Armorial of the governors-general of New Zealand

The following is an armorial of the individuals, who have served as governor-general of New Zealand.

Crowned arms of New Zealand as it appears on the flag of the governor-general

Almost all governors-general have been granted armorial achievements, sometimes known as coats of arms. Carved panels depicting the full achievements of former governors-general is displayed in the Tupaepae (main entrance hall) of Government House in Wellington,[1] with the most recent addition being that of Dame Pasty Reddy.[2]

The coats of arms of the governors-general from the Earl of Liverpool to Lord Galway were largely inherited, and so do not reflect on their lives or careers.[3] However, those from the 1940s onwards begin to show more elements reflecting the connections between the office of governor-general and New Zealand.[4]

Many of the armorial bearings since those of Sir Denis Blundell have been designed, in whole or in part, by Phillip O'Shea, New Zealand Herald of Arms Extraordinary.[3][2]

Coats of arms of governors-general

No. Portrait Name[5][6] Arms Blazon Full achievements
1   Arthur Foljambe, Earl of Liverpool[a]   Escutcheon: Sable a Bend between six Escallops Or, and as an honourable augmentation (granted Aug 1906) on the bend in chief on an Escutcheon Vert a Key surmounted by a Baton in saltire Or.


Centre: On a Chapeau Gules, turned up Ermine, a Lion rampant Gules, charged on the shoulder with a Besant, thereon an Eagle displayed Sable, and resting the dexter hind paw on a Plate, charged with a Bend Azure, thereon three Garbs Or, and surmounted by an Escutcheon Argent, charged with an Eagle displayed Sable, charged on the breast with a Fleur-de-lis Or, the Lion crowned gold, and supporting with the forepaws a Man-of-War's Church Pennant proper (Honourable Augmentation).

Dexter: a Seaweed Rock proper, thereon a Heraldic Sea-Lion sejant Azure, resting the dexter paw on an Escutcheon per Fess wavy Argent and Azure, in chief a Cormorant Sable, beaked and legged Gules, holding in the beak a Branch of Seaweed (called laver) inverted Vert, and in base a Hawk, wings elevated and addorsed Argent.

Sinister: a Man's Leg unarmed, couped at the thigh, quarterly Or and Sable, spurred Gold.

Coronet: That of an Earl

Supporters: On either side, a Griffin, wings elevated Or, beaked, membered, ducally gorged, and on the wing three Fleurs-de-lis, one and two, all Azure, the dexter charged on the breast with a Torteau, thereon a Cross-Crosslet fitchée Argent (Badge of Howard); and the sinister charged on the breast with a Pellet, thereon a Stag's Head caboshed Argent (Badge of Cavendish).

Mottos: Over centre crest: Bydd ddiysgog (Be steadfast); Over dexter crest: Demoures ferme (Be fast); Over sinister crest: Bee fast; Under the arms: Soyes ferme (Be steadfast)[8]

2   John Jellicoe, Viscount Jellicoe   Escutcheon: Argent, three Bars wavy Azure, over all a Whale hauriant Sable.

Crest: Out of a Naval Crown Or, a Demi-Wolf Azure.

Coronet: That of a Viscount

Supporters: On either side a Sea-Griffin Or.

Motto: Sui memores merendo (Remembered for their merits - referencing Virgil's Aeneid, VI, 664)[9][10]

3   Sir Charles Fergusson[b]   Escutcheon: Quarterly: 1st grandquarter Azure, a buckle Argent between three boars' heads couped Or, armed and langued gules (Fergusson of Kilkerran); 2nd grandquarter, counter-quartered: 1st and 4th Argent, an eagle displayed Sable beaked and membered Gules (Ramsay); 2nd and 3rd Gules, a chevron between three fleurs de lis Or (Broun of Colston); 3rd grandquarter, counterquartered: 1st and 4th Or, a lion rampant couped at all joints Gules within a double tressure flory counter flory Azure (Maitland); 2nd and 3rd Argent, a shakefork Sable (Cunningham of Glencairn): 4th grandquarter Or, on a saltire Azure nine lozenges of the first, on a bordure of the second eight mullets and as many boars' heads erased alternately Argent (Dalrymple of New Hailes).

