–59. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2011.11.001. ISSN 0272-7358. PMID 22142838.
  4. ^ a b c d Allison, Kelly C.; Lundgren, Jennifer D.; O'Reardon, John P.; Martino, Nicole S.; Sarwer, David B.; Wadden, Thomas A.; Crosby, Ross D.; Engel, Scott G.; Stunkard, Albert J. (2008-01-01). "The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Psychometric properties of a measure of severity of the Night Eating Syndrome". Eating Behaviors. 9 (1): 62–72. doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2007.03.007. ISSN 1471-0153. PMID 18167324.
  5. ^ a b c Meule, Adrian; Allison, Kelly C.; Platte, Petra (2014-12-01). "A German version of the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Psychometric properties and correlates in a student sample". Eating Behaviors. 15 (4): 523–527. doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2014.07.002. ISSN 1471-0153. PMID 25094066.
  6. ^ a b Moizé, Violeta; Gluck, Marci E.; Torres, Ferran; Andreu, Alba; Vidal, Josep; Allison, Kelly (August 2012). "Transcultural adaptation of the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) for its use in the Spanish population". Eating Behaviors. 13 (3): 260–263. doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2012.02.005. PMID 22664407.
  7. ^ Harb, Ana Beatriz Cauduro; Caumo, Wolnei; Hidalgo, Maria Paz Loayza (June 2008). "Tradução e adaptação da versão brasileira do Night Eating Questionnaire". Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 24 (6): 1368–1376. doi:10.1590/S0102-311X2008000600017. hdl:10183/49598. ISSN 0102-311X. PMID 18545762.
  8. ^ Dantas, Gleiciane Moreira; Pinto, Thisciane Ferreira; Pereira, Eanes Delgado Barros; Magalhã, Renan Montenegro; Jú, Es; nior; Bruin, Veralice Meireles Sales de; Bruin, Pedro Felipe Carvalhedo de (2012). "Validation of a new Brazilian version of the". Sleep Science. 5 (1): 7–13. ISSN 1984-0063.
  9. ^ Latzer, Yael; Tzischinsky, Orna; Hason Rozenstein, Michal; Allison, Kelly (2014). "Reliability and cross-validation of the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Hebrew version". The Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences. 51 (1): 68–73. ISSN 2617-2402. PMID 24858637.
  10. ^ Elsadek, Adel M.; Hamid, Mohamed S.; Allison, Kelly C. (September 2014). "Psychometric characteristics of the night eating questionnaire in a middle east population: NEQ in Arabic". International Journal of Eating Disorders. 47 (6): 660–665. doi:10.1002/eat.22285. PMID 24733495.
  12. ^ He, Jinbo; Ji, Feng; Zhang, Xiaoya; Fan, Xitao (2019-02-01). "Psychometric properties and gender invariance of the simplified Chinese version of Night Eating Questionnaire in a large sample of mainland Chinese college students". Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. 24 (1): 57–66. doi:10.1007/s40519-018-0553-7. ISSN 1590-1262. PMID 30073542. S2CID 51909505.
  13. ^ Caredda, Maria; Roscioli, Chiara; Mistretta, Martino; Pacitti, Francesca (2009). "[Stress vulnerability and night eating syndrome in the general population]". Rivista di Psichiatria. 44 (1): 45–54. ISSN 0035-6484. PMID 20066937.
  14. ^ Lundgren, Jennifer D.; Drapeau, Vicky; Allison, Kelly C.; Gallant, Annette R.; Tremblay, Angelo; Lambert, Marie A.; Lemieux, Simone; O'Loughlin, L. Jennifer; Pérusse, Louis; Stunkard, Albert J. (August 2012). "Prevalence and Familial Patterns of Night Eating in the Québec Adipose and Lifestyle InvesTigation in Youth (QUALITY) Study". Obesity. 20 (8): 1598–1603. doi:10.1038/oby.2012.80. ISSN 1930-7381. PMID 22469955. S2CID 28776825.
  15. ^ Kim, Beomjong; Kim, Inja; Choi, Heejung (2016-02-01). "Psychometric Properties and Item Evaluation of Korean Version of Night Eating Questionnaire (KNEQ)". Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (in Korean). 46 (1): 109–117. doi:10.4040/jkan.2016.46.1.109. ISSN 2005-3673. PMID 26963420.
  16. ^ Gallant, Annette R.; Lundgren, Jennifer; Allison, Kelly; Stunkard, Albert J.; Lambert, Marie; O'Loughlin, Jennifer; Lemieux, Simone; Tremblay, Angelo; Drapeau, Vicky (November 2012). "Validity of the night eating questionnaire in children". International Journal of Eating Disorders. 45 (7): 861–865. doi:10.1002/eat.22021. PMID 22516960.
  17. ^ da Silva, Francisco Girleudo Coutinho; Pinto, Thisciane Ferreira; de Souza, Evanice Avelino; de Bruin, Veralice Meireles Sales; de Bruin, Pedro Felipe Carvalhedo (2020). "Adaptation of the night eating questionnaire for Brazilian adolescents". Sleep Science. 13 (2): 103–106. doi:10.5935/1984-0063.20200002 (inactive 2024-09-19). ISSN 1984-0659. PMC 7384522. PMID 32742579.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of September 2024 (link)
  18. ^ O'Reardon, John P.; Stunkard, Albert J.; Allison, Kelly C. (January 2004). "Clinical trial of sertraline in the treatment of night eating syndrome". International Journal of Eating Disorders. 35 (1): 16–26. doi:10.1002/eat.10224. ISSN 0276-3478. PMID 14705153.
  19. ^ Gluck, Marci E.; Geliebter, Allan; Satov, Tracy (April 2001). "Night Eating Syndrome Is Associated with Depression, Low Self-Esteem, Reduced Daytime Hunger, and Less Weight Loss in Obese Outpatients". Obesity Research. 9 (4): 264–267. doi:10.1038/oby.2001.31. PMID 11331430.
  20. ^ Nolan, Laurence J.; Geliebter, Allan (April 2017). "Validation of the Night Eating Diagnostic Questionnaire (NEDQ) and its relationship with depression, sleep quality, "food addiction", and body mass index". Appetite. 111: 86–95. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2016.12.027. PMID 28017909. S2CID 3651039.