"Surudi Milliy"[a] is the national anthem of Tajikistan, officially adopted on 7 September 1994. It is derived from the anthem of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, composed by Sulaymon Yudakov in 1946.[1]

Surudi Milliy
English: "National Anthem"
Суруди Миллӣ
Sheet music

National anthem of Tajikistan
LyricsGulnazar Keldi
MusicSulaymon Yudakov, 1946
Adopted7 September 1994
Preceded byState Anthem of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic
Audio sample
Classic vocal recording in A minor



Upon the country's independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Tajikistan retained the Soviet-era regional anthem, lyrics and all, as its national anthem for a time before replacing the lyrics in 1994.[2] This was in contrast to other former Soviet states like Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan that appropriated their old Soviet-era regional anthems as national ones but did so without the Soviet lyrics.

The lyrics were written by Gulnazar Keldi, and the music was composed by Sulaymon Yudakov. The melody is the same as that of the Tajik SSR anthem.


Tajik original[3] Tajik Latin alphabet IPA transcription[b] English translation

Диёри арҷманди мо,
Ба бахти мо сари азизи ту баланд бод,
Саодати ту, давлати ту бегазанд бод.
Зи дурии замонаҳо расидаем,
Ба зери парчами ту саф кашидаем, кашидаем.

Зинда бош, эй Ватан,
Тоҷикистони озоди ман!

Барои ному нанги мо
Ту аз умеди рафтагони мо нишонаӣ,
Ту баҳри ворисон ҷаҳони ҷовидонаӣ,
Хазон намерасад ба навбаҳори ту,
Ки мазраи вафо бувад канори ту, канори ту.


Ту модари ягонаӣ,
Бақои ту бувад бақои хонадони мо,
Мароми ту бувад мароми ҷисму ҷони мо,
Зи ту саодати абад насиби мост,
Ту ҳастиву ҳама ҷаҳон ҳабиби мост, ҳабиби мост.


Diyori arjmandi mo,
Ba baxti mo sari azizi tu baland bod,
Saodati tu, davlati tu begazand bod.
Zi duriyi zamonaho rasidayem,
Ba zeri parchami tu saf kashidayem, kashidayem.

Zinda bosh, ey Vatan,
Tojikistoni ozodi man!

Baroyi nomu nangi mo
Tu az umedi raftagoni mo nishonaiy,
Tu bahri vorison jahoni jovidonaiy,
Xazon namerasad ba navbahori tu,
Ki mazrayi vafo buvad kanori tu, kanori tu.


Tu modari yagonaiy,
Baqoyi tu buvad baqoyi xonadoni mo,
Maromi tu buvad maromi jismu joni mo,
Zi tu saodati abad nasibi most,
Tu hastivu hama jahon habibi most, habibi most.


[dɪ.ˈjɔː.ɾɪ ɐɹd͡ʒ(ʊ).ˈman.dɪ mɔː ǀ]
[ba ˈbaχ.tʰɪ mɔː ˈsa.ɾɪ ʔɐ.ˈziː.zɪ tʰuː bɐ.ˈland bɔːd ǀ]
[sɐ.ʔɔː.ˈda.tʰɪ tʰuː dɐʋ.ˈla.tʰɪ tʰuː be.gɐ.ˈzand bɔːd ‖]
[zɪ duː.ˈɾɪ.(j)ɪ zɐ.mɔː.nɐ.ˈhɔː rɐ.siː.ˈda.(j)em ǀ]
[ba ˈze.ɾɪ pʰɐɹ.ˈt͡ʃʰa.mɪ tʰuː saf kʰɐ.ʃiː.ˈda.(j)em ǀ kʰɐ.ʃiː.ˈda.(j)em ‖]

[zɪn.ˈda bɔːʃ ǀ ej ʋɐ.ˈtʰan ǀ]
[tʰɔː.d͡ʒiː.kʰɪs.ˈtʰɔː.nɪ ɔː.ˈzɔː.dɪ man ‖]

[bɐ.ˈɾɔː.jɪ ˈnɔː.m‿ʊ ˈnaŋ.gɪ mɔː ǀ]
[tʰuː az ʊ.ˈme.dɪ rɐf.tʰɐ.ˈgɔː.nɪ mɔː nɪ.ʃɔː.ˈnɐ.(j)iː ǀ]
[tʰuː ˈbɐh.ɾɪ ʋɔː.ɾɪ.ˈsɔːn d͡ʒɐ.ˈhɔː.nɪ d͡ʒɔː.ʋɪ.dɔː.ˈnɐ.(j)iː ǀ]
[χɐ.ˈzɔːn nɐ.me.ɾɐ.ˈsad ba nɐʋ.bɐ.ˈhɔː.ɾɪ tʰuː ǀ]
[kʰɪ mɐz.ˈɾa.ʔɪ ʋɐ.ˈfɔː bʊ.ˈʋad kʰɐ.ˈnɔː.ɾɪ tʰuː ǀ kʰɐ.ˈnɔː.ɾɪ tʰuː ‖]


[tʰuː mɔː.ˈda.ɾɪ jɐ.gɔː.ˈna.(j)iː ǀ]
[bɐ.ˈqʰɔː.(j)ɪ tʰuː bʊ.ˈʋad bɐ.ˈqʰɔː.(j)ɪ χɔː.nɐ.ˈdɔː.nɪ mɔː ǀ]
[mɐ.ˈɾɔː.mɪ tʰuː bʊ.ˈʋad mɐ.ˈɾɔː.mɪ ˈd͡ʒɪs.m‿ʊ ˈd͡ʒɔː.nɪ mɔː ǀ]
[zɪ tʰuː sɐ.ʔɔː.ˈda.tʰɪ ɐ.ˈbad nɐ.ˈsiː.bɪ mɔːstʰ ǀ]
[tʰuː hɐs.ˈtʰɪ.ʋ‿ʊ hɐ.ˈma d͡ʒɐ.ˈhɔːn hɐ.ˈbiː.bɪ mɔːstʰ ǀ hɐ.ˈbiː.bɪ mɔːstʰ ‖]


Our country so beloved,
Happy we are to see your dignity.
Let your joy and prosperity forever be.
We have reached this day since time immemorial;
Together aligned we stand under your flag, under your flag.

Long live my homeland,
My free Tajikistan!

You are our symbol maternal,
You are the symbol of our honour and dignity,
You are for all your sons and daughters a world eternal,
Never shall your bosom fade away,
We shall continue to remain loyal to you, loyal to you.


You are a mother for us all,
Your destiny is the future for our families,
Your meaning is the essence of our souls and bodies,
You give us amaranthine happiness,
Because of you, Tajikistan, we love the world – love the world.



  1. ^ Tajik: Суруди Миллӣ, pronounced [sʊˌɾuːdɪ mɪlˈliː]; lit. "National Anthem"
  2. ^ See Help:IPA/Persian, Tajik alphabet and Tajik language § Phonology.


  1. ^ Tadzhikistan Legal Texts:The Foundations of Civic Accord and a Market Economy
  2. ^ "Tajikistan (1946-1994)". nationalanthems.info. 2013-04-27. Retrieved 2018-07-30.
  3. ^ "National anthem – Economic court of Dushanbe sity".