In geometry, a binary tiling (sometimes called a Böröczky tiling)[1] is a tiling of the hyperbolic plane, resembling a quadtree over the Poincaré half-plane model of the hyperbolic plane. The tiles are congruent, each adjoining five others. They may be convex pentagons, or non-convex shapes with four sides, alternatingly line segments and horocyclic arcs, meeting at four right angles.

Binary tiling on Poincare disk
A binary tiling displayed in the Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane. Each side of a tile lies on a horocycle (shown as circles interior to the model) or a hyperbolic line (shown as arcs of circles perpendicular to the model boundary). These horocycles and lines are all asymptotic to a common ideal point located at the right side of the Poincaré disk.

There are uncountably many distinct binary tilings for a given shape of tile. They are all weakly aperiodic, meaning that they can have a one-dimensional symmetry group but not a two-dimensional family of symmetries. There exist binary tilings with tiles of arbitrarily small area.

Binary tilings were first studied mathematically in 1974 by Károly Böröczky [hu]. Closely related tilings have been used since the late 1930s in the Smith chart for radio engineering, and appear in a 1957 print by M. C. Escher.



A tiling of a surface is a covering of the surface by geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. An example is the familiar tiling of the Euclidean plane by squares, meeting edge-to-edge. When all the tiles have the same shape (they are all congruent), the tiling is called a monohedral tiling, and the shape of the tiles is called the prototile of the tiling.[2] The binary tilings are monohedral tilings of the hyperbolic plane, a kind of non-Euclidean geometry with different notions of length, area, congruence, and symmetry than the Euclidean plane.[3] Two common models for the hyperbolic plane are the Poincaré disk model and Poincaré half-plane model. In these, the points of the hyperbolic plane are modeled by the points in an open disk or the half-plane above a horizontal line. Hyperbolic lines are modeled by those Euclidean circles and lines that cross the model's boundary perpendicularly. The boundary points of the model are called ideal points, and a hyperbolic line through an ideal point is said to be asymptotic to it. The half-plane model has one more ideal point, the point at infinity, asymptotic to all vertical lines. Another important class of hyperbolic curves, called horocycles, are modeled as circles that are tangent to the boundary of the model, or as horizontal lines in the half-plane model. Horocycles are asymptotic to their point of tangency, or to the point at infinity if they have none.[4][5]

In one version of binary tiling, each tile is a shape bounded by two hyperbolic lines and two horocycles. These four curves are asymptotic to the same ideal point, and the two horocycles have hyperbolic distance   from each other. The resulting shape has four right angles, like a rectangle, with its sides alternating between segments of hyperbolic lines and arcs of horocycles. The choice of   as the distance between the two horocycles causes one of the two arcs of horocycles (the one farther from the asymptotic point) to have twice the hyperbolic length of the opposite arc. Copies of this shape, meeting edge-to-edge along their line segment sides, can tile the slab or crescent shaped region between two horocycles. A nested family of these slabs or crescents can then tile the entire hyperbolic plane, lined up so that the long arc of each tile in one slab is covered by the short arcs of two tiles in the next slab. The result is a binary tiling.[1]

A portion of a binary tiling displayed in the Poincaré half-plane model. The horizontal lines correspond to horocycles in the hyperbolic plane, and the vertical line segments correspond to hyperbolic lines.

In the Poincaré half-plane model of hyperbolic geometry, with the ideal point chosen to be a point at infinity for the half-plane, hyperbolic lines asymptotic to this point are modeled as vertical rays, and horocycles asymptotic to this point are modeled as horizontal lines.[4] Each tile is modeled as an axis-parallel square or rectangle.[3][6] The hyperbolic length of an arc of a horizontal horocycle is its Euclidean length divided by its  -coordinate, while the hyperbolic distance between points with the same  -coordinate is the logarithm of the ratio of their  -coordinates.[5] From these facts one can calculate that successive horocycles of a binary tiling, at hyperbolic distance  , are modeled by horizontal lines whose Euclidean distance from the  -axis doubles at each step, and that the two bottom half-arcs of a binary tile each equal the top arc.

Binary tiling with convex pentagon tiles, in the Poincaré half-plane model.

