Renewable energy in Ethiopia

(Redirected from Biofuel in Ethiopia)

Ethiopia generates most of its electricity from renewable energy, mainly hydropower.

Dam of a hydroelectric power plant near the Blue Nile Falls

The country is strategically expanding its energy sector, aiming for a more diverse and resilient mix. The country's current energy production is heavily reliant on hydropower, which constitutes about 90% of its energy production but is vulnerable to climate-induced droughts.[1] To address this, the government is implementing key hydropower and geothermal projects.[2]

Ethiopia's renewable energy portfolio is diverse, encompassing wind, solar, and geothermal power in addition to its substantial hydroelectric capacity. The nation possesses the capacity to produce over 60,000 megawatts (MW) from these renewable sources. The Ethiopian government is actively working to develop its energy sector further, as evidenced by ongoing initiatives and strategic plans for future energy infrastructure expansion.[3]

Electricity supply

Solar potential

In 2011, over 96% of Ethiopia's electricity was generated from hydropower.[4] The country began a large program to expand electricity supply in the 2010s from 2,000 MW to 10,000 MW. This was to be done mainly with renewable sources. Wind and geothermal were included to offset seasonal differences in water levels. Ethiopia plans to export electricity to neighboring countries but the plan is contingent upon transmission lines being upgraded and expanded.

Most of the energy needs of Ethiopia are filled by biofuels for cooking, heating, and off-grid lighting. Petroleum, including gasoline, diesel and kerosene supply less than 7% of the country's energy supply.[4] Solar photovoltaics is being promoted to replace fuel-based lighting and off-grid electrical supply with a solar panel assembly plant opening in Addis Ababa in early 2013. The majority of Ethiopia's population live in rural areas and very few have access to electricity.

Ethiopia is planning for a carbon-neutral status by 2025.[5]

This aim was set through their ambitious three-stage Growth and Transformation Plan, Ethiopia seeks to transform itself into a modern economy by 2025. According to the Ministry of Water and Energy, as of 2018, only 23% of the national populace has access to grid electricity. That figure falls even further to 10% when moving to rural areas – a figure that's smaller than the 17% average found across the rest of Africa.[6] Drought frequency, flooding, poor land management techniques, and a rapidly growing population all have increased the situations direness.[7] As of 2018, Ethiopia had launched the National Electrification Program which aimed for 65% of the population to be grid-connected by 2025.[8]



Hydropower Dams built in Ethiopia provided over 1,500 MW of capacity by 2010. The four largest dams were built between 2004 and 2010. Gilgel Gibe III added 1,870 MW in 2016.

The Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD), a key element of the country's energy expansion strategy, is expected to significantly increase the nation's energy capacity. With a planned capacity of 5,150 MW, GERD was 90% complete as of March 2023 and began producing 375 MW from one turbine in February 2022. This project is not solely focused on energy generation; it is also regarded as a potential contributor to industrialization and economic growth, with possibilities for electricity exports. Complementing GERD is the Koysha Hydropower Dam, which, once operational, will be the second-largest dam in Ethiopia with a capacity of 2,170 MW.[2]

Over 70% of the freshwater resources that Ethiopia has access to can be found at the Blue Nile River Basin. Here, three river systems, the Abbay (44%), Akobo River (20%), and Tekezé (6%) provide the country with vital water resources.[9] Ethiopia's government is planning on tapping into this technology five-fold in the coming years.[10]

Egypt has expressed concerns that their water rights are being violated by these upstream dams but Ethiopia has no water treaty with Egypt.

Wind power


Ethiopia plans 800 MW of wind power.[11] As the dry season is also the windy season, wind power is a good complement to hydropower. Ethiopia has benefitted from the creation and sustainment of two large wind power systems. In October 2013 the largest wind farm on the continent, the Adama plants, started capturing energy in Ethiopia. The Adama 1 plant has a capacity to produce 51 MW while the Adama 2 plant has a capacity to generate 51 MW.[12] Another farm of note is the Ashegoda wind farm and the Ashegoda Expansion wind farm which together produce roughly 120 MW of electricity.[citation needed] The Chinese firm Hydrochina estimated total wind power potential to be as high as 1.3 million MW.[13]



Ethiopia is planning to build geothermal plants to offset restraints on power production by hydroelectric plants due to seasonal water variation. American-Icelandic company Reykjavik Geothermal has an agreement to develop a 1000 MW geothermal farm.[14] The first 500 MW would be completed by 2018.