Crest: A bee on a thistle Proper.

Supporters: None

Mottos: Dulcius ex asperis (Sweeter after difficulties); on compartment: Ut prosim aliis (May I profit others)[11]

4   Charles Bathurst, Lord Bledisloe   Escutcheon: Sable two bars ermine, in chief three cross pattée Or.

Crest: A dexter arm in mail embowed, holding in the hand all Proper, a club with spike Or.

Coronet: That of a Viscount

Supporters: On either side a bull guardant Gules, ringed, and a line therefrom reflexed over the back Or.

Motto: Tien ta foy (Keep thy faith)[12][13]

5   George Monckton-Arundell, Viscount Galway   Escutcheon: Quarterly, 1st and 4th Sable, six swallows, three, two and one, Argent (Arundell); 2nd and 3rd Sable, on a chevron, between three martlets Or, as many mullets of the field (Monckton).

Crest: 1st, On a chapeau Azure doubled, turned up Ermine, a swallow Argent (Arundell); 2nd, A martlet Or (Monckton).

Coronet: That of a Viscount

Supporters: Two unicorns Ermine, crined, armed and unguled, each gorged with an Eastern diadem Or.

Motto: Famam Extendere Factis (To extend my fame by deeds)[14]

6   Sir Cyril Newall   Escutcheon: Per Pale Azure and Gules two lions Passant Guardant in Pale Or on a chief Ermine a rose of the second barbed and seeded between a lotus flower and a sprig of New Zealand fern all Proper.

Crest: Issuant from an Astral Crown Or an eagle wings elevated Sable breathing flames proper.

Coronet: That of a Baron

Supporters: On either side a pegasus Argent gorged with an astral crown Or.

Motto: Deo Juvante (With God's help)[15][16]

7   Bernard Freyberg, Lord Freyberg   Escutcheon: Or, on a chief sable four mullets of the field.

Crest: A Demi Lion Gules holding between the paws an Eagle displayed Sable

Coronet: That of a Baron

Supporters: On either side a salamander proper.

Motto: New Zeal and Honour (a play on "New Zealand Honour"[4])[17]

8   Sir Willoughby Norrie   Escutcheon: Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Ermine, on a pale Gules three helmets Argent (Norrie); 2nd and 3rd, Or, on a chevron Azure between two poplar trees eradicated in chief Proper, and a mullet of six points in base Azure, a key the wards downwards Or (Moke).

Crest: Dexter, an elephant's head erased sable, tusked argent, supporting with the trunk a garb or (Norrie). Sinister, stag's head couped, holding in the mouth a branch of poplar proper, between the attired a key as in the arms pendant from a chain or (Moke).

Coronet: That of a Baron

Supporters: On either side a dark bay racehorse supporting between the forelegs a frond of New Zealand fern Proper.

Motto: Deus nobis providet (God provides for us)[18]

9   Charles Lyttelton, Viscount Cobham   Escutcheon: Argent, a Chevron between three Escallops Sable (Lyttelton).

Crest: A Moor's Head in profile, couped at the shoulders proper, wreathed about the temples Argent and Sable.

Coronet: That of a Viscount

Supporters: On either side a Merman proper, holding in the exterior hand a Trident Or.

Motto: Ung Dieu, ung roy (One God, one King)[19][20]

10   Sir Bernard Fergusson[c]   Escutcheon: Quarterly: 1st grandquarter Azure, a buckle Argent between three boars' heads couped Or armed and langued gules (Fergusson of Kilkerran) 2nd grandquarter, counterquartered; 1st and 4th Argent, an eagle displayed Sable beaked and membered Gules (Ramsay); 2nd and 3rd Gules, a chevron between three fleurs de lis Or (Broun of Colston): 3rd grandquarter, counterquartered; 1st and 4th Or, a lion rampant couped at all joints Gules within a double tressure flory counter flory Azure (Maitland); 2nd and 3rd Argent, a shakefork Sable (Cunningham of Glencairn): 4th grandquarter Or, on a saltire Azure nine lozenges of the first, on a bordure of the second eight mullets and as many boars' heads erased alternately Argent (Dalrymple of New Hailes): the whole within a bordure Argent for difference.

Crest: Issuing out of a mullet Argent a bee on a thistle Proper.