An alternative and combinatorially equivalent version of the tiling places its vertices at the same points, but connects them by hyperbolic line segments instead of arcs of horocycles, so that each tile becomes a hyperbolic convex pentagon. This makes the tiling a proper pentagonal tiling.[6][7] The hyperbolic lines through the non-vertical sides of these tiles are modeled in the half-plane model by semicircles centered on the  -axis, and the sides form arcs of these semicircles.[5]

If one considers only adjacencies between tiles of different sizes, omitting the side-to-side adjacencies, this adjacency pattern gives the tiles of a binary tiling the structure of a binary tree. Representative points within each tile, connected according to this adjacency structure, give an embedding of an infinite binary tree as a hyperbolic tree.[8]

Enumeration and aperiodicity


The tiles of a binary tiling are not all symmetric to each other; for instance, for the four tiles two levels below any given tile, no symmetry takes a middle tile to an outer tile. There are uncountably many different tilings of the hyperbolic plane by these tiles, even when they are modified by adding protrusions and indentations to force them to meet edge-to-edge. None of these different tilings are periodic (having a cocompact symmetry group),[3] although some (such as the one in which there exists a line that is completely covered by tile edges) have a one-dimensional infinite symmetry group.[1] As a tile all of whose tilings are not fully periodic, the prototile of a binary tiling solves an analogue of the einstein problem in the hyperbolic plane. However, it is only "weakly aperiodic", meaning that no tiling has a two-dimensional group of symmetries, rather than "strongly aperiodic", which would mean that no tiling has an infinite group of symmetries.[9]

In binary tilings, more strongly than having all tiles the same shape, all first coronas of tiles have the same shape. The first corona is the set of tiles touching a single central tile. Here, coronas are considered the same if they are reflections of each other. For tilings of the Euclidean plane, having all first coronas the same implies that the tiling is periodic and isohedral, meaning that all tiles are symmetric to each other. Binary tilings provide a strong counterexample for the corresponding property in the hyperbolic plane.[10]

Corresponding to the fact that these tilings are non-periodic but monohedral (having only one tile shape), the dual tilings of these tilings are non-periodic but monocoronal (having the same pattern of tiles surrounding each vertex). These dual tilings are formed by choosing a reference point within each tile of a binary tiling, and connecting pairs of reference points of tiles that share an edge with each other.[6]


Is the average number of red points per tile 1/3 (left) or 2/3 (right)?

Binary tilings were first studied mathematically in 1974 by Károly Böröczky [hu].[3][11][12] Böröczky was investigating the density of a discrete planar point set, the average number of points per unit area. This quantity is used, for instance, to study Danzer sets. For points placed one per tile in a monohedral tiling of the Euclidean plane, the density is inverse to the tile area. But for the hyperbolic plane, paradoxical issues ensue.[3][12] The tiles of a binary tiling can be grouped into three-tile subunits, with each subunit consisting of one tile above two more (as viewed in the Poincaré half-plane model). Points centered within the upper tile of each subunit have one point per subunit, for an apparent density equal to one third of the area of a binary tile. However, the same points and the same binary tiling can be regrouped in a different way, with two points per subunit, centered in the two lower tiles of each subunit, with two times the apparent density. This example shows that it is not possible to determine the density of a hyperbolic point set from tilings in this way.[12][13]

Adjusting the distance between the two vertical sides of the tiles in a binary tiling causes their area to vary, proportional to this distance. By making this distance arbitrarily small, this tiling can be used to show that the hyperbolic plane has tilings by congruent tiles of arbitrarily small area.[11] Jarkko Kari has used a system of colorings of tiles from a binary tiling, analogous to Wang tiles, to prove that determining whether a given system of hyperbolic prototiles can tile the hyperbolic plane is an undecidable problem.[7] Subdivisions of a binary tiling that replace each tile by a grid graph have been used to obtain tight bounds on the fine-grained complexity of graph algorithms.[14] Recursive data structures resembling quadtrees, based on binary tiling, have been used for approximate nearest neighbor queries in the hyperbolic plane.[8]

Structure of Escher's Regular Division of the Plane VI
Four sheets from the Cayley graph of the Baumslag–Solitar group  

A 1957 print by M. C. Escher, Regular Division of the Plane VI, has this tiling as its underlying structure, with each tile of a binary tiling (as seen in its quadtree form) subdivided into three right triangles.[15] It is one of several Escher prints based on the half-plane model of the hyperbolic plane.[16] When interpreted as Euclidean shapes rather than hyperbolically, the tiles are squares and the subdivided triangles are isosceles right triangles. The print itself replaces each triangle by a stylized lizard.[15]

