Anthem of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic

(Redirected from Anthem of the Turkmen SSR)

The State Anthem of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic was used from 1946 to 1996. Lyrics were removed in 1991 as a result of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the gaining of independence of Turkmenistan.[1] The current State Anthem of Turkmenistan later replaced the Turkmen SSR anthem in 1996.

Türkmenistan Sowet Sotsialistik Respublikasy Döwlet Gimni
English: State Anthem of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic
Түркменистан Совет Социалистик Республикасы Дөвлет Гимни

Former regional anthem of the Turkmen SSR
Former national anthem of Turkmenistan
LyricsCollectively, 1978 (1978)
MusicVeli Mukhatov, 1946 (1946)
Adopted1946 (1946)
Readopted1991 (1991) (without lyrics)
Relinquished1991 (1991) (with lyrics)
27 September 1996 (1996-09-27) (music only)
Succeeded byState Anthem of Turkmenistan
Audio sample
1968 official band recording


Vocal version
US Navy Band post-1991 version

It was used from 1946 to 1996. The music was composed by Veli Mukhatov, who also composed the current national anthem of Turkmenistan; and the lyrics were written by Aman Kekilov and a group of authors. On 12 April 1978, the original lyrics were changed to remove mentions of Joseph Stalin. After Turkmenistan's independence was declared, its melody was still used until late 1996. However, there were no lyrics in the new version.[1]



1978–1991 version

Turkmen original Transliteration IPA transcription[a] English translation

Дең хукуклы халклармызың достлугы
Совет илин бир машгала өвүрди!
Бу достлугың аркадагы Рус халкы
Эгсилмез доганлык көмегин берди.

Яша сен, кувватлан, эй азат Ватан!
Баряң Коммунизмиң еңшине бакан.
Ленин партиясындан гүйч алян, өсйән,
Совет Ватанымыз, җан Түркменистан!

Бейик Ленин ачды азатлык ёлун,
Бизе бакы ягты дурмуш гетирди.
Галкындырып әхли халкы хак ише,
Еңише, зәхмете, багта етирди.


Коммунизме баглап арзув–эркимиз,
Айдың гелҗегмизи дөредйәс, гуряс.
Гызыл байдагы биз берк тутуп голда,
Биз бейик максада ынамлы баряс.


Deň hukukly halklarmyzyň dostlugy
Sowet ilin bir maşgala öwürdi!
Bu dostlugyň arkadagy Rus halky
Egsilmez doganlyk kömegin berdi.

Ýaşa sen kuwwatlan, eý azat Watan!
Barýaň Kommunizmiň ýeňşine bakan.
Lenin partiýasyndan güýç, alýan, ösýän.
Sowet Watanymyz, jan Türkmenistan!

Beýik Lenin açdy azatlyk ýolun,
Bize baky ýagty durmuş getirdi.
Galkandyryp ähli halky hak işe,
Ýeňişe, zähmete, bagta ýetirdi.


Kommunizme baglap arzuw-erkimiz,
Aýdyň geljegmizi döredýäs, gurýas.
Gyzyl baýdagy biz berk tutup golda,
Biz beýik maksada, ynamly barýas.


[dɛŋ χʊ.qʊq.ɫɪ χɑɫq.ɫɑɾ.mɪ.ðɪŋ dɔθt.ɫʊ.ɣɪ ǀ]
[θɔ.βɛt ɪ.lɪn bɪɾ mɑʃ.ɢɑ.ɫɑ œ.βʏɾ.dɪ ǁ]
[bʊ dɔθt.ɫʊ.ɣɪŋ ɑɾ.qɑ.dɑ.ɣɪ rʊθ χɑɫ.qɪ ǀ]
[ɛg.θɪl.mɛð dɔ.ɣɑn.ɫɪq ǀ kœ.mɛ.ɡɪn bɛɾ.dɪ ǁ]

[jɑ.ʃɑ θɛn ǀ qʊβ.βɑt.ɫɑn ǀ ɛj ɑðɑt βɑ.tɑn ǁ]
[bɑɾ.jɑŋ kɔm.mʊ.nɪð.mɪŋ jɛŋ.ʃɪ.nɛ bɑ.qɑn ǁ]
[lɛ.nɪn pɑɾ.tɪ.jɑ.θɪn.dɑn gʏjt͡ʃ ɑɫ.jɑn ǀ œθ.jæn ǀ]
[θɔ.βɛt βɑ.tɑ.nɪ.mɪð ǀ d͡ʒɑn tʏɾk.mɛ.nɪθ.tɑn ‖]

[bɛ.jɪk lɛ.nɪn ɑt͡ʃ.dɪ ɑ.ðɑt.ɫɪq jɔ.ɫʊn ǀ]
[bɪ.ðɛ bɑ.qɪ jɑɣ.tɪ dʊr.mʊʃ ɟɛ.tɪɾ.dɪ ǁ]
[ɢɑɫ.qɪn.dɪ.ɾɪp æh.lɪ χɑɫ.qɪ χɑq ɪ.ʃɛ ǀ]
[jɛ.ŋɪ.ʃɛ ǀ ðæh.mɛ.tɛ ǀ bɑɣ.tɑ jɛ.tɪɾ.dɪ ǁ]