Coronet: That of a Baron

Supporters: Dexter, a soldier of the 42nd Highlanders, the Black Watch (The Royal Highland Regiment), attired in the full dress uniform of that regiment, including sporran and the feature bonnet as worn in the early 20th century; sinister, a Māori chieftain attired about the waist in a korowai (or mat) Argent, embellished with strings Sable, and over his left shoulder another korowai Or, also embellished with strings Sable, and embroidered Sable and Gules, two huia feathers in his hair, his face tattooed, a kuru (greenstone pendant) suspended from his dexter ear, his sinister hand grasping the shaft, and his dexter hand the tuft, of a taiaha (spear) held in bend sinister, point downwards Proper.

Motto: Dulcius ex asperis (Sweeter after difficulties)[21][22]

11   Sir Arthur Porritt   Escutcheon: Or, a serpent in bend vert between two lions' heads erased gules, on a chief of the last two swords points upwards in saltire of the first, between as many roses argent both surmounted by another gules barbed and seeded proper.

Crest: On a wreath Or and Gules, a demi Heraldic Antelope Gules armed Azure collared Or, holding a Torch of the last enflamed proper between two Fern Fronds Vert.

Coronet: That of a Baron

Supporters: On the dexter side an Eagle and on the sinister side a Tūī Bird both proper.

Motto: Sapienter et fortiter ferre (To bear bravely and wisely)[21]

12   Sir Denis Blundell   Escutcheon: Barruly Argent and Sable on a Chief Vert three Pallets Or in front of the centre Pallet a Torteau Gules.

Crest: Two branches of Laurel leaved and fructed Proper an Acorn Argent in front of an Escallop reversed Gules.

Supporters: Dexter: an Owl Proper; Sinister: a Moa Proper.

Motto: To Serve with Tolerance[4][23]

13   Sir Keith Holyoake   Escutcheon: Per pale Or and Gules, on a Mount in base Counterchanged a Holly Tree Gules fructed Or dimidiating an Oak Tree Or fructed Gules, two apples slipped in chief and a like apple in base all Counterchanged.

Crest: A Kiwi supporting with the dexter claw a Māori whale-bone patu-parāoa proper ensigned by a representation of the Royal Crown.[24]

Supporters: On the dexter side an Aberdeen Angus Bull supporting a Mace representing that of the New Zealand House of Representatives, and on the sinister side a Coopworth Ram supporting a Black Rod representing that of the New Zealand Parliament, all proper.

Motto: Be zealous, compassionate and loyal[25][21]

14   Sir David Beattie   Escutcheon: Gules, on a chevron engrailed argent between three full bottomed wigs a royal crown between two bees proper.

Crest: Upon a wreath argent and gules, issuant from a circlet of estoiles azure and Pōhutukawa (metrosideros excelsa) blossom a Pīwakawaka fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa) proper.

Supporters: Dexter: A male athlete proper wearing shorts and a singlet sable. Sinister: A judge of the High Court of New Zealand in full ceremonial robes proper.

Motto: Pro civitate (For the Nation)[4]

15   Sir Paul Reeves   Escutcheon: Per pale and per chevron embowed and enhanced Argent and Azure, three mitres (two and one) the infulae adorned with the Māori pītau kōwhaiwhai pattern and three estoiles (one and two) all Counterchanged, in the fess point a royal crown and cap of estate Proper.

Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Argent and Azure a circlet of the Māori poutama stepped pattern, statant thereon a tūī or parson bird (Prosthemadera novaseelandiae) Proper holding aloft in its dexter claw three feathers Argent their quills crossing in base.

Supporters: On the dexter a brown kiwi (Apteryx australis) and sinister a kōtuku or white heron (Egretta alba) beaks downward Proper each gorged with an ancient crown and supporting with the interior foot crozier Or with the shaft adorned with the Māori pītau kōwhaiwhai pattern Proper.

Compartment: A grassy mount with fern fronds growing therefrom Proper.

Motto: Whakarongo ("To listen" or "To be informed")[4]

16   Dame Catherine Tizard   Escutcheon: Barry wavy Argent and Azure overall a lymphad oars in action the sail Sable (Maclean) charged with a representation of the royal crown Proper pennons Gules between three escallops Or.

Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Argent and Azure within a circlet upon the rim eight New Zealand ferns (five manifest) Argent a Cat a Mountain guardant Sable (Macpherson) holding in its foreclaws a "Kate Sheppard" Camellia slipped and leaved Proper mantled Azure doubled Argent.

Supporters: Two New Zealand Wood Pigeons wings elevated addorsed Proper that on the dexter supporting with its interior foot a representation of the mace of the House of Representatives of New Zealand and that on the sinister likewise supporting with its interior foot a representation of the mace of the City of Auckland. All on a compartment comprising a grassy mount from which grow New Zealand fern and thistles all Proper.

Motto: Floreat Feles Felix (May the happy cat flourish)[4][26]

17   Sir Michael Hardie Boys   Escutcheon: Gules between two Pallets Argent a Cross formy convex Or on each limb a Mullet Gules on a Chief Or the Royal Crown between two full bottomed Wigs proper.

Crest: Perched on a Log fesswise a New Zealand bellbird proper holding in the beak an Anchor Or.

Supporters: On either side a North Island Weka proper.[27]

Motto: Certus et Constans (Sure and Steadfast - in reference to the Boys' Brigade)[4]

18   Dame Silvia Cartwright None[d]  
19   Sir Anand Satyanand   Escutcheon: Gules a White Fronted Tern or Tara (Sterna striata) volant proper between three Trumpet Shells (Charonia tritonis) palewise and in centre chief a Pair of Scales Or.

Crest: A North Island Brown Kiwi (Apteryx australis mantelli) supporting a Mace representing that of the New Zealand House of Representatives palewise Or and between the Mace and Kiwi a Barrister’s Wig proper.

Supporters: On either side an Indian Elephant Sable about its neck a Wreath of Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) Vert fructed with orange drupes proper.[28]

Motto: Through truth comes joy[4]

20   Sir Jerry Mateparae   Escutcheon: Vert on a Fess invected Argent a Fess per fess indented of three points Gules and Sable thereon a Wave crested of three points each in the form of a Koru Argent all between three Whalebone Clubs or Kotiate bendwise sinister also Argent in the centre chief a Royal Crown proper.

Crest: Upon a Helm with a Wreath Argent and Vert a Fantail or Pīwakawaka wings extended fesswise the head lowered and the tail displayed upwards proper thereon five Mullets in cross Gules fimbriated Argent Mantled Argent Doubled Vert.

Supporters: Dexter A European Woman proper vested in a long evening dress and wearing slippers Vert gorged with a cord also Vert pendant therefrom a greenstone pendant or Pounamu Kuru and holding in the dexter arm its head to the sinister a ginger and white Cat proper.

Sinister A Māori vested in the uniform of a Lieutenant of the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment with collar badges wearing a Service Dress shirt and tie with a Sam Browne Belt hanging to the sinister therefrom an Infantry Officer's Sword on his head a Khaki Lemon Squeezer Hat proper the Puggaree thereon Khaki Gules and Khaki and worn over the shoulders a Māori Cloak or Kaitaka proper.

Motto: He Tāngata He Tāngata He Tāngata (It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.)[29]

21   Dame Patsy Reddy   Escutcheon: Gules between two Cotises bendwise two Masks bendwise in bend one of Comedy in chief and the other of Tragedy in base the ties hanging inwards those in base overlapping those in chief all between two Pūtōrino (Māori bugle flutes) bendwise Or.

Badge: A female Huia Proper statant on a Fern Frond curved upwards to the dexter Vert all within a solid Circular Chain charged with four stylised Mānuka Flowers in cross Or.

Supporters: On a Compartment Vert on which are red Pōhutukawa Blossom and yellow Kōwhai Flowers slipped and leaved two Tīeke Birds Proper.

Motto: He toi whakairo he mana tangata (Where there is artistic excellence there is human dignity)[30]

22   Dame Cindy Kiro[e] No arms granted as yet

Coats of arms of governors


Several governors of New Zealand also had, mostly inherited, armorial bearings.

No. Portrait Name[5][6] Arms Blazon Full achievements
1   William Hobson No arms known
2   Robert FitzRoy No arms known
3   Sir George Grey   Escutcheon: Barry of six argent and azure, in chief three pellets[f] and label of three points ermine.