As part of Ethiopia’s strategic expansion of its energy sector, the country is also developing geothermal projects in Oromia, specifically in Corbetti and Tulu Moye. These projects, revised in 2017 to a capacity of 150 MW each, were finalized in March 2020. Representing an investment of approximately $1.2 billion, the geothermal projects demonstrate Ethiopia's commitment to renewable energy development. They contribute not only to the country's energy sustainability but also open opportunities for future investments, particularly from U.S. Independent Power Producers (IPP).[2]

A study funded by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network found that the Ethiopian approach to geothermal development puts little focus on involving the private sector in risk mitigation and fails to build the capacity needed for flows of significant private sector finance. The study found that international, multilateral and bilateral institutions should:

  • Support technical assistance and capacity building, which takes into account the needs of all relevant stakeholders involved within specific country and market contexts.
  • Provide targeted concessional finance by taking into account all possible risk mitigation instruments during project development, and by envisioning the leverage of private finance as early as possible.
  • Use insurance instruments to target specific, well defined risks: this can offer very high leverage ratios on the use of public funds, and crowd in private sector insurance capital.[15]



Over 91% of the primary energy supply in Ethiopia is coming from biomass as of 2015 (45.8 out of 49.9 MTOE). Additionally, in the final sectors of Ethiopian society more than 90% of the energy is coming from biomass and of that 99% is consumed by direct residencies.[16] Often coming in the form of animal product and forestry, natural resources, biomass as a renewable energy source is utilized extensively by direct residences and the final sector. Over time Ethiopia's forests have shrunk from covering 35% of the country at the turn of the twentieth century to under 15% currently. This loss can primarily be attributed to population growth. The country's developed a strategy it calls the Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project to attempt to combat the noticeable degradation of vegetation cover and address resource shortages for future industrial and energy needs.[17] As of 2008, 85% of Ethiopia's population almost exclusively relied on two types of biomass fuels for cooking: woody biomass and dung.[18] Such a reliance on biomass backed fuels has been linked to the over 72,400 indoor air pollution caused deaths that occur annually in Ethiopia.[19] The government plans to distribute 9 million more efficient stoves by 2015 to reduce wood use while improving air quality and lowering CO2 emissions.[5]



As Ethiopia produces more power than it consumes, it has become a regional power exporter. In 2015, it sells electricity to Kenya, Sudan and Djibouti and has future contracts for power sales to Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan and Yemen.[20] The Eastern African Power Pool will expand transmission lines to make this possible. Exports to Egypt and Sudan are possible after the completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.[21]

See also



  1. ^ "Ethiopia Renewable Energy". International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. 2022-06-28.
  2. ^ a b c "Ethiopia - Energy". International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. 2024-01-18.
  3. ^ "Ethiopia Looks to Tap Its Massive Renewable Energy Potential". Retrieved 2024-03-24.
  4. ^ a b Solar energy vision for Ethiopia Opportunities for creating a photovoltaic industry in Ethiopia, Ethio Resource Group, 2012
  5. ^ a b Ethiopia's Climate-Resilient Green Economy Strategy, Government of Ethiopia, 2011
  6. ^ Gupta, Dawit (2018). "Determinants of household adoption of solar energy technology in rural Ethiopia". Journal of Cleaner Production. 204: 193–204. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.09.016. S2CID 158535240.
  7. ^ Simane, Belay (2016). "Review of Climate Change and Health in Ethiopia: Status and Gap Aalysis". Ethiopian J Health. 30: 28–41.
  8. ^ "Ethiopia".
  9. ^ Wondimagegnehu (2015). "Evaluation of Climate Change Impact on Blue Nile Basin Cascade Reservoir Operation - case study of proposed Reservoirs in the Main Blue Nile River Basin Ethiopia". Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. 366: 133. Bibcode:2015PIAHS.366..133W. doi:10.5194/piahs-366-133-2015.
  10. ^ van der Zwaan, Bob (2018). "Prospects for Hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis" (PDF). Energy Strategy Reviews. 19: 19–30. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001.
  11. ^ Kieron Monks (20 December 2016). "Ethiopia becomes the wind capital of Africa". CNN.
  12. ^ Bekele, Getachew (2012). "Investigation of Wind Farm Interaction with Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation's Grid". Energy Procedia. 14: 1766–1773. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.12.1165.
  13. ^ Smith, David (2013). "Ethiopia Opens Africa's biggest windfarm". The Guardian.
  14. ^ Ethiopia signs $4 billion geothermal deal, AFP, Oct 23, 2013
  15. ^ "WORKING PAPER: Innovative risk finance solutions - Insights for geothermal power development in Kenya and Ethiopia - Climate and Development Knowledge Network". Climate and Development Knowledge Network. Retrieved 2017-03-10.
  16. ^ Kim, Sudak (2018). "Reducing Biomass Utilization in the Ethiopia Energy System: A National Modeling Analysis". Energies. 11 (7): 1745. doi:10.3390/en11071745.
  17. ^ Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project (WBISPP) (1995). "A Strategic Plan for the Sustainable Development of Woody Biomass Resources". Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research. 3.
  18. ^ Mekonnen, Alemu; Köhlin, Gunnar (2008). "Biomass Fuel Consumption and Dung Use as Manure" (PDF). 1. Environment for Development. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  19. ^ Wassie, Yibeltal (2019). "Potential Environmental Impacts of small-scale renewable energy technologies in East Africa: A systematic review of the evidence". Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 111: 377–391. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.05.037.
  20. ^ Ethiopia to Export Renewable Energy, Reuters, Bethelhem Lemma, 14 May 2015
  21. ^ Ethiopia to step up as regional clean power exporter, World Bulletin, 13 May 2015