[kɔm.mʊ.nɪð.mɛ bɑɣ.ɫɑp ɑɾ.ðʊ.βɛɾ.kɪ.mɪð ǀ]
[ɑj.dɪŋ gɛl.d͡ʒɛg.mɪ.ðɪ dœ.ɾɛd.jæθ ǀ ɢʊɾ.jɑθ ǁ]
[ɢɪ.ðɪɫ bɑj.dɑ.ɣɪ bɪð bɛɾk tʊ.tʊp ɢɔɫ.dɑ ǀ]
[bɪð bɛ.jɪk mɑq.θɑ.dɑ ɪ.nɑm.ɫɪ bɑɾ.jɑθ ǁ]


Thr bulwark of peoples' friendship is unbreakable.
The entire Soviet Union's become a united family!
And the Russians have become a stronghold of friendship.
We're blessed with happiness in our native land.

Sing to the native land sunny and free!
The Party of Lenin's a wise helmsman.
Your victorious step is headed towards communism,
Blossom, Soviet land! Flourish, dear Turkmenistan!

Lenin's paved us a clear way to freedom
And led us to eternal happy life.
He raised the people to fight for justice,
And inspired them to exploits and labour triumph!


We selflessly serve the cause of communism,
We've tied our destinies to it – today to come.
And with the scarlet banner, the banner of the Motherland,
To the greatest aim valorously we march on!


1946–1978 version

Turkmen original Transliteration IPA transcription[a] English translation

Дeң хукуклы халкармызын достлугы
Совет юрдин сармаз гала өвурди!
Бу достлугын ёлбашчысы Рус халкы
Бизе-де доганлык, көмегин берди.

Гайталама I:
Яша хем шөхратлан, сен гөзел Ватан,
Дири гитмез саңа аягын атан!
Аямарыс сеңин үчин ширин җан
Гүнешли Ватанмыз, эй Түркменистан.

Ачып Ленин азатлыкын гиң ёлын
Бизи багта, шат дурмуша гетирди,
Халкың оглы, халк сердары Сталин.
Үстүнликден үстүнлиге етирди.

Гайталама II:
Яша хем шөхратлан, сен гөзел Ватан,
Дири гитмез саңа аягын атан!
Аямарыс сеңин үчин ширин җан
Гүллейән Ватанмыз, эй Түркменистан.

Советлер дөвринде өсди үлкәмиз,
Биз тарыхи арзүвмызга етишдик.
Совет союзының азат халкы биз
Хем зәхметде, хем гөрешде беркишдик.

Яша хем шөхратлан, сен гөзел Ватан,
Дири гитмез саңа аягын атан!
Аямарыс сеңин үчин ширин җан
Мехрибан Ватанмыз, эй Түркменистан.[2][3][4]

Deň hukukly halkarmyzyn dostlugy
Sowet ýurdin sarmaz gala öwurdi!
Bu dostlugyn ýolbaşçysy Rus halky
Bize-de doganlyk, kömegin berdi.

Gaýtalama I:
Ýaşa hem şöhratlan, sen gözel Watan,
Diri gitmez saňa aýagyn atan!
Aýamarys seňin üçin şirin jan
Güneşli Watanmyz, eý Türkmenistan.

Açyp Lenin azatlykyn giň ýolyn
Bizi bagta, şat durmuşa getirdi,
Halkyň ogly, halk serdary Stalin.
Üstünlikden üstünlige ýetirdi.

Gaýtalama II:
Ýaşa hem şöhratlan, sen gözel Watan,
Diri gitmez saňa aýagyn atan!
Aýamarys seňin üçin şirin jan
Gülleýän Watanmyz, eý Türkmenistan.

Sowetler döwrinde ösdi ülkämiz,
Biz taryhi arzüwmyzga ýetişdik.
Sowet soýuzynyň azat halky biz
Hem zähmetde, hem göreşde berkişdik.

Gaýtalama III:
Ýaşa hem şöhratlan, sen gözel Watan,
Diri gitmez saňa aýagyn atan!
Aýamarys seňin üçin şirin jan
Mehriban Watanmyz, eý Türkmenistan.