Crest: A unicorn passant ermine armed, maned, tufted and unguled or, in front of a sun in splendour.

Motto: Stabilis (Steadfast)[31][32]

4   Thomas Gore Browne No arms known
5   Sir George Ferguson Bowen No arms known
6   Sir James Fergusson[g]   Escutcheon: Azure, an arming buckle between three boars' heads or.

Crest: On a thistle leaved and flowered proper a bee or.

Motto: Dulcius ex asperis (Sweeter out of difficulties)[33]

7   George Phipps, Marquess of Normanby   Escutcheon: Quarterly: 1st and 4th, sable, a trefoil slipped within an orle of eight mullets, argent, Phipps; 2nd, paly of six, argent and azure, a bend, gules, Annesley; 3rd, the arms of King James II. within a border compony, ermine and azure.

Crest: A lion's jamb erased, sable, holding a trefoil slipped, argent.

Supporters: Dexter, a unicorn, ermine, armed, unguled, crined, and tufted, or, and gorged with a chaplet of roses; sinister, a goat, ermine, armed and unguled, azure, gorged as the dexter.

Motto: Virtute quies (Rest in virtue)[34]

8   Sir Hercules Robinson   Escutcheon: Vert, a chevron engrailed between three bucks at gaze or, each charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis azure.

Crest: Out of a crown vallory or, a mount vert, thereon a buck as in the arms.

Motto: Legi, regi, fidus (Faithful to the Law and the King)[35]

9   Sir Arthur Hamilton-Gordon   Escutcheon: Quarterly: 1st and 4th azure, three boars' heads couped within a double tressure flory counter-flory, adorned alternately with thistles and fleurs-de-lis, or Gordon; 2nd and 3rd quarterly, within a bordure sable, 1st and 4th gules, three cinquefoils pierced ermine, Hamilton; 2nd and 3rd argent, a lymphad sable, Arran.

Crests: 1st, two arms from the shoulder naked proper, holding a bent bow or, and in the act of letting fly an arrow proper; 2nd, out of a ducal coronet or, an oak tree, the stem cut transversely by a frame saw, the blade inscribed with the word “Through,” all proper; the body of the tree charged with an escutcheon argent, thereon a heart gules for difference.

Supporters: Dexter, a chief of the Fiji Islands, habited, and supporting with the exterior hand a club, all proper; sinister, an Adigar of the Island of Ceylon, habited, and holding in the exterior hand a staff of office, all proper.

Motto: Haud Immemor (Not unmindful)[36]

10   Sir William Jervois No arms known
11   William Onslow, Earl of Onslow   Escutcheon: Argent: a fesse gules, between six Cornish choughs sable, beaked and membered gules.

Crest: An eagle sable, preying on a partridge or.

Supporters: Two falcons close proper, belled or.

Motto: Festina lente (Quick, without impetuosity)[37]

12   David Boyle, Earl of Glasgow   Escutcheon: Quarterly: 1st and 4th or, an eagle with two heads displayed gules; a coat of augmentation for the earldom of Glasgow; 2nd and 3rd per bend embattled argent and gules, Boyle; over all an escutcheon or, charged with three stags’ horns gules, for the paternal coat of Boyle of Kelburne.

Crest: An eagle with two heads displayed per pale embattled gules and argent.

Supporters: Dexter, a savage, wreathed round the temples and loins, and holding in the dexter hand a branch of laurel all proper; sinister, a lion per pale embattled argent and gules.

Motto: Dominus providebit (The Lord will provide)[38][39][40]

13   Uchter Knox, Earl of Ranfurly   Escutcheon: Gules: a falcon volant or, within an orle, wavy on the outer, and engrailed on the inner edge, argent.

Crest: A falcon close, standing on a perch proper.

Supporters: Two falcons, wings inverted proper, beaked, membered, belled, ducally collared and lined, or.

Motto: Moveo et proficior (I move and prosper)[41][42]

14   William Plunket, Lord Plunket   Escutcheon: Sable, a bend argent between a tower in the sinister chief and a portcullis in the dexter base or.

Crest: A horse, passant argent, charged on the side with a portcullis sable.