The Smith chart, a graphical method of visualizing parameters in radio engineering, resembles a binary tiling on the Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane, and has been analyzed for its connections to hyperbolic geometry and to Escher's hyperbolic tilings.[17] It was first developed in the late 1930s by Tōsaku Mizuhashi,[18] Phillip Hagar Smith,[19] and Amiel R. Volpert.[20]

The Cayley graph of the Baumslag–Solitar group  , has the group elements as vertices, connected by edges representing multiplication by this group's standard generating elements. This graph can be decomposed into "sheets", whose vertices and edges form a binary tiling. At each level of a binary tiling, there are two choices for how to continue the tiling at the next higher level. Any two sheets will coincide for some number of levels until separating from each other by following different choices at one of these levels, giving the sheets the structure of an infinite binary tree.[21][22]

Each face in this order-3 apeirogonal tiling (shown in the Poincaré disk model) can be replaced by part of a binary tiling as modified by Radin.[3]

A related tiling of the hyperbolic plane by Roger Penrose can be interpreted as being formed by adjacent pairs of binary tiles, one above the other, whose unions form L-shaped tiles. Like binary tiling, it is weakly aperiodic.[23] Charles Radin describes another modification to the binary tiling in which an angular bump is added to the two lower sides of each tile, with a matching indentation cut from the upper side of each tile. These modified tiles can form the usual binary tilings, but they can also be used to form different tilings that replace each face of an apeirogonal tiling by part of a binary tiling, the tiling of a horoball above a horizontal line in the half-plane model. These mixed binary and apeirogonal tilings avoid the density paradoxes of the binary tiling.[3]