[dɛŋ χʊ.qʊq.ɫɪ χɑɫq.ɫɑɾ.mɪ.ðɪŋ dɔθt.ɫʊ.ɣɪ ǀ]
[θɔ.βɛt jʊr.dɪn θɑɾ.mɑð ɢɑ.ɫɑ œ.βʏɾ.dɪ ǁ]
[bʊ dɔθt.ɫʊ.ɣɪŋ jɔɫ.bɑʃ.t͡ʃɪ.θɪ rʊθ χɑɫ.qɪ ǀ]
[bɪ.ðɛ.dɛ dɔ.ɣɑn.ɫɪq ǀ kœ.mɛ.ɡɪn bɛɾ.dɪ ǁ]

[ɢɑj.tɑ.ɫɑ.mɑ 1]
[jɑ.ʃɑ hɛm ʃœh.ɾɑt.ɫɑn ǀ θɛn gœ.ðɛl βɑ.tɑn ǀ]
[dɪ.ɾɪ gɪt.mɛð θɑ.ŋɑ ɑ.jɑ.ɣɪn ɑ.tɑn ǁ]
[ɑ.jɑ.mɑ.ɾɪʃ θɛ.ŋɪn ʏ.t͡ʃɪn ʃɪ.ɾɪn d͡ʒɑn ǀ]
[gʏ.nɛʃ.lɪ βɑ.tɑn.mɪð ǀ ɛj tʏɾk.mɛ.nɪθ.tɑn ‖]

[ɑ.t͡ʃɪn lɛ.nɪn ɑ.ðɑt.ɫɪ.qɪn gɪn jɔ.ɫɪn]
[bɪ.ðɪ bɑɣ.tɑ ǀ ʃɑt dʊr.mʊ.ʃɑ gɛ.tɪɾ.dɪ ǀ]
[χɑɫ.qɪŋ ɔɣ.ɫɪ ǀ χɑɫq θɛɾ.dɑ.ɾɪ θtɑ.lɪn ‖]
[ʏθ.tʏn.lɪk.dɛn ʏθ.tʏn.lɪ.gɛ jɛ.tɪɾ.tɪ ǁ]

[ɢɑj.tɑ.ɫɑ.mɑ 2]
[jɑ.ʃɑ hɛm ʃœh.ɾɑt.ɫɑn ǀ θɛn gœ.ðɛl βɑ.tɑn ǀ]
[dɪ.ɾɪ gɪt.mɛð θɑ.ŋɑ ɑ.jɑ.ɣɪn ɑ.tɑn ǁ]
[ɑ.jɑ.mɑ.ɾɪʃ θɛ.ŋɪn ʏ.t͡ʃɪn ʃɪ.ɾɪn d͡ʒɑn ǀ]
[gʏl.lɛ.jæn βɑ.tɑn.mɪð ǀ ɛj tʏɾk.mɛ.nɪθ.tɑn ‖]

[θɔ.βɛt.lɛɾ dœβ.ɾɪn.dɛ œθ.dɪ ʏl.kæ.mɪð ǀ]
[bɪð tɑ.ɾɪ.xɪ ɑɾ.ðʏβ.mɪð.ɢɑ jɛ.tɪʃ.dɪk ǁ]
[θɔ.βɛt θɔ.jʊ.ðɪ.nɪŋ ɑ.ðɑt χɑɫ.qɪ bɪð]
[hɛm ðæh.mɛt.dɛ ǀ hɛm gœ.ɾɛʃ.dɛ bɛɾ.kɪʃ.dɪk ǁ]

[ɢɑj.tɑ.ɫɑ.mɑ 3]
[jɑ.ʃɑ hɛm ʃœh.ɾɑt.ɫɑn ǀ θɛn gœ.ðɛl βɑ.tɑn ǀ]
[dɪ.ɾɪ gɪt.mɛð θɑ.ŋɑ ɑ.jɑ.ɣɪn ɑ.tɑn ǁ]
[ɑ.jɑ.mɑ.ɾɪʃ θɛ.ŋɪn ʏ.t͡ʃɪn ʃɪ.ɾɪn d͡ʒɑn ǀ]
[mɛh.ɾɪ.bɑn βɑ.tɑn.mɪð ǀ ɛj tʏɾk.mɛ.nɪθ.tɑn ‖]

The friendship of our people with equal rights,
The Soviet Union's transformed it into a fortress,
The leader of friendship is the Russian folk,
And the brotherhood's helped us as well.

Chorus I:
Long live and glorify, O beautiful Motherland,
If hardships try to overwhelm you,
We're willing to spare our lives for you,
Sunny Motherland, O Turkmenistan!

By opening the wide path of Lenin's freedom,
He has brought us to happiness,
Stalin, son and leader of the people,
From victory to victory.

Chorus II:
Long live and glorify, O beautiful Motherland,
If hardships try to overwhelm you,
We're willing to spare our lives for you,
Prosperous Motherland, O Turkmenistan!

Our country's developed during the Soviet era,
We've long achieved our dream,
We're a free people of the Soviet Union,
We're strong in both labour and struggle.

Chorus III:
Long live and glorify, ye beautiful Motherland,
If hardships try to overwhelm you,
We're willing to spare our lives for you,
Dear Motherland, O Turkmenistan!




  1. ^ a b Turkmenistan (1946-1997). Kendall, David.
  2. ^ a b "Гимн Туркменской ССР". Retrieved 2019-12-14.
  3. ^ a b "Туркменская ССР – Гимн". СССР наша Родина. Retrieved 2019-01-10.
  4. ^ a b "SOVET TÜRKMENISTANYNYÑ DÖWLET GIMNI". Retrieved 2019-01-10.