Supporters: Dexter, an antelope or; sinister, a horse argent, each gorged with a plain collar sable, pendent therefrom a portcullis, also sable.

Motto: Festina lente (Quick, without impetuosity)[43][44]

15   John Dickson-Poynder, Lord Islington   Escutcheon: Quarterly: 1st and 4th, pily counterpily of four traits or and sable, the points ending in crosses formée, two in chief and one in base, in the centre chief point a castle of the second and in base two martlets of the first, a chief azure, thereon a key erect, the wards upwards and to the sinister gold between a rose on the dexter and a fleur-de-lis on the sinister argent, Poynder; 2nd and 3rd, azure, an anchor erect encircled with an oak wreath vert between three mullets pierced or; on a chief paly of seven of the last and gules, a mural crown argent, Dickson.

Crests: 1st, issuant out of the battlements of a castle argent charged with a cross-flory gules, a dexter cubit arm, vested sable, charged with a key as in the arms, cuff or, the hand proper holding a cross patee fitchee in bend also argent; 2nd, over an armed arm brandishing a falchion proper, a trident and spear in saltire or.

Supporters: Dexter, an eagle proper; sinister, a lion gules; each gorged with a collar or, pendant therefrom a bezant charged with a rose gules.

Motto: Fortes fortuna juvat (Fortune favours the brave)[45][46]

16   Arthur Foljambe, Earl of Liverpool See governors-general table above

See also



  1. ^ The last Governor and first Governor-general of New Zealand.[7]
  2. ^ Father of Sir Bernard Fergusson.
  3. ^ Son of Sir Charles Fergusson.
  4. ^ Dame Silvia Cartwright declined to seek armorial bearings. Her carved panel instead depicts her honours: the collar of the New Zealand Order of Merit, insignia of the Principal Companion of the Queen's Service Order and insignia of a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.[4]
  5. ^ Current governor-general.
  6. ^ Other sources give "torteaux" (i.e. a red roundel) instead of "pellets".[31]
  7. ^ Father of Sir Charles Fergusson, and grandfather of Sir Bernard Fergusson



  This article incorporates text from these sources, which are in the public domain:

  1. ^ "Carved coats of arms". Retrieved 19 May 2022.
  2. ^ a b "The unveiling of Dame Patsy Reddy's Coat of Arms". Retrieved 19 May 2022.
  3. ^ a b "The Designs". Retrieved 19 May 2022.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i "New Zealand elements". The Governor-General of New Zealand. Retrieved 17 May 2022.
  5. ^ a b "Former Governors-General". Retrieved 19 May 2022.
  6. ^ a b "Countries Na-Ne". Retrieved 19 May 2022.
  7. ^ "Second Earl of Liverpool". Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Retrieved 18 May 2022.
  8. ^ Debrett's Peerage, and Titles of Courtesy. London, Dean. 1921. p. 576, LIVERPOOL, EARL OF. (Foljambe.). Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  9. ^ Cox, Noel. "THE ARMS OF EARL JELLICOE". Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  10. ^ Debrett's Peerage, and Titles of Courtesy. London, Dean. 1921. p. 507, JELLIC0E, VISCOUNT. (Jellicoe.). Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  11. ^ Burke, Sir Bernard; Burke, Ashworth P. (1915). A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage and baronetage, the Privy Council, Knightage and Companionage. London : Harrison & Sons. pp. 792–793, FERGUSSON. Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  12. ^ Cox, Noel. "THE ARMS OF VISCOUNT BLEDISLOE". Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  13. ^ Debrett's Peerage, and Titles of Courtesy. London, Dean. 1921. p. 121, BLEDISLOE, BARON. (Bathurst.). Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  14. ^ Debrett's Peerage, and Titles of Courtesy. London, Dean. 1921. p. 393, GALWAY, VISCOUNT. (Monckton-Arundell.). Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  15. ^ Cox, Noel. "THE ARMS OF LORD NEWALL". Retrieved 19 May 2022.
  16. ^ Morris, Susan (20 April 2020). Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage 2019. eBook Partnership. p. 3794, NEWALL, BARON (Newall). ISBN 978-1-9997670-5-1. Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  17. ^ Morris, Susan (20 April 2020). Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage 2019. eBook Partnership. p. 2676, FREYBERG, BARON (Freyberg). ISBN 978-1-9997670-5-1. Retrieved 19 May 2022.
  18. ^ Cox, Noel. "THE ARMS OF LORD NORRIE". Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  19. ^ Burke, Bernard (1864). The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales: Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time. Harrison & sons. p. 634. Retrieved 18 May 2022.
  20. ^ Debrett's Peerage, and Titles of Courtesy. London, Dean. 1921. p. 222, COBHAM, VISCOUNT. (Lyttelton.). Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  21. ^ a b c The Illustrated encyclopedia of New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z. : D. Bateman. 1989. p. 497. ISBN 978-1-86953-007-5. Retrieved 21 September 2023.
  22. ^ "New Zealand Connections to the Order of the Thistle". Onward. 14 July 2022. Retrieved 21 September 2023.
  23. ^ McLauchlan, Gordon (1987). Bateman New Zealand encyclopedia. Auckland, N.Z. : David Bateman Ltd. p. 204. ISBN 978-0-908610-21-1. Retrieved 23 September 2024.
  24. ^ "Armorial Crest". Nelson Provincial Museum. Retrieved 21 September 2023.
  25. ^ "Armorial Bearings, Sir Keith Holyoake". Nelson Provincial Museum. Retrieved 21 September 2023.
  26. ^ Tizard, Catherine (3 September 2010). Cat Among the Pigeons: A Memoir. Penguin Random House New Zealand Limited. pp. 233–234. ISBN 978-1-86979-586-3. Retrieved 23 May 2022.
  27. ^ TRANSCRIPT OF EXTRACT FROM THE RECORDS OF THE COLLEGE OF ARMS - Grants 166/110 - Grant of Arms, Crest and Supporters to Sir Michael Hardie Boys, College of Arms, 2000
  28. ^ TRANSCRIPT OF EXTRACT FROM THE RECORDS OF THE COLLEGE OF ARMS - Grants 175/293 - Grant of Arms, Crest and Supporters to Sir Anand Satyanand, College of Arms, 2011
  29. ^ O'Shea, Phillip. "THE ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF LIEUTENANT-GENERAL THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JERRY (JEREMIAH) MATEPARAE, G.N.Z.M., Q.S.O., K.St.J., Governor-General of New Zealand 31 August 2011 - 31 August 2016" (PDF). Retrieved 17 May 2022.
  30. ^ O'Shea, Phillip. "THE ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF THE RT HON DAME PATSY REDDY, G.N.Z.M., Q.S.O., D.St.J., Governor-General of New Zealand 28 September 2016 -" (PDF). Retrieved 17 May 2022.
  31. ^ a b "History of The Grey". Grey High School. Retrieved 30 December 2022.
  32. ^ Burke, Bernard; Burke, Ashworth Peter (1895). A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry. Harrison. pp. 582–585, Grey. Retrieved 25 June 2022.  This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  33. ^ Debrett's peerage, baronetage, knightage, and companionage. London : Dean & Son. 1903. p. 222, FERGUSSON. Retrieved 17 June 2022.
  34. ^ Debrett's peerage, baronetage, knightage, and companionage. London, Oldhams Press. 1876. p. 355, NORMANBY, MARQUESS OF. (Phipps.). Retrieved 17 June 2022.
  35. ^ Debrett's peerage, baronetage, knightage, and companionage. London, Oldhams Press. 1893. pp. 474–475, ROBINSON. Retrieved 17 June 2022.
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  39. ^ Burke, Bernard (1915). A genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage and baronetage, the Privy Council, knightage and companionage. London : Harrison & Sons. pp. 873–875, GLASGOW. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  40. ^ Cox, Noel. "The Arms of the Earl of Glasgow". Retrieved 18 June 2022.
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  42. ^ Burke, Bernard (1915). A genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage and baronetage, the Privy Council, knightage and companionage. London : Harrison & Sons. pp. 1666–1669, RANFURLY. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
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  45. ^ Debrett's Peerage, and Titles of Courtesy. London, Dean. 1921. p. 505, ISLINGTON, BARON. (Dickson-Poynder.). Retrieved 16 June 2022.
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