The dual graph of a binary tiling has a vertex for each tile, and an edge for each pair of tiles that share an edge. It takes the form of an infinite binary tree (extending infinitely both upwards and downwards, without a root) with added side-to-side connections between tree nodes at the same level as each other.[1] An analogous structure for finite complete binary trees, with the side-to-side connections at each level extended from paths to cycles, has been studied as a network topology in parallel computing, the ringed tree.[24] Ringed trees have also been studied in terms of their hyperbolic metric properties in connection with small-world networks.[25]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d Dolbilin, Nikolai; Frettlöh, Dirk (2010). "Properties of Böröczky tilings in high-dimensional hyperbolic spaces" (PDF). European Journal of Combinatorics. 31 (4): 1181–1195. arXiv:0705.0291. doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2009.11.016.
  2. ^ Adams, Colin (2022). The Tiling Book: An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Tilings. American Mathematical Society. pp. 21–23. ISBN 9781470468972.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Radin, Charles (2004). "Orbits of Orbs: Sphere Packing Meets Penrose Tilings" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 111 (2): 137–149. doi:10.2307/4145214. JSTOR 4145214.
  4. ^ a b Ramsay, Arlan; Richtmyer, Robert D. (1995). Introduction to hyperbolic geometry. New York: Springer-Verlag. p. 212. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5585-5. ISBN 0387943390.
  5. ^ a b c Stahl, Saul (1993). The Poincaré Half-Plane: A Gateway to Modern Geometry. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. pp. 64–67. ISBN 0-86720-298-X. MR 1217085.
  6. ^ a b c Frettlöh, Dirk; Garber, Alexey (2015). "Symmetries of monocoronal tilings". Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science. 17 (2): 203–234. arXiv:1402.4658. doi:10.46298/dmtcs.2142. MR 3411398.
  7. ^ a b Kari, Jarkko (2007). "The tiling problem revisited (extended abstract)". In Durand-Lose, Jérôme Olivier; Margenstern, Maurice (eds.). Machines, Computations, and Universality, 5th International Conference, MCU 2007, Orléans, France, September 10–13, 2007, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 4664. Springer. pp. 72–79. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74593-8_6. ISBN 978-3-540-74592-1.
  8. ^ a b Kisfaludi-Bak, Sándor; van Wordragen, Geert (2024). "A quadtree, a Steiner spanner, and approximate nearest neighbours in hyperbolic space". In Mulzer, Wolfgang; Phillips, Jeff M. (eds.). 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG 2024, June 11–14, 2024, Athens, Greece. LIPIcs. Vol. 293. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. pp. 68:1–68:15. arXiv:2305.01356. doi:10.4230/LIPICS.SOCG.2024.68.
  9. ^ Smith, David; Myers, Joseph Samuel; Kaplan, Craig S.; Goodman-Strauss, Chaim (2024). "An aperiodic monotile". Combinatorial Theory. 4 (1) 6. arXiv:2303.10798. doi:10.5070/C64163843. MR 4770585.
  10. ^ Dolbilin, Nikolai; Schulte, Egon (June 2004). "The local theorem for monotypic tilings". Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 11 (2). Research Paper 7. doi:10.37236/1864. MR 2120102.
  11. ^ a b Agol, Ian (26 January 2018). "Smallest tile to tessellate the hyperbolic plane". MathOverflow.
  12. ^ a b c Böröczky, Károly (1974). "Gömbkitöltések állandó görbületű terekben I". Matematikai Lapok (in Hungarian). 25: 265–306. As cited by Radin.
  13. ^ Bowen, Lewis Phylip (2002). Density in hyperbolic spaces (Ph.D. thesis). University of Texas at Austin. hdl:2152/10916. See section 1.2.4, "Böröczky’s packing", pp. 14–19.
  14. ^ Kisfaludi-Bak, Sándor; Masaríková, Jana; van Leeuwen, Erik Jan; Walczak, Bartosz; Wegrzycki, Karol (2024). "Separator theorem and algorithms for planar hyperbolic graphs". In Mulzer, Wolfgang; Phillips, Jeff M. (eds.). 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG 2024, June 11-14, 2024, Athens, Greece. LIPIcs. Vol. 293. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. pp. 67:1–67:17. arXiv:2310.11283. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.SoCG.2024.67.
  15. ^ a b Escher, M. C. (1989). "The regular division of the plane". Escher on Escher: Exploring the Infinite. Translated by Ford, Karin. Harry N. Abrams Inc. pp. 90–122. ISBN 0-8109-2414-5. See especially text describing Regular Division of the Plane VI, pp. 112 & 114, schematic diagram, p. 116, and reproduction of the print, p. 117.
  16. ^ Dunham, Douglas (2012). "M. C. Escher's use of the Poincaré models of hyperbolic geometry" (PDF). In Bruter, Claude (ed.). Mathematics and Modern Art: Proceedings of the First ESMA Conference, held in Paris, July 19–22, 2010. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics. Vol. 18. Springer. pp. 69–77. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24497-1_7. ISBN 9783642244971.
  17. ^ Gupta, Madhu S. (October 2006). "Escher's art, Smith chart, and hyperbolic geometry". IEEE Microwave Magazine. 7 (5): 66–76. doi:10.1109/mw-m.2006.247916.
  18. ^ Mizuhashi, Tōsaku (December 1937). "Sì duānzǐ huílù no inpīdansu hensei to seigō kairo no riron". J. Inst. Electrical Communication Eng. Japan. 1937 (12): 1053–1058.
  19. ^ Smith, P. H. (January 1939). "Transmission line calculator" (PDF). Electronics. 12 (1): 29–31.
  20. ^ Volpert, Amiel Rafailovich (February 1940). "Nomogramma dlya rascheta dlinnykh liniy". Proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskiy Byulleten. 1940 (2): 14–18.
  21. ^ Cook, Briana; Freden, Eric M.; McCann, Alisha (2004). "A simple proof of a theorem of Whyte". Geometriae Dedicata. 108: 153–162. doi:10.1007/s10711-004-2304-3. MR 2112672.
  22. ^ Aubrun, Nathalie; Schraudner, Michael (2024). "Tilings of the hyperbolic plane of substitutive origin as subshifts of finite type on Baumslag-Solitar groups  ". Comptes Rendus Mathématique Acad. Sci. Paris. 362: 553–580. arXiv:2012.11037. doi:10.5802/crmath.571. MR 4753921.
  23. ^ Penrose, R. (March 1979). "Pentaplexity: a class of nonperiodic tilings of the plane". The Mathematical Intelligencer. 2 (1): 32–37. doi:10.1007/BF03024384. MR 0558670.
  24. ^ Despain, Alvin M.; Patterson, David A. (1978). "X-Tree: A Tree Structured Multi-Processor Computer Architecture". Proceedings of the 5th Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture, Palo Alto, CA, USA, April 1978. Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 144–151. doi:10.1145/800094.803041.
  25. ^ Chen, Wei; Fang, Wenjie; Hu, Guangda; Mahoney, Michael W. (2013). "On the hyperbolicity of small-world and treelike random graphs". Internet Mathematics. 9 (4): 434–491. arXiv:1201.1717. doi:10.1080/15427951.2013.828336. MR 3